Volunteer Cat Club, Sweetwater, Tennessee, November 9-10, 2013 Saturday AM Saturday PM Sunday AM Robin Higgins AB Lynne Sherer AB Barbara Ray AB Massimo Picardello AB Massimo Picardello SP Lisa Dickie AB Alex Chisholm AB Alex Chisholm SP Theresa Kempton AB Laurie Patton SP Toni Scarboro AB Brenda Russo SP KITTENS RH MP AC LP LS MP AC TS BR LD TK BR Riterags Alanzo RD 6 5 6 1 2L 1L 1 10 3 1 1L Sazikatz Mojito of Mixologies TO 1 4 1S 4S 10 7 2 Amurin Hulda SB 3 8 4L 9 4L 3L 7 3L Bravura Cairo AB 3 7S 8S 7 2 8 2S Purrstar Moonstruck/CF HI 10 1L 5L 8 1 10 4L Ironforge Fire On Ice of Careycats AS 1S 7 3S 4 5 1S Spotsnglitz Creme de La Creme BG 7 4S 5 4S 8 4 Wyndchymes LL Cool J JB 5 6 5S 9 5 3S Starbourne Luna Lovegood ES 2 10 6S 10 7 Rumblepuff Kandys Keeper BI 10 3L 9 5 2L Spiritcat Crescent Moonbeam CR 3 3S 1S 3 Alchemy Myddral of Eowyn OS 8 2 2 5S Sassietat Mattie MC 7 2 4L 4 Wildwoodbengals Californication BG 1 1 8S 2S Havacat's Brown Breauxanna/CF HB 6 8 2S 7S 6S Russellers Gold Dust Woman AS 5 5S 5 6 Bravura Carmen AB 8 3 6S 4 Mainesail Southern Breeze MC 2 5L 2L 6 Russellers Queenie of Fultonblue AW 9 9 7 7S Rugrunners Red Hot Burnin Love MK 5S 8 9 4S Bemisu Ormsby Pride of Aali SX 3S 4 3 Havacat's Brown Breauxetta/CF HB 4 9 3 Rags2riches Jaxon of Keepurrs RD 4 2L 1L Baila Flamenco of Aali Paradais/WC SX 2 2S 6S Shadowlawn Valiant Viktor SB 9 3L 6 Sassietat Mango Dude MC 5L 1 Zarmax Lamber SX 10 6 Babybrat Mist PS 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 37 37 37 15 38 15 15 38 36 35 36 16 Shorthair Count 22 23 23 21 CATS RH MP AC LP LS MP AC TS BR LD TK BR Mysticmelody Bazinga SB 10 2L 1 4L 4L 1 4 1 3 1L Timeheart Earic Flapton of Holyfold SF 5 2 1 8 2S 2S 4 3 10 1S Autumsun Mountain Dew BA 3 2 4L 9 1L 7 3 5 1 4L Misteeriver's Party Girl/CF PS 1 9 1L 3 5L 8 7 2 Mainelyclassic Aidan of Tremethick MC 5 6 2L 3L 6 1 4 5L Gobsgobblins Akasha of Shelgren SX 1 7 1S 4S 3 6 10 Wyndchymes She's Like The Wind/CF JB 6 8 4S 4 9 2 2S Rags2dazzle Alfies Big Gun Manny RD 6 3 1L 2L 2 Havacat Havenessa HB 8 2S 5S 8 5 Magnoliastar Blynkyne SB 4 5 7 5 Starbourne's Big Bang Theory/CF ES 2 6 3S 9 Mythicakats I'm Charmed of Truly/CF OS 4 1S 3S 8 Celestialblue Shiver of Kremlincats PD 10 5S 10 6 K'rafty Fro Siomar of Trulya/FI SI 10 10 9 3S Willowplace Isadora of Tremethick MC 8 4 3L Starangel Chaser of Barrottsdream BG 7 4S 4 Birchbark Apollo of Wildwoodbengals BG 10 1S 5 Purrstar Once In A Blue Moon HI 3L 7 2L Riterags Celestial Bliss RD 5 2 Mewlanrooge Ginger of Turtledove RD 9 2 Zula Del Iris of Kremlincats PD 3 3S Chickitty Qookiemonster of Trulya OS 7 6 Munchkinlane S Flash Back MK 7 5S Keepurrs Zoie RD 5L 8 Crabapple Annibale Carracci RD 5L 3L Spiritcat