Mission City Cat Club, Garden Ridge, Texas, April 12-13, 2014 Saturday AM Saturday PM Sunday AM D'Ann Kovic AB Sue Becknell AB Don Caruthers AB Ana Maria Sosa AB Debbi Brown AB Nancy Parkinson AB Brendo Russo SP Adrianna Kajon AB Fate Mays AB Toni Meisberger SP Fate Mays SP Joe Edwards AB KITTENS DKAMS BR TM SB DB AK FM DC NP FM JE Graymark Dark Knight of Katsnklamms BO 8 3 1S 3S 5 3 2 4S 1 5 9 Felinart Cuddle Bug PS 1 5 5L 2L 2 9 1L 2 1 2 Rainforest Legend of Starglitter BG 2 4 1 1S 4 1 2 3 Distinct Forget Me Not SX 2 5S 9 9 8 2S 10 10 4 Kayserai Izzet TV 3 4 3L 10 4L 3 7 6 Fantarja Ondine of Forestkatz NF 7 10 2L 2L 3 9 6 10 Nascat Arnage MC 9 2 1L 5L 9 1 Hojpoj Nightbird of Ranchcats SI 9 5S 6 6 3S 3 Blossom Love Me Gordon Sage RD 5L 5 3L 8 6 8 Emblemystic I Will Be Oliver RD 5 1 3L 1L 4 Tex-Lapkatz Jadis of TX-Elfkatz DR 10 7 7 10 10 5 Grisaille Vanna of Valnika RB 6 2S 5 7 4 Exotictails Lizard of Wyldthingz SV 3S 4S 1 7 Bershar Just In Tyme OS 7 5S 9 4 Nascat Racetrack T of Mishikoonz MC 1 2 8 Hojpoj Moonlight SI 4 2S 5 Radiance Fine Fresh Fierce of Xiu SI 6 3 8 Calicoon Charlotte of Nascat MC 8 4L 3 Valnika Hope Diamond RB 4S 8 5 Blossom Oliver Opie Sage RD 4L 8 7 Hojpoj Rhiannon of Radiance SI 1S 4 Nascat Saleen Mustang MC 6 Cajunragdolls Zeruel of Ragball RD 6 Klazeekats Truffles of Ranchcats OS 7 Tex-Lapkatz Lillianna of TX-Elfkatz DR 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 29 29 14 14 30 28 30 14 30 27 30 30 Shorthair Count 15 15 16 CATS DKAMS BR TM SB DB AK FM DC NP FM JE Branbarrel Cowboy Casanova CY 4 8 1L 3L 9 1L 3 1 2 3 Pikespeak Fiero OC 6 7 1S 6 7 2 3S 7 5 1 Flutterby Mustang Sally SI 1 2 1S 3S 1 1S 8 1 8 Regencyrags Bravo Delighted Artiste RD 7 6 3L 3 6 6L 6 9 5 Cascademtn Blackhawk MC 2 4L 8L 3 10 2L 1 4 Lamancha Cinnabar of Kitti Kat SR 3 7S 7S 4 2S 7 10 6 Mystre Maybe Im Amazed BG 4 7 5 3 3 4 Vicketales Fudge HI 8 1 5L 6L 2 3L 8 Valnika Karena RB 5 10 5S 2S 2 4 Rokstarr Rama of Oro Ojos BO 2S 4S 7 9 4S 9 Cattrekker Starwind of Bershar OS 9 4 5S 10 8 Cattrekker Herald Mage Elspeth OS 6S 1 3 7 Creole Jackie Blue CR 9 8 10 2 Birjanji's Wifi Hotspot of Sazik/CF AS 3 5 9 Kayserai Fazyl TV 10 8L 5L 5 Shiekspurr Rigatoni HI 1 6 Vindouro Chocolate Diamond BU 3S 5S 9 Mishikoonz Cinnamon Trail T MC 6 2 Colorcountry Camille Reagan SX 4 6 Familytimerags Beau of Romancenrags RD 4L 2 Heartnsoul Hylian Hierarchy RD 4 10 Starghatts Journey BI 2L 9L 8L Smart Unbelive/ID SX 5 6S Dsjewels Sweet Cherry Pepper RD 4L 7 Cajunragdolls Comanche Warrior RD 6L 1L Kayserai Miro TV 8 7L KLM's