Kansaskatz Cat Club, Wichita, Kansas, September 14-15, 2013

        Saturday AM            Saturday PM             Sunday AM     
     Hisako Yamada   SP     Hisako Yamada   AB     Karen Stinson   AB
     Vickie Fisher   SP     Vickie Fisher   AB     Donna Armel     SP
     Heather Roberts SP     Heather Roberts AB     Jim Armel       SP
     Jeffrey Roberts SP     Jeffrey Roberts AB     Toni Meisberger SP

KITTENS                                   HY VF HR JR HY VF HR JR KS DA JA TM
Ginchika Stephanie Princessofmonaco  JB   2S 4S 2S 2S  2  4  3  3  6 3S 2S 1S
Ironforge Burning Love               AS   3S 2S 4S 3S  7  3  6  5  2 1S 1S 3S
Dsjewels Royal Blue Precious Gem     RD      1L 1L 1L     1  2  2  1 2L    1L
Oberlin Like A Peach                 HB   4S 1S 1S 1S     2  1  1  8       5S
Romos Wish Upon A Star               PBL     5L    2L 10    10  7 10 1L 1L 5L
Cajunragdolls Painted Dream          RD   1L 4L 3L     1  7                3L
Mystre Pure Imagination              BG   1S 3S        4  8    10    2S      
Mystre Maybe Im Amazed               BG         5S 4S        5  4  9       4S
Alfenloch Mochachino of Shiekspurr   HI   5L 2L 4L        6        7    4L   
Kayserai Fazyl                       TV         2L           9     4 3L    2L
Nevamaskaran Vladomir Stephanovich   SB   3L       5L  5           3         
Dsjewels Sweet Cherry Pepper         RD      3L    3L     5     6            
Miamber Whiskey A Go Go of Nfusion   BU         3S 5S        4  8            
Bayoufoxes Black Jack                SO   4L           6             5L    4L
Ohmy K D 35                          AB      5S           9          4S 3S   
KMWK Kinky Boots                     AW   5S           8 10             5S   
Kayserai Feridun                     TV            4L           9       5L   
Willowtreerags Cannoli               RD   2L           3                     
Klamahama Moscelyne Lark of Ohmy     AB                9           5         
Dsjewels Royal Blue Baron            RD                              4L 2L   
Vindouro Chocolate Diamond           BU                      7       5S      
Puravida Jump Start                  BU                                 4S 2S
Palacedolls Neptune of Rouletii      RD         5L           8               
Dsjewels Ember of Ragnificentdoll    RD                                 3L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      19 19 15 19 34 34 34 34 35 19 19 19
                     Shorthair Count      16 16 15 15                16 15 15

CATS                                      HY VF HR JR HY VF HR JR KS DA JA TM
Halima Atilla of Kayserai            TV   1L 2L 1L 1L  2  3  1  1  3 3L 1L 1L
Savoirfaire Cashe of Thunderrrpaws   BG   1S 1S 1S 5S  3  1  4     1 1S 5S 2S
Smart Tender Whisper                 SX   3S 2S    3S  8  4 10  8  9 2S 3S 1S
Calirags Blue Jean of Cajunragdolls  RD         4L 2L     8  6  4  4 1L 2L 2L
KMWK Alex                            AW   5S 5S 2S 4S        2  5 10 3S 2S 3S
Dsjewels Clark Kent Superman of RTT  RD      1L 3L     5  2     3  6 4L    3L
Bayoufoxes Twister of Howlingcoyote  SO   5L    2L 5L  9     7  9  5 2L    4L
A1savannahs Backnblk of Starglitter  SV   2S    3S 1S  4     5  2            
Shiekspurr Rigatoni                  HI      3L 5L 4L     6     6  8    4L   
Zazen Apollo of Tadashicats          BG      4S    2S    10     7  7    1S   
Ragnificentdoll Sweet Abilene        RD      5L           5  3     2         
Absolutedolls Jax of Familytimerags  RD   2L       3L  1                3L   
Ohmy Gillette of Mukulaal            BG      3S 4S        7    10    5S      
Maracai Onyx Night of Tadashicats    OS   4S    5S                   4S 4S   
Rouletii Rare Beauty                 RD   3L           6                     
Elkington's Radio                    NF   4L           7                     
Willowtreerags Gena of Rouleti       RD      4L           9                  
Kawakatz Elvira                      SB                              5L    5L
Bold Beauty Lilymarlane of Kawakatz  SB                      8               
Willowtreerags Goddess of Rouletii   RD                      9               
Shiekspurr Lynguini                  HI               10                     
Bayoufoxes Blazing Red               SO                                 5L   
Rasui Azizi                          BG                                    4S
Dearrow Amelila Purrheart            SX                                    5S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      15 15 15 15 27 27 27 27 25 16 16 10
                     Shorthair Count      11 11 11 11                 9  9  9

