Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers, St. Francis, Wisconsin, December 7-8, 2013 Saturday Sunday Vickie Fisher AB Robin Sessler AB Debbie Lopeman AB Chris Unangst SP Chris Unangst AB Kim Tomlin AB Jeff Roberts AB Carol Lawson AB Kim Tomlin SP Steve Lawson AB Sharon Kalani SP Sharon Kalani SP Roberts Female Congress AB Sessler Female Congress AB Fisher Young Congress AB C Lawson Young Congress AB Lopeman NSY Congress AB S Lawson NSY Congress AB KITTENS VF DL CU JR KT SK RS CU KT CL SL SK Kolinga Claire of Fencroft BS 8 1 2 1S 1S 1 3S 2 2 8 2S Balihoo Ghirardelli OL 1 2 1 1 1L 2L 5 1L 5 5L Murrznpurrz Sweet n Sassy AS 7 6 6 2S 2S 4S 3 10 3S Jakoi Love Me Tender JBL 10 5 7 2L 1L 2L 1 1L Norsestar Aksel Olie Anderson NF 4 8 3L 5L 5L 4 4 4L Ginchika Magical Mystery Tour JB 4 6S 3S 4 2S 8S JCV Randy Quaid HI 6 9 9 5L 4L 6 Ginchika Maybe Im Amazed JB 8 3 8S 6S 7 7S Chicago Snow Prince Junior SI 8S 7 9S 3 5 9S Savoirfaire Wicked Storm BG 4 10 2 7 10S Balihoo Willy Wonka OS 9 7 5 3S 6S Purrstar Cosmic Ray of Cherishab/CF HI 3 2 3L 6 Rouletii Sweet Hickory RD 8 5 3L 9 3L Catapoltz Pauladean of Stars R Us ES 10S 10 1 3 Lovintonks Thai of Silver Ash TO 7S 4 1 6S Basilicblessing Sun Behind a Cloud SB 4L 8 6 7 Siberkatz Yueyan Lara Myrrh Bblesst SB 2 7 4L 2L Chatandolls Hoshi of Mooncrest OS 4 3 5 Briarvalley Moonshine AB 4S 5S 8 4S Stars R Us Pugi Man ES 9 1S 1S Summerwood Sugar SV 7S 4S 8S 5S Cob Hill's Oh Donna PS 5 3 Pattnchats Georgia of Filagrewaves DR 10 2 Spotsnglitz Chipotle BG 3 9 Ginchika Mercy JB 6 10 Starghatts Kharpern of Purrdocz BI 10 8 Spotsnglitz Alphecca of Starkittie BG 5S 9 Briarvalley Renewal of Trendsetters AB 10 5S Saintbella Sambuca Amore HI 6 Balihoo Blue Iris BA 9 Spotsnglitz Capella of Starkittie BG 7S Allbreed/Longhair Count 39 40 40 39 17 5 41 13 40 41 41 15 Shorthair Count 23 23 26 26 CATS VF DL CU JR KT SKJR1VF1DL1 RS CU KT CL SL SKRS1CL1SL1 Dreamquete Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye ES 2 7 1 2S 6S 5 2S 1 3 10 2S Lil Luv Lyns MVP of Cherishables HI 10 3 1 3L 7L 2 1L 4 4 8 5L 4 Mainevu Mojo Rising MC 4 5 4 4L 3L 1 1 3L 1 2 3L 2 Palacedolls Neptune of Rouletii RD 1 4 6 5L 1L 6 4L 7 2L Summerwood Rias Cody SV 10 9 10 2S 5 4S 8 1 5S 10 Ginchika Stephanie Princessofmonaco JB 9 8 8 1S 5S 5 4 4 5S 3S 3 Fogcity Pipette of Chemicoons MC 9 2 1L 2L 1 6 7L 3 1L 2 Ja-Koi Minna Yume No Naka JBL 6 2L 4L 9 5L 2 4L 5 1 Amaure Tequila Sunrise EM 3 7S 3 10 6 Biamerikitty Dreamer of Murrznpurrz AS 6 4S 3 8 5 7 8 Balihoo Blue Ivy BA 7 3 5 6L Oberlin Hannah Havanadana HB 8 6S 3 6 5 7 5 Designerstripes Onyx TG 1S 8 10 1S 6 Wyndchymes Baccarat of Dreamquete JB 2 3 1S 6 Balihoo Lavender Blue OL 1 6 5L 1 4 Savoirfaire Firenze BG 8 4S 2 Tecspot Ace of Spades of Albeng BG 7 7 3S 3 JCV Eva Gabor of Karissimakat PS 2L 5 6L Akerrs Galileo of Savoirfaire BG 2 3 Rouletii Sweet Garden RD 10 7 4 8 7 Basilicblessing Autumn Reign SB 6L 9 7 10 7L Briarvalley Cajun Queen AB 3S 6 Starkittie Polaris BG 3S 2 5 4S Snopride Vega of Starkittie BG 5S 9 