Glass CiTICAts, Portage, Indiana, June 22-23, 2013 Saturday AM Saturday PM Sunday AM Sunday PM Dewane Barnes SP Edith-Mary Smith AB Edith-Mary Smith SP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Al Walbrun AB Robin Sessler AB Al Walbrun AB Everyone Home Early! Debbie Lopeman AB Debbie Lopeman SP Robin Sessler SP //////////////////// Chris Unangst SP Chris Unangst AB Kim Chenault SP KITTENS DB AW DLCU EMS RS DL CUEMS AW RS KC Boobella Zazoo PS 1L 7 8 1L 6 7 4L 2 2L 6 2L 1L Mainevu Mojo Rising MC 2L 2 1 2L 2 2L 4 3 1L 3L Thistlevine Sugar N Spice BS 2S 3 1S 8 1 1 4 1S 2S Calumet Cats Shift Tin To Cruz OC 1 4S 2 3 8 1S 2 2S 3S Ajatarah Flirt Alert EM 5S 9 10 9 9 4S 8 3S Ginchika Stephanie PrincessOfMonaco JB 2 3S 10 1S 5 5S 4S Jakoi Manatsu no Kajitsu JBL 4L 10 6 7 3L 4L 2L Thistlevine Midnight Lace Fencroft BS 5 3 5 3S 2S 4S Balihoo Snowbird OL 3L 3 3L 1L 6 5L Savoirfaire Cashe of Thunderrrpaws BG 5 5 10 3S 1 Fogcity Distilled of Chemicoons MC 4 1 1L 5 Savoirfaire Firenze BG 1S 9 2S 5S 1S Jakoi Minna Yume no Naka JBL 5L 6 7 4L Rouletii Sweet Garden RD 4 5L 10 3L Boobella Isabella ES 3S 2S 3 Galaxyrags Uncloudy Day RD 5L 6 7 Rockinashi Last Mango In Paris JB 4S 8 9 Alicats Superstorm Sandy TH 7 4S 10 Toskharags Petunia RD 4 3L Fogcity Pipette of Chemicoons MC 4 5L Sandypoints Felicia of Timez TH 8 5S Cherishables Champagne Life HI 4L 9 Tatvan Yuri Leonid TV 4L Bengaland Remington Special Edition BG 5S CandCSavannah JJ SV 5S Aspenridge Dusty Pebbles RD 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 16 36 36 16 35 35 16 35 15 32 15 15 Shorthair Count 20 20 18 18 18 18 CATS DB AW DLCU EMS RS DL CUEMS AW RS KC Bengaland Midas Touch BG 1S 6 1 4S 3 6 1S 5 3S 6 1S 1S Dreamquete Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye ES 3S 5 4 1S 10 8 2S 2 4 4S 2S Cherishables Were Going All The Way HI 1L 4 8 1L 5 6L 1 4L 5 8L Halima Gumibar TV 7L 10 2L 1 2 9L 3 1L 1L 4L Kolinga Exodus of Fencroft BS 2S 3 2 3 2S 2 2S 4S Timberbend Lumiere SB 6L 2 6L 6 9 5L 3 3L Elkington's Queen of Diamonds NF 5L 7 2 8L 1L 7 6L 1L Willowtreerags Gena of Rouletii RD 8L 3 7L 4 2L 3L 5L Cob Hill's Priscilla PS 2L 8 4L 10 7L 7 Wyndchymes Baccarat of Dreamquete JB 5S 9 7 4S 8 5S Gloryberagdolls Angels At Calvary RD 1 4 8L 1 Balihoo Aisha of Synergy OL 5 5L 4L 8 7L HMS Theodore BS 6 3S 3S 6 Balihoo Blue Ivy BA 9 9 7L 4L Cob Hill's Calvin Klein PS 2L 9 3L Trendsetters All I Want For Xmas AB 7 4S 10 Nite Wind Cover Girl SRL 10 3L 7L Balihoo Gabriel Blo Ur Horn BA 3L 9L 2L Designerstripes Onyx TG 4S 5S 3S Synergy Tarragon of Leafdance BA 9L 9 5L Midnitemoon Running With Lyons OC 2S 4 Gloryberagdolls Mighty To Save RD 4L 3L 10L Pezzabyz Sydney The Adventure Kitty AB 5 3S Elkington's Radio NF 8 6L Akerrs Galileo of Savoirfaire BG 5S 5S Rulissa Blaze OGlory AB 1 Akila's Constantine of Jaban SB 10L 2L JCV Eva Gabor