Cat Fanciers of BC, White Rock, BC, Canada, March 9-10, 2013

      Saturday AM          Saturday PM           Sunday AM            Sunday PM     
   Alice Rhea      AB   Ellen Crockett  SP   Alice Rhea      SP   Ellen Crockett  AB
   Elaine Weitz    AB   Pam Barrett     SP   Elaine Weitz    SP   Pam Barrett     AB
   Heather Roberts AB   Fate Mays       SP   Heather Roberts SP   Fate Mays       AB
   Jeff Roberts    AB   Melissa Parsley SP   Jeff Roberts    SP   Melissa Parsley AB

KITTENS                                   AR EW HR JR EC PB FM MP AR EW HR JR EC PB FM MP
Chinookwinds Turbulance              PS    1  1  2  5 4L 1L 2L    1L 1L 3L 3L  8  2  2   
Ironforge Tropical Storm             AS       5 10  4 3S    1S 1S    3S 4S 1S  2     3  1
Kuriliangem Elena Prekrasnaya        KBL   9          7L 2L 8L 3L 5L 5L 5L 5L     9    10
RainingRexes Blossom Plenty          DR    6 10       5S 3S       4S 5S        7  4  9   
Fagervoll James Bond of Katzalano    SG          9  9    1S    3S       5S 5S     1     2
Bigrivercoon Puma of SmokeyCoons     MC               3L 3L 1L 6L              3  3  1   
Bengal Flats Logistics               BG    5  3  8                3S 2S        9     7   
Bengal Flats Captains Tapestry       BG       2  1       4S          1S 1S        6      
Whatatrill Caliente of Cascademtn    MC    2     3  3 5L 7L 5L                           
Abydale Sun Seeker                   AB             8    2S 5S 5S          6S     7 10   
Silverscoon Gaia of Woodpile         MC       7  6          3L       4L 4L           4   
Forest Hunter Destiny                PB   10  6       4S 5S 4S    6S             10      
Macconner Meier of Bigrivercoon      MC       4     1                2L    1L 10         
Sunspirit Eskimo Kisses              PS               2L 4L    8L 4L           6        6
Wallycats Magic Mike                 PS               1L    4L 4L              1     5   
Hugaragdoll Anas Legacy              RD       8          5L          3L           5     8
Stegra Tzarina Katerinka Noire       OS       9  5          3S       4S 2S               
Sunpride's Harmonia                  KB    4          1S          2S           4         
Mikadosan Kris Krinkle               AW               2S       2S              5        3
Heavensdoor Jericho of Seawillow     BG          7  6                   3S 3S            
Concetta Pati-Marro of Wilden        HI               8L 6L    1L                       4
Cascademtn Chai Latte of Coonamor    MC                        7L 3L    2L 4L            
Sinergia John Slattery of Stegra     OS    3                      1S                    9
Whiterockrags Imelda May             RD                  8L 7L          1L 2L            
Legendtales I Love Lucy              PB             7                      4S           5
Angelsoftbc Ana                      SX    7                      5S              8      
Tassam Chase                         OS             2                      2S            
Echoglen Yakima of Gentletouch       RD    8     4                                       
Stegra Kamali                        OS                     2S                       6   
Devon Joi's Branching Out            DR                        4S                       7
Ragalong Hobbit                      RD               6L          2L                     
Hollowhills Penelope Rose            PS                                              8   
Evergreen NW Nuttah                  PL                        2L                        
Dramatails Bourne Legacy             SR            10                                    
Izzadorablerags Cadbury              RD                        5L                        
Buttaflykiss Te Amo                  PS                     6L                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      43 42 43 43 23 23 23 23 20 19 20 20 41 42 42 42
                     Shorthair Count                  20 20 20 20 21 20 20 21            