ALTERS                                    HY VF HR JR HY VF HR JR KS DA JA TM
Ksnorskatt Obi Wan Kenobie           TO   1S 4S 4S 3S  3  5  5  4  3 5S    2S
Vindouro Cafedumonde of Katsnklamms  BU   3S 1S 1S 2S     2  2     2 3S 3S 4S
Britishempire Tanqueray Sterling     BL   2L 1L 1L 2L  2  1  1  3  5 1L 2L 1L
Rockinashi Last Mango In Paris       JB   2S 3S 2S 1S  5     3  1       2S   
Elkington's Queen of Hearts/ID       NF   1L 2L 3L 1L  1  4     5  1 2L 1L 2L
Mystre A Walk On The Wild Side       BG   5S 2S 3S        3  4               
Ohmy Fudge Masterpiece               BG      5S    4S           2          1S
Orchidbobs Mikhail Mooninov          KBL  3L 3L 2L     4             3L 3L 3L
Ginchika Lambeau Leap of Rouletii    JB   4S       5S                1S    3S
Buttons Takeit2thelimit of Marleevo  ES                            4 4S    5S
Ohmy Rajah Tara                      BG                              2S 1S   
KMWK Esmeralda                       AW                                 4S   
Whozz Bartholomew of Oro Ojos        ES                                 5S   
Ohmy Kumara At White Castle          BG         5S                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       3  3  3  2 13 12 13 13 14  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count      11 11 10 11                11 11 11

River                                     2L 1L 1L 2L  1  2  1  1  1 2L 1L 1L
Twister                                   1L 3L    3L  2        3  2 1L 2L 2L
Charlie                                   1S 1S 1S 1S     1     2            
Roscoe                                       2L    1L                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  3  1  3  2  2  1  3  2  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count       1  1  1  1                        

HOUSEHOLD PETS                            HY VF HR JR HY VF HR JR KS DA JA TM
Bert                                      5S 1S 3S 3S  2  2  5  6  4 1S 2S 5S
HSNT Purr Motor                           1S 3S 2S 6S  3  3  3  8 10 2S 3S 2S
Red Robin of Odesseycatz                  6S 5S 1S 1S  5     1  1  1 5S 1S 4S
Buster of Cajunragdolls                   1L 1L 1L 2L  8  1  2  3  3 1L 1L 1L
Confettee of Cajunragdolls                2S 2S 4S 4S  7  7  4  5  2 6S 6S 3S
Black Velcro of Strayinc                  7S 4S 6S 5S  4  5  9  4  6 4S 4S 1S
Libertybelle                              2L 2L 3L 1L  9  4  8  2  5 3L 2L 3L
Bleu Heaven                               3L 4L 2L 4L  6  6  6  9  9 4L 4L 2L
Lucky Friday                              3S 7S 5S 8S     9  7 10  8 7S 5S 6S
Maddie                                    4L 3L 4L 3L  1    10  7  7 2L 3L 4L
Tizzy                                     9S 8S 7S 9S 10 10                  
Ms Buddy of Strayinc                      8S 6S 9S 2S                3S      
Chloe                                     4S 9S 8S 7S     8                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       4  4  4  4 11 12 10 12 10  4  4  4
                     Shorthair Count       9  9  9  9                 7  6  6

Judy's Cuties Unsinkable Molly Anne  NPL   1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1     1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1     1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                                         

NEW TRAITS                                HY VF HR JR HY VF HR JR KS DA JA TM
Leopardmagic Liberty Belair          BG          1                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count             1                           
                     Shorthair Count                                         
This report was prepared by Dorothy Seils (branbarrel@earthlink.net).