Nite Wind Love Potion SR 7S 9 10 9 Spotsnglitz Speedie Freeze BG 4 Riterags In Christ Alone RD 5 Rowan Adara of Starkittie BG 5 2 6 Asiarose Gemmestone of Tache BG 7 1 Colorofcat Dr Pepper of Cdreams MC 9 1 7Ceders Harley Davey SB 9 5 Briarvalley Akela of Rulissa AB 10 6 8 9 2 Karissimakat Dancin Queen HI 6L 4 Whsprnwhskrs Iroquois Dreams ACL 7L 6 3 Norskipoints Sheba NF 3 Buctales Frost On My Nose MC 7 Ginchika Help Me Rhonda JB 4 Rouletii Full of Gratitude RD 4 2 SilverASH Reisling AS 9 Snopride Adorable of Spotsnglitz BG 8 Spotsnglitz Taurus of Starkittie BG 7 Allbreed/Longhair Count 47 43 44 47 22 22 32 21 24 44 22 45 43 44 22 33 25 22 Shorthair Count 22 22 20 20 ALTERS VF DL CU JR KT SK RS CU KT CL SL SK Radiance Tristan of Tombar OS 2 2 1S 1S 1 2S 3 5 4 1S Mysticmelody Lombardi of Rockinashi SB 1 1 3 1L 1L 1L 1 1 2L Dreadlock Fallen 4 Fiona Mc Fae DR 4 4 2 2S 4S 1S 2 4 Chemicoons Fenian Fire MC 4 3L 2L 5 3L 5 1L Trendsetters All I Want For Xmas AB 5 3S 3S 2 4S 2S HMS Maximilian BS 5 4 5S 5S 5 4S Ja-Koi Manatsu No Kajitsu JBL 2 2L 4L 4 5L Rouletii Just Too Sweet RD 3 3 4L 5L 4L Cob Hill's Sunny Sundown PS 1 3L 3 2L Silver ASH's Top Shelf AS 2S 2 3 5S Britishempire Tanqueray Sterling BL 5 5 4L 5L Timberbend Dobson SB 3 2 New Spring Rand Al Thor RD 3 3L Angelheart Zorros Mask RD 5L 1 Rockinashi Last Mango In Paris JB 1 4S Summerwood Maximus SV 4 3S Ginchika Lambeau Leap of Rouletii JB 5S 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 18 18 18 18 10 10 18 9 18 18 18 10 Shorthair Count 8 8 8 8 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS VF DL CU JR KT SK RS CU KT CL SL SK A Moment In Tyme 8 1 2 1 1S 1S 1 3S 1 6 3 1S Flint 5 8 1 8 3S 2S 2 1S 4 5 1 4S Lilly 10 2 3 4 4S 7S 9 2S 2 1 2 2S Chet 6 3 5 5 9S 3S 6 4S 7 8S Chombo 3 6 2 1L 1L 8 1L 3 5 1L Marlin 1 9 9 8S 4S 10S 9 2 6 5S Ozzie 7 5 8 3 7S 7 7 4 9S Rhinestone Romeo 7 4 7 2L 2L 4 2L 7 8 2L Bryce 2 9 10S 8S 5 7S 8 9 9 7S Another One 9 6 6 6S10S 3 8S 3 3S Apache 10 10 5S 9S 10 5S 6 10 810S Bubba 4 4 7 2S 5S 6S 5 Java 6S 9S 10 10 6S Rafael(GL) 10 3L 3L 4L 3L Swameytails Lux 3L 4 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 14 14 14 14 3 3 15 4 15 15 15 4 Shorthair Count 11 11 11 11 HOUSEHOLD PETS VF DL CU JR KT SK RS CU KT CL SL SK Touche' 6 1 1 1L 1L 1 1L 5 1 8 2L Ursa Corynne of Starkittie 2 4 2 4 2S 2S 2 3S 7 5 5 2S Gertrude 4 6 3 2 1S 4S 1S 4 2 6 1S Figgins 1 2 4 1 4S 3S 9 2S 6 9 10 4S Adelaide 10 5 8 6L 3L 4 6L 2 4 1 1L Lucky Luke 8 5 6 5S 1S 6 4S 8 10 4 5S Hans 7 3 2L 2L 3 2L 7 3 5L Skittles 3 8 4L 4L 5 3L 9 3 3L Splatatoon 3 9 7 3S 5S 7 5S 3 7 3S Oscar 5 9 10 9 7L 8L 10 5L 6 6L Libertybelle 9 7 6 5 3L 6L 9 I'll Take Paris 8 4L 1 8 2 4L Fluffy 8 10 7 5L 5L 10 7L Big Foot 10 8L 7L 8L Otis 9L 9L Allbreed/Longhair Count 14 14 14 14 9 9 13 6 13 12 12 8 Shorthair Count 5 5 5 5 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS VF DL CU JR KT SK RS CU KT CL SL SK Leotie Maliwan of Rockinashi KM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Nikki Crandall-Seibert (rockinashi@gmail.com).