of Karissimakat PS 9L 5L Rugrunners Remi of Lochmaere MK 7 Timberbend Once In A Blue Moon SB 10L 8L Dreamquete Gravity Storm ES 1S Balihoo Lavender Blue OL 10L 9L Synergy Macchiato OS 10 Emaus Skyfall of Amaure EM 5S Willowtreerags Goddess of Rouletii RD 6L Acapella Kaapi Kriya of Javahut HB 6S Allbreed/Longhair Count 25 47 46 25 44 44 24 44 25 38 22 25 Shorthair Count 20 21 20 15 15 13 ALTERS DB AW DLCU EMS RS DL CUEMS AW RS KC Chemicoons Firelight of Concordance MC 1L 3 3 4L 3 3 3L 2L 3 3L 1L Mysticmelody Lombardi of Rockinashi SB 3L 1 1 2L 1L 3 5L 1 5L 2L Radiance Tristan of Tombar OS 5 4 1S 4 2S 2 1S 2S Rouletii Just Too Sweet RD 4L 4 3L 4 2L 5 3L 3L Cob Hill's Sunny Sundown PS 2L 1L 2 5L 1 1L 2L Silverash Top Shelf AS 2S 4 5S 5 3S 1S HMS Maximilian BS 4S 2 4S 3S 4S 4 Summerwood Maximus SV 5S 3S 5 4S 2S 3S Dreadlock Fallen 4 Fiona Mc Fae DR 1S 2 2S 2S 4S Swanskovkats Black Prince of Halima NF 1 4L 1L 5L Therealms Ringo of KCSJunglebabes BG 3S 5 1 Jadecats Domino of Dreamquete JB 1S 2 3S Ginchika Lambeau Leap of Rouletii JB 5 5S Beaconwood Cutting Loose CR 1S 5S Karissimakat Oprah Win For Me PS 4L 4L Rulissa Daze OGlory AB 2 Elkington's Queen of Hearts NF 5L 4L Suigeneris Nysprfgchnk of Ringapurr BU 4S Alicats Little Ray O Sunshine TH 5S Cloudcity Katrina of Alicats TH 5S Norsestar's Erik Brady Alexandreta NF 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 8 19 19 8 20 20 8 20 7 19 8 8 Shorthair Count 11 11 12 12 12 11 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS DB AW DLCU EMS RS DL CUEMS AW RS KC Hammer Head Red 1S 1 1 1S 1 1 1S 1 2S 1 1S 1S Abby 1S 2 2S 2S Miranda 3S 4 3S 3S Blue Print 4S 3 4S 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 4 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 4 4 4 HOUSEHOLD PETS DB AW DLCU EMS RS DL CUEMS AW RS KC Alaara 1S 3 7 2S 9 4 3S 1 3S 3 2S 2S Half Stache of Rouletii 2L 1 1 2L 3 1L 4 1L 1 2L 6L Gertrude 3S 5 3 1S 1 1S 2 1S 2 6S 1S Master Rupert 2S 6 4 6S 4 6 2S 8 4S 8 1S 3S Minion 3L 4 4L 2 6L 10 2L 4 1L 2L Liberty Belle 1L 6 3L 10 7 2L 5 4L 6L 5L Serena of Tennis Pro 7S 8 3S 5 5S 6 5S 7 5S 6S Jellybean 6S 7 4S 7 8S 9 6S 6 7S 5S Becharmed Slippers Angel 7L 8 9 1L 6 9 5L 3 Taylor 4S 10 7S 8 8 7S 2S 4S 4S Splatatoon 2 2 5S 2 1 Bleu Heaven 6L 5 8L 3L 7L 5 7L 1L Mister Roberts 5S 9 9S 10 4S 7S 10 3S 7S Me Oh My Oh Razzmatazz 4L 10 6L 4L 3L 9 5L 4L Princess R Wen 5L 5L 5 8L 7 6L 3L 7L Maxwell Housecat of Tatvan 8L 7L 7L 5L 4L 3L Lucky Luke 8S 8S 3 6S Allbreed/Longhair Count 8 17 17 8 17 17 8 17 7 14 7 7 Shorthair Count 8 9 8 7 7 7 PRELIMINARY NEW BREEDS DB AW DLCU EMS RS DL CUEMS AW RS KC Odyssey Nim KM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count ADVANCED NEW BREEDS DB AW DLCU EMS RS DL CUEMS AW RS KC Arcticstorm Aspen of Ringapurr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Nikki Crandall-Seibert (