Macskamania Magyar Macskaegyesulet, Budapest, Hungary, May 18-19, 2013 Saturday Sunday MaryLise de Landtsheer AB MaryLise de Landtsheer AB Sue Hart-Jones SP Sue Hart-Jones SP Jean-Marc Lagarde AB Jean-Marc Lagarde AB Pascal Remy AB Pascal Remy AB Jean-Marc Lagarde SP MaryLise de Landtsheer SP KITTENS MLDSHJJML PRJMLMLDSHJJML PRMLD Kolin Gattesco Bella, CZ* BL 4L 4 1 2L 3 3L 2 3 2L S*Zimexis Ianto Jones NF 2 2L 2 4L 2 2L 1 1L Mary-Anne's Coon Bounty MC 3L 1 1L 4 4L 3 4 3L Mystic Castle Caroli BS 4S 3 2S 5 1S 1 5 Blossom Muri Sage Of Methodius RD 5 5L 4 5L 1 2 4L Mom'S Favorite Amina BG 2S 2 3 1S Zaramon Dr. Genya SX 5 3S 3S 5 2S Diamond Dolls First Lady RD 1L 3L 1L 4 Kattehula's Yaya BU 1S 5 4S Surfin Sugarplum Fairy AB 3S 2S 1S Bellator's Ashley BU 1 Hannibal Of Moon Sissi*CZ BS 3 Zaramon Lola SX 5S 5S HU*Bravelover Jefferson MC 4 Zaramon Mason Tuti SX 4S 3S Sparkling Blue Athos RD 5L Debreceni-Rozsa Mirabella HI 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 6 14 14 6 11 7 11 11 8 Shorthair Count 8 8 4 3 CATS MLDSHJJML PRJMLMLDSHJJML PRMLD Silverscoon Goofy MC 1 1L 2 1 1L 2 1L 3 3 3L Silver Pinky Carlos BS 2 1S 1 8 1S 1 1S 2 6 1S Regencyrags Gaspard of Ragville RD 3 6 2 7L 3 2L 6 1 1L Miscat's Chopin SO 4 7L 8 10L 4 7L 10 8 2L Looney Candy Floss Viridian*CZ BL 6 4 4 2L 8 4 4L Stefilla Karl Lagerfeld PS 9 7 6 4L 8 5 6L Spotsandstripes Olympia BG 2S 9 7 2S 2S 9 Patchofheaven Rayah BG 5 3S 6 4 2S Hotchocolate Joker AB 4S 10 4S 4S 7 3S A Winerau's Quintus MC 3L 5 3 6L Silverscoon Hope MC 9 5L 7 2 Koc-Pol Cat Mell Gibson RD 8L 10 5 4L 8L Methodius Hey Rey RD 3 3L 5 Midnight Hunter Tutti-Frutti PS 10 1 5L Vancity Ayran Of Mandelas TV 9 5L 10 Laganjalina Diva ACL 5 9L 8L Mainefield's Al Capone MC 10 7 10L Dharma Baccaracoon, CZ MC 8 6L 9L Jungle Dream Green Ozzy BG 7 5S 4S Spotsandstripes Sweet Bandita BG 3S 3S 5S Olympodolls Queen RD 2L 9 Flodocats Ellada Dea BL 9L 6L Le Petit Chebbela's Sir Cashmire RD 8L 9L Aglowcoons Niala Fee MC 10L 7L St.Carlino De Sol Sangria MC 3L Diamonds Dolls Coco-Chanel RD 4L Blue Sky Dwight BI 5L Bastetcats Bator Bambi AB 5S Silky Cat Don Johnson ES 5S Midnight Hunter Samu PS 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 41 28 41 40 27 34 26 34 33 25 Shorthair Count 12 12 7 7 ALTERS MLDSHJJML PRJMLMLDSHJJML PRMLD Batifoleurs Radja Of Enumaelisch BG 2 2S 4 4 3S 3 2S 4 3 2S Shagio Chen Vandal OS 1S 2 3 2S 5 1S 2 1 1S Stefilla Mr. Incredible PS 1 4L 1 1L 1 2L 1 1L Silverscoon Hollis MC 2L 2 2L 2 4L 3 2L Alana Of Hogwarthspride RD 5 3L 5 4L 1L 5 4L Exploding Star Talisman Angel RD 1L 1 5L 3L 2 3L Zoo Cat's Homerosz ACL 4 5L 3 3L Spotted Dream Olympia BG 5S 4S 3S 5 4S Zaramon Niaz SX 4S 5 5S 4S 3S Pearl Falcons Miley BS 3 3S 1S Aboriginal Evil Devil MC 5L 4 Willowtreerags Chloe Of Ragville RD 4 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 11 6 11 10 6 11 7 11 12 7 Shorthair Count 5 5 5 4 HOUSEHOLD PETS MLDSHJJML PRJMLMLDSHJJML PRMLD Parazs 3 2S 1 3 1S 1 2S 1 2 2S Ferges 2 1L 2 2 1L 2 2L 2 1 1L Tommy 1 1S 5 1 3S 3 1S 4 1S Tigris 5 3S 3 5 2S 4 3S 3 5 3S Cleopatra (ES) 4 2L 4 4 2L 5 1L 3 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 5 2 5 5 2 5 2 3 5 2 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 3 NEW TRAITS MLDSHJJML PRJMLMLDSHJJML PRMLD Hannibal Of Moon Sissi*CZ BS 1 Sparkling Blue Athos RD 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 2 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Catherine Bourreau (