Chasin' Snowflakes/CF OL 9L 8 Lakemountain Daemos TG 8S 10 Mystre Pure Imagination BG 6S 8S Alfenloch Mochachino of Shiekspurr HI 5 Bluesapphire Aphrodite SX 5 Cacao Bannerman of Shiekspurr HI 2L Vicketales Twix HI 9 Shiekspurr Penne HI 10 Flutterby Wild West Hero SI 4S Purrstarr Fiori of Shiekspurr HI 5L Annbirwaves Lady Kyla of Ojo Oros BI 7L Cajunragdolls Chief Standing Bear RD 7L Kotickee Logan Wolverine of Comix DR 7S Greystoke Shyla of Bluebonnet AS 8S Azwegie Frances NF 9L Allbreed/Longhair Count 48 47 24 24 49 49 47 24 48 47 47 47 Shorthair Count 23 23 23 ALTERS DKAMS BR TM SB DB AK FM DC NP FM JE Tuftlove Lena Horne of Koonary MC 1 2 4L 3 1 5 1L 5 3 2 Vindouro Cafedumonde of Katsnklamms BU 4 2S 4S 5 3 3 5S 2 5 6 Cacao Shauney Nbesnoye Dragotsenost PS 2 1 3L 1L 4 1 3 1 Radiance Rollin Inthe Deep OS 4 2 1S 1 2 1 Ranchcats Domino of Saroko OS 4 3S 2 3S 4 5 Kayserai Gunter TV 5 3 2L 5 5L Inkblotz Twinkle Toes BS 1 4 2S 5 LAPD Red Riot of Forestkatz MC 2L 2L 3 3 Ranchcats Esme of Hojpoj SI 3 1S 4S 2 Ksnorskatt Obi Wan Kenobie TO 3S 1S 2 Cajunragdolls Sy RD 5L 6 4L Kokopellies Big Bad Jon ABT 4 4 Balam Alfa Romeo PS 4 3L Starghatts Is He Stardust BI 1L 3L Cattrekker Aphrodite SI 4S 2S Sazikatz Mojito of Mixologies TO 1 Whozz Bartholomew of Oro Ojos ES 5S 5S Sazikatz Gimlet of Mixologies TO 5 Cajunragdolls Willie RD 4L Azwegie Whooz Yur Daddy NF 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 18 18 9 9 21 20 19 10 20 20 21 20 Shorthair Count 9 9 10 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS DKAMS BR TM SB DB AK FM DC NP FM JE Jelly Bean 1 4 2S 2S 1 1 1 1S 1 2 1 Buddy The Explorer 2 3 1S 4S 4 4 2 3S 2 3 3 1 Arnold 3 1 4S 3S 2 3 3 2S 3 1 2 Mojomagic of Odesseycatz 4 2 3S 1S 3 2 4 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 Shorthair Count 4 4 4 HOUSEHOLD PETS DKAMS BR TM SB DB AK FM DC NP FM JE Fruitcake of Sazikatz 5 6 1S 5S 8 5 6 4S 4 2 4 2 Zena 1 4 1L 1L 3 6 4 1L 3 7 1 1 Kashmir of Starghatts 6 5 2S 7S 1 1 2S 1 1 5 7 Buster of Cajunragdolls 3 1 2L 2L 2 2 3 2L 4 2 3 Bert 9 3 4S 1S 6 3 2 1S 2 3 Skimbleshanks The Railroad Cat 10 2 5S 4S 10 4 7 9S 8 5 7 Red Robin of Odesseycatz 8 10 7S 6S 9 10 8 3S 5 3 5 Gumdrop 4 7 10S 1 7 5 5S 6 6 9 Night Cap of Mixologies 2 6S 3S 7 9 8S 9 10 8 6 Sparky of Bluebonnet 9 3S 2S 4 8 6S 8 6 4 Mac of Bayouash 7 8 8S 8S 10 7S Mojomagic of Odesseycatz 7 9 10 8 Polly 9S 9S 5 9 10S Minu 10 9 Allbreed/Longhair Count 12 12 2 2 11 11 12 2 12 12 12 11 Shorthair Count 9 10 10 -- This report was prepared by Dorothy Seils (branbarrel@earthlink.net).