CATS                                      AR EW HR JR EC PB FM MP AR EW HR JR EC PB FM MP
Ironforge Classic Image              AS    1  1  2  3 2S 2S 2S 1S 1S 2S 1S 1S  2  1  3  2
Kirydashi Alluvial                   EM    5  2  9  9 8S 1S 1S 4S 2S 1S 3S 4S     3  2  8
Sunspirit Champagne Wishes           HI       6     5 4L 1L 1L 3L 5L 8L 4L 5L     2  4  5
RainingRexes Poppi Longstocking      DR    6     8  6 1S 4S    6S 3S    5S 2S  1  7     6
Coonificent Jeb of Bigrivercoon      MC       5  1  1    2L 5L       2L 1L 1L     4  7   
Scrimshaw My Guy of Wallycats        PS    4  3     4    3L 4L    2L 4L    3L     6  6   
Ragalong Cloud 9                     RD          6  2 6L    8L    7L 6L 3L     8        4
Kamisha Light Up the Sky             BG    9  7       3S    5S       3S 4S 3S  4         
Mikasu Gizmo                         BI      10       2L       7L 4L 3L        7         
Marshcove's Marshmellow              PS          4          2L          2L 4L        5   
Hoaloha Keiki                        PS               5L 7L 7L 6L              5     9   
Evergreen Cinnamon Twist             PB    7             5S 6S    6S              5      
Cascademtn Northern Lights           MC    3     3    8L 5L                              
Expresivepixie Golden Bear           PB            10          2S    6S                 1
Missionhill Rudyards Legacy          PS               1L       2L 8L           3         
NW Pawz Love On The Rox/CF           SX       4       4S             5S        9         
Silverbrook Tiger Lily               BS                     8S 3S                    8  3
Winston Favorit Tails                KL                              1L 5L 2L 10         
Hugaragdoll Harmony                  RD   10             6L       3L              8      
Muezzi Kayla Bluecream               BS       9       5S       7S    4S                  
Mymains MacKenzie                    MC                     3L       5L              1   
Chulpan Ice Queen of Sunspirit       ES               7S 7S 3S                         10
Chittagong Hot Spot                  BI         10    7L 4L             7L               
Izzadorablerags Toblertone           RD       8                8L    7L    8L            
Cairdeas Cyndi Lauper                SS          5                      6L          10   
Uki-Bess Crazy Blue                  BS             8                   2S 5S            
Legendtales Ducatis Triumph          PB               6S       5S              6         
Sissi See Crazy Blue                 BS                  3S 4S                   10      
Bdellium Aindra of Shownofur         SX    8                7S    4S                     
Mikado-San Curley Temple             AW    2                      5S                     
Kaperkats Paws to Remember           PL                     6L 1L                        
Mymains Harley Rebel of DeCassa      MC             7    8L                              
LegendTales Fluffernutter            PL                        4L          6L            
DeCassa Belle of the Ball            MC               3L                   7L            
Nightmist Believe It or Not          AB                        8S                       9
Angelsoftbc Lexus                    SX                  8S                       9      
Lacocoon Classy Casanova of Decassa  MC                        5L 6L                     
Cheshirelady Quinevere Varinia       BS          7                                       
Hoaloha Olympus                      PS                                                 7
Wallycats Magic Mike                 PS                           1L                     
Bengalsprings Montgomerymoon         BG                  6S                              
Ragalong Mordecai                    RD                                 8L               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      43 46 46 46 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 43 43 43 43
                     Shorthair Count                  23 23 23 23 21 21 20 20            

ALTERS                                    AR EW HR JR EC PB FM MP AR EW HR JR EC PB FM MP
Graymark Agate of Burmapearl         BU    3  4  1  4 1S 1S 2S 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S  1  2  2  3
Rhamjoge Simba of Sirpurrs           PS    1  1       2L 1L 1L 1L 2L 1L 4L 2L  3  1  1  1
Blossom Sage Chase N My Dream        RD    4  5  5  1 3L 3L 2L    3L 2L 2L 1L  5     3   
Tassam Lady Lindisfarne              BA       3  4  5 5L 5L 4L 2L    3L 1L 3L     4     4
Makoto                               JB               2S 5S 4S 3S 2S 3S 3S 2S  4  3     2
Kaperkats Kramer II                  PB       2  2          1S 2S 5S 2S 2S 3S        4   
Chittagong Coco Callista             BI    2        3 4L 2L 3L 3L 1L 4L 3L 4L            
Dramatails American Beauty           SL               1L 4L 5L 4L    5L    5L  2  5      
Adobe Sam I Am of Stegra             OS    5     3  2    2S 5S    4S                     
Katzalano Jitterbug                  SG               3S    3S 4S       4S 5S        5  5
Shownofur Bat Mr. Batsy Cow Bell     SX               5S 3S       3S 5S    4S            
Evergreen Coyote Sunset              PB               4S 4S    5S    4S 5S               
Izzadorablerags Xanadu               RD                        5L 4L                     
Mikasu Jakarta                       BI                           5L    5L               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      14 14 14 14  6  6  6  6  7  6  7  7 13 13 13 12
                     Shorthair Count                   7  7  7  7  6  6  6  6            

Sabrina of Entrechaton                     1  1  1  2 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S  1  2  1  2
Surprise                                   2  2  2  1 1L 1L 1L 1L 1L 1L 1L 1L  2  1  2  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                   1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1            

Jassenia                                   1  3  1  2 1L 2L 1L 5L 1L 1L 1L 1L  2  3  1  5
Dharma of Entrechaton                      5  1     4 3S    2S 4S 2S 1S    3S  4  5  3  1
Nalla                                         2     1 4S 2S 1S 2S 3S 2S 1S 1S  1     2   
Cosette                                       4  5  3 1S 1S 5S 5S 5S 5S 4S 2S  3         
Greg                                       3          2S 4S 4S 1S       5S 4S     1  4  3
Oprah W of Entrechaton                     2     3                1S 3S 2S 5S  5        4
Crookshanks                                      2    2L 3L 4L 1L 4L 4L 3L 4L           2
Maduza                                     4  5       3L 4L 2L 4L 2L 2L 4L 3L            
Cat With Many Names                                      3S 3S 3S 4S 4S 3S        2  5   
Steve Shotgun Dibbs                                 5 4L 1L 3L 2L 3L 3L 2L 2L            
Stanley Spanx                                    4    5L 5L 5L 3L 5L 5L 5L 5L            
Cinnamon Spice Latte                                  5S 5S                       4      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      12 12 12 11  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5 11 11 11 11
                     Shorthair Count                   7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7            
This report was prepared by Jan Dell (