Westicat, Taunton, Somerset, UK, February 4-5, 2012 Saturday Sunday Wendy Klamm SP Wendy Klamm AB Amanda Bright SP Amanda Bright AB Monika Dany AB Monika Dany AB Lisa Dickie AB Lisa Dickie SP Pascal Remy SP Pascal Remy AB Sue Hart-Jones SP Sue Hart-Jones SP Monika Dany - Male Congress AB Pascal Remy - Female Congress AB KITTENS WK AB MD LD PRSHJ WK AB MD LD PRSHJ Danleigh Orion BI 2L 4 1 2L 2L 4 10 4 1L 4 5L Biboukatz Manabu ES 1S 2 6 3S 2S 7 9 1 3S 1 Du Monet Iced Diamond of Mystere PS 2L 6 1L 10 3 8 4L 3 Katyenka Citrine Elena of Sayadaws SB 5L 1 7 5L 8 2 5L 2L Cullykhan Scent Of A Rose PS 4L 4L 2 5L 4L 6 1 2L Gourmandise du Domaine de Magnolia BS 4S 4S 4S 3 6 4S 6 1S Oriana Blossom SR 2S 3S 3 5S 5S 8 10 4S Phatpaws Sumo SX 5S 8 4 7S 7S 1S Shadycombe Lovejoy TV 3L 5L 3L 2 3L Snodcoons Renesme Dawn MC 1L 3L 2 5 Riverfern Merlin BG 3S 8 4 2S Somersisle Syrah MC 10 3L 9 2 Owlsdene Leopardo BG 1 5 2S Mistymogwai Murlinmanohar TG 6S 3S 10 5S Migatobonito Indi-Cent Proposal MC 1L 3 3L Biboukatz Benezotti ES 6S 7 3S Wychwood Felina Fairytale RB 7S 7 9 Alaskar Shady BS 5 5 Skyota Polar Explorer SR 3 4L Somersisle Raramuri MC 1L 1L Oriana Bubbles SR 10 5 Decorous Bellator BG 9 7 Bengalcharm Tygerlilly BG 5S 1S Cwtchycats Amaretto On The Rocks BG 2S 5S Kivox Buffalo Bill TV 4L 9 Busykitz Donatello BS 5 Sliverglam Merlin of Glittergloss BG 6 Wicca Mizuki of Sialaxy TH 1S Ragsville Dolce Vita RD 7 Stonemarr Radioactive BS 1S Silverglam Midnight Mist BG 2S Alsoomse Cactus Rose PL 8 Stardustbengals Bacardi Breezer BG 9 Follywood La Di Dah BG 4S Follywood Fantasy BG 6S Suntouched Le Phante BG 6S Allbreed/Longhair Count 17 16 39 38 17 17 39 34 38 19 38 19 Shorthair Count 22 21 22 22 20 19 CATS WK AB MD LD PRSHJ MD PR WK AB MD LD PRSHJ Skyota Kiyonari SR 1S 1S 5 1 7S 1S 1 2 4 2S 1S Mystere Grand Slam PS 1L 7 2 1L 3L 1 6 9 Biboukatz Olympic Dream ES 4S 9S 3 5 4S 4S 9 3S 9S Flutterby Forever Yours SI 3S 8 6 3S 8 9 5 6S 5S Somatir Norma Jean BU 2S 5S 1S 2 3 6 8S 1 Pacificats Happy Go Lovegood Junior RD 4L 2L 2L 8 10 2L 5 1L Mahadevishakti Look At Me SX 6S 3 5S 5S 4 1S 4 3S Sulltans Splash Gordon HI 6L 6 4 9L 7 2 4L Cullykhan Stripes Ahoy PS 1L 5L 4 7L 2 3 6 6L Ishcus Antares MC 9L 8 6L 1L 6 5 3L 5L Tavolga Sibaris of Snowgum SB 3L 4L 8L 10 7 8 4L Tarantela Phantom BG 9 7 6S 8 5S 7 Amisti Alabama BI 4L 2 5L 2 3L Bengalcharm Timmy BG 7S 4S 5 7 8 4S Just Purrfect of Royal Angel BS 5 1 4S 6S Amazolou Mr Brightside SL 2L 4 9 2L Hylanda Majic Faelis RD 8L 1 5L 7L 1 Izambard Aram TV 7L 2L 3 Stonemarr Erotica BS 9S 2 8S Tipzntailz Ziva The Diva MC 3L 5L 10 Suntouched Oscar BG 3S 2S Tufftybee Paris In Spring PS 5 6 1L Wrynkleskyns Libarety Belle SX 10 10S 8S Springmeadow Amethyst BG 7S 4 Bountiful Blue China of Stanrex DR 10S 6S 7S Synergy Papavar Orientale OS 8S 9S 9S