Gallicat, Montluçon, France, November 23-24, 2013 Saturday Sunday Mari-France Dendauw AB Pascal Remy AB (P.Remy, Kitten; B.Berthelon, others) Helene Guillaume AB Pascal Remy AB Brigitte Berthelon AB Hélène Guillaume AB Jane Allen SP Brigitte Berthelon AB Valerie Davidson SP Valerie Davidson SP KITTENS MFD PR HG BB VD PR HG BB JA VD Icxio De Dicxiland SF 2 1 6 5 1S 1 8 4 4S 2S Leopardcats Raja Of Hypnotic Bengal BG 6 4 10 2 2S 6 1 5S 4S Blaacky De Ibaialde MC 1 2 5 7 1L 7 7 3L Melody'S Izzy-Love HI 8 4 1 4L 2 2 2L Itoe De L'Yvarie PS 3 3 2L 2 6 1L 4L Ragakitty Iola RD 10 1 6 1 5 3L Riascatz Sweet Love PS 9 3 5 3 2L 1L Catzanova Irish Coffee SO 7 6 8 3 9 10 7L Isalis De Chatterley BI 8 8 3L 8 10 6L Ragakitty Ingold RD 4 5 5L 4 5L Kiyaras Uwharrie MC 3 4 6 5L Irroko De Shwelli Sittang BI 5 7 5 Inochi De L'Yvarie PS 7 4 8 Ragakitty Iuline RD 2 3 Bogemia Pretty Pleasure PD 10 4S 1S Ikar S Fidzi Of Palsamblue ES 5S 2S 3S Cocktail D'Orient Indo'Chine ES 10 7 Leopardcats Khaleesi BG 3S 1S Pasha'S Love Dream Isatys PS 9 4L Iris De La Cour Verte CX 9 5S Midnight Blue Von Trambamboli BI 9 6L Brio Company Isaure ES 9 3S Incredible Boy Des Little Gargamel MK 9 Sundance Kid Van De Meybas BI 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 25 25 26 26 18 33 32 31 21 22 Shorthair Count 6 10 11 CATS MFD PR HG BB VD PR HG BB JA VD Truecolours Tattoo of Chamourais SG 7 3 3 7 5S 5 2 2S Brio Company Hercule PS 1 1 1L 2 1 3L 1L Latin Lover G Loulou PS 2 2 4 2L 4 3 6L Sweetlifes Tiffany of Taillefontain BU 9 4 5 3S 1 6 1S Hadonis De La Pomponnette NF 1 7 2 4L 2 2L 8L I Have A Dream Des Littles Gargamel MK 8 6 6 3 8 7 4S Fanta Des Doux Coeurs SFL 6 3 7L 4 5L 9L Angel Ins'S Tadeusz SF 5 8 1S 5 Gengis Khan De La Rosa Alba MC 3 5 8 4L Brio Company Helia PS 2 10 8L 8L 7L Tip-Top Girl of Royal Angels PD 4 1 6 Madawaska Hypothese MC 9 3L 7 5L Very Iristible'S Hot Couture ES 6S 4 5S 4S Dipavalibengal Isha BG 5 10 3 Galina De Mary Poppin'S SX 8 10 9 8S Ideal Dream Habanita CR 9 9 8S 5S I-Furtif Silver d'Alyse Pagerie AB 8 9 5 D*Phu Quoc' Sweet Lucy DR 7 8 1S Helios Du Royaume Des Muses BI 6 6L 3L Alder Garden'S Gaffy BS 9 2S 6S Echo De Narcisse Hasta Siempre Comm PS 1 1L Arckatz Holli-Wood BG 4S 6S 3S Hezekiel de Viazie SI 10 4 Mountainraggie's Simba RD 5L 10L 6L Haydon Des Chats Couronnes HI 9L 2L Hermes Du Paradis De Montcrif SI 7S 7S Latin Lover G Fareneith ES 6 H'Chiche de Valfleury SF 7 Heloise Du Caramy DR 2S Robertchat Heros SX 10 Flicflac Wicked Lil It SG 3S Ragdollssong Kolin RD 10 Princtn Cloud 7 of Noah's Ark MC 10 Harmonie Leila Du Petit Poucet PS 4L Djibouti Des Lutins D'Iris BI 7L Norells Red Hot Chili Pepper SF 7S Indigo De L'Estiajoliaphir BI 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 47 47 47 47 23 50 48 49 26 26 Shorthair Count 22 23 23 ALTERS MFD PR HG BB VD PR HG BB JA VD Catzanova Huckleberry Finn SO 2 1 3 1 1L 2 3 1 2L 2L Chensa Chantilly de Salangane PS 1 4 4 3 4L 1 4 4 1L 1L Harrods de Chatterley BI 3 5 2 2 5L 1 2 5L Erwan Mi Amor de Chatterley BI 3 1 2L 4 2 5 3L 3L Hot Potatoes Des Littles Gargamel MK 4 5 4 1S 5 3 2S 1S Poeticpaws Raja Yama BG 2 2S 3 3S 2S Odour Oriental Magic OS 5 3S 5 1S 3S Ragdoll'S Song Kamil RD 5 3L 4L Haelwenn Du Royaume Des Muses BI 4L 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 9 9 9 9 6 9 9 9 6 6 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 NEW TRAITS MFD PR HG BB VD PR HG BB JA VD Coupari Chances Are SF 1 1 1 Sladkiy Son Lovely Bear SF 1 1 1 Indira De Valfleury SF 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Catherine Bourreau (