Double Stuffed Oreo CR 5S 9 Havacat Havanity HB 9 Sezmoi Beginner's Luck BS 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 37 39 36 19 35 19 19 35 35 36 36 19 Shorthair Count 18 17 17 16 ALTERS RH MP AC LP LS MP AC TS BR LD TK BR Autumsun Moonshine BA 1 4 5 1L 2 1L 3L 1 1 2 4L Spiritcat Mystic Blu CR 5 3 1 1S 1S 1S 4 4 4 4 Bravura Mishka Behind The Purple SB 2 2 2L 2L 1 1L Stinger Instant Karma of Bravura AB 4 5S 2 2 2 1S Ginfree Chocolate Eclair AS 3 3S 5 3S 3S 5 2S Pirateslair Chips Ahoy ABT 3 4L 1L 3 5 5L Wyndchymes Canterbury Tails JB 2S 1 4S 3 5 3S Megacoon Bonjovi of Mountaincats MC 5L 4 5L 5L 1 2L Ouijakatz Gordon Rua of Eowyn NF 4 3L 4L 3 3L Starghatts Is He Stardust BI 5 4L 3 3L Rowan Truffles BG 4S 4S 2S 3 5S Spiritcat Charmed AB 2 5S 2S 5S Cajunragdolls Arctic Sunrise RD 1 2L Mainesail Jack Dancer MC 5 Pirateslair No Pain No Gain ABS 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 17 15 15 10 15 8 8 16 15 15 15 9 Shorthair Count 6 7 7 7 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS RH MP AC LP LS MP AC TS BR LD TK BR Cherokeetrail 4 1 2 1L 6 1L 2L 2 1 1 1 1L India 5 2 1 1S 5 1S 1S 7 4 3 2 2S Kayleigh of Tortiesrus 1 8 6 3L 2 2L 1L 1 2 5 3 2L Night Cap of Mixologies 6 5 8 4S 4 2S 3S 3 3 4 4 4S Skull Duggery of Rumblepuff 3 4 7 1 4S 2S 4 7 7 6 3S Dymond In The Rough 2 7 4 2S 3 3S 4S 8 8 8 8 6S Ga Ricki Im Home of Chateaumere 7 3 3 3S 5S 5 Ga Lil Diva of Chateaumere 8 6 5 2L 3L 6 Herminie 5 6 5 1S Juno 6 2 7 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 8 8 8 3 6 2 3 8 8 8 8 2 Shorthair Count 5 4 5 6 HOUSEHOLD PETS RH MP AC LP LS MP AC TS BR LD TK BR Patches (SE) 3 3 2 4S 1 1S 3S 8 6 3 1 4S Ferdinand The Great 4 7 3 9S 7 3S 2S 6 2 2 7 3S Luv Bugs A Bundleofjoy 5 9 5 7S 6 9S 5S 1 5 8 5S Mike And The Mechanics of Careycats 5 6 1S 2 4S 4S 1 2 1S Faustina of Andredie 1 9 4L 10 1L 1L 9 8 1 3 2L N Everything Nice of Careycats 1 4 5S 5 6S 9S 4 7 7 2S Razzy B 7 10 8 3S 7S 8S 10 3 8 10 7S Pastel 2 1L 9 3L 4L 5 5 6 4 5L Sexys Back 2 1 2L 4 2L 2L 3 4 4L Kirbys Making A Difference 6 6S 3 8S 7S 2 10 10 9 6S Bull By The Horns 8 4 8S 2S 1S 610S Ricky Bobby 8 1010S 5S 6S 9 5 8S Indian Summer Sky 9 6 7 5L 4L 5L 4 3L Straight Up of Careycats 3L 8 5L 3L 7 9 1L Never Gonna Happen 10 2S 10S 9S Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 15 15 5 15 5 5 15 16 16 16 5 Shorthair Count 10 9 10 11 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS RH MP AC LP LS MP AC TS BR LD TK BR Atlasta S Hoot Owl of Napoleonlane NP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Funsize Almond Joy NP 1 1 Napoleonlanes Totting My Own Horn NP 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Shana Scanlin (riahonsls@comcast.net).