Suntouched Sancia BG 2S 7S Mogalo Gianfranco Ferre OS 8S 8 2S Achuri Raffles BS 7S 10 Sandaig Bluebelle TH 10S 9 7 Zawadi Nebulosa of Wildernesswell BG 7 3 Amisti Guzel Ilkbahar TV 7L 6L Fiordiliso Cestlavie SI 6S 10S Mistymogwai Ziggy Stardust TG 8S 9S Seregon Severiano Sandiargo BG 3S Moonmoor First Flake O Snow BG 2S Steelaway Sunstone BS 10 Gbcharismakatt Jazzy Jeff NF 10L 9L Aledo Rocky TV 3L 6 Tonkyway Bournville Carina TO 5S Musrafy Dancing Star of Sayadaws SB 4L Ishcus Desert Rose MC 5L Spirritz Tartan Trembler MC 6L Grand Oray Hebe Variegata SX 10S 9 Katyenka Sasha of Luniktyen SB 8L 1 Busykitz Silver Dior BS 10S Ulalume Dejlige Dhoolish CY 10L Bedazzlecats Balthazzar SL 4 Ycoed Betsy Boo BG 10 Grand Oray Billy Agapetes SX 9 Purebliss Strumpet BG 3 Springmeadow Riccochet BG 3 Allbreed/Longhair Count 22 25 67 67 25 24 24 30 58 67 60 17 59 21 Shorthair Count 41 41 62 40 36 38 ALTERS WK AB MD LD PRSHJ WK AB MD LD PRSHJ Phatpaws Clufort Wedgewood RD 3L 3L 9 4 4L 3L 2 2 2L 5 3L Heathrose Barney Rubble PS 5L 1L 8 2 5L 4 1 8 1L 4L Alexandrite Akiro SB 2L 2L 1 6 1L 2L 2 2 1L Amazolou The New Schmoo SR 1S 2S 5 7 1S 5S 1 4 3S Biboukatz Xotic Diva ES 3S 2 5 5S 2S 6 1 3S 4S Spookipawz Squiggletoo SG 3S 5S 3 3S 1S 8 1S 1 1S Flutterby Adventurer SI 4 9 2S 3S 7 5 4S 6 5S Namrib Beautilious BI 1L 5L 1L 6 7 6 5L 2L Koonikki The Apprentice MC 4L 6 10 2L 4 7 3L Aghtamar Mahokeni Eznik Van TV 4L 8 3L 4L 4L 7 5L Zendique Atzar Isborn ES 4S 3 3 4 2S Busykitz Dynamite Degataga BS 1S 1 4S Owlsdene Hearts Desire BG 10 5 3 Amisti Parlak Yildiz TV 7 3 Bengalcharm Marli BG 5 2S Traadyliooar Druaightys MX 2S 8 Typhast Zsami BG 4S 5S Acozni Frankivaladier SR 3 Purebliss Pookie of GBCharismakatt BG 4S Fiordiliso Centopercento SI 5S Izambard Izmir TV 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 10 10 28 28 10 10 22 23 23 11 23 11 Shorthair Count 17 16 16 16 12 12 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS WK AB MD LD PRSHJ WK AB MD LD PRSHJ Nadide 1L 1L 2 1 1L 1L 1 1 1 1L 1 1L Hamish of Seregon 1S 1S 1 2 1S 1S 2 2 2 1S 2 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 HOUSEHOLD PETS WK AB MD LD PRSHJ WK AB MD LD PRSHJ Bertie 1L 2L 3 2 2L 1L 4 2 3 1L 3 2L Mikey of Springmeadow 2S 2S 4 3 3S 3S 3 1 1 1S 4 1S Jessie James 2L 1L 2 4 1L 2L 2 4 5 3L 5 3L Kivox Miss Princess 1S 1S 1 1S 1S 1 3 2 2S 1 2S Thumper 3L 3L 5 5 3L 3L 5 5 4 2L 2 1L Greebo 3S 3S 1 2S 2S Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 6 6 3 3 5 5 5 3 5 3 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 3 2 2 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS WK AB MD LD PRSHJ WK AB MD LD PRSHJ Purebliss Jasmine of Sonnenblume SV 1S 1 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 -- This report was prepared by Gerry Smith (showreports@gerrysmith.info).