Be TICACats Club, Mons, Belgium, December 3-4, 2011 Saturday Sunday Mary-Lise de Landtsheer AB Kurt Vlach AB Kurt Vlach AB Tomoko Vlach AB Thomas Andersen AB Thomas Andersen AB Franzeska Gagern AB Franzeska Gagern AB Sue Hart-Jones SP Sue Hart-jones SP Franzeska Gagern - Female Congress AB Kurt Vlach - Male Congress AB KITTENS MLD KV TA FGSHJ KV TV TA FGSHJ Velvetkist Tommen of Babybest Cat PS 6 9 1 1 5L 7 1 1 1 Broadviews Goodnight Moon/Lo BI 2 2 4 2 5 10 5 2 1L Melody's Ghost HI 4 5 3 3L 3 3 4 4 3L Forest Hunters Northern Dancer PB 1 9 1 2 7 3 3S Gimme A Kiss Du Charme Vauban BL 4 5 4L 6 4 10 5L Leopardcats Im Definately Wurthy BG 1 4 1S 5 1S Gamine Thecatslove BO 2 8 3 7 Chamourais Guetapens SG 3 10 2 7 Ruskis Siyanie RB 5 5 2S 6 Gourmandise du Domaine du Magnolia BS 9 9 5S 9 4S Gemay Maybeline de La Symphoriane SG 3 8 3S 10 Graal de Laudaline SX 6 9 8 5S Wallycats Diamond Dust of Yellicle PS 3 2L 8 Bahiya Solano From Bengal House BG 8 5 9 Broadviews Glamourous Indie Roc/Lo BI 10 7 1L Cuddle And Kiss Gloria Mae Swanson BO 8 4S 8 Divine Idylle Garde A Vue BG 6 4 City Yasmine PS 6 6 Ghost de Ledelweiss PS 2 4L Batifoleurs Chico BG 6 9 Mogalo Gianfranco Ferre OS 10 7 Gold And Diamond de la Casagrande PS 7 10 City Lollypop PS 7 Gkartara de la Mer d'Andaman BG 2S Batifoleurs Bakari BG 8 Gandhi des Musty Coons MC 2L Chamourais Glad To See You SG 10 Gwenifer Lopez OS 6S Allbreed/Longhair Count 38 38 38 38 17 34 34 33 34 15 Shorthair Count 21 19 CATS MLD KV TA FGSHJ FG KV TV TA FGSHJ KV Nuit Magiques Ellington of Yvarie PS 1 1 1 1 3L 1 1 1 1 1L Omniamea Quia Nominor Leo AB 2 5 9 2S 6 3 8 6 6S Darlinlildols Blue Bear RD 5 2 7 5 4 5 2L 1 Broadviews Flaming Dr Pepper/Lo BI 7 5 10 7 4 6 7L 3 Spice Red Hot Chili Pepper BG 3 2 2 2 2 Gigi The Cats Love BO 4 6 3 10 5 Maneki Love Exclusivity ES 10 6 10 3S 7 2S Far West Neves du Lagonbleu ES 4 3 9S 5 3 9 Amisti Alabama BI 7 3 2L 3 4L 6 Fanny de Ragakitty RD 9 1L 9 4 9L City Athos PS 5 2 4 6L 2 Mahadevishakti Look At Me SX 9 10 8 6 3S Folk de Savadikraa SI 6 8 10 4S Delicats Gollum AB 6 7S 810S 4 Jalapeno Eclat du Soleil BS 8 5S 9 9S 5 Calcatta Zoe of Divine Idylle BG 9 1S 2 1S Fenix Des Reves Du Serail TA 8 8 5L Everglades du Saut du Loup PS 2 9 Calcatta Zander of Saphirs de Lune BG 8 7 10 Fair-Edouard Des Hiboux Du Maine MC 3 5L 8 Greta Garbo Du Chabeaute MC 4 7L 1 Fascination de la Vallee des Dieux SX 4 8S Amisti Guzel Ilkbahar TV 4L 3L Sapphire of Secret Himmy Love ES 7 8S Smitten Kitten Eglentyne Be Mine BL 710L 4 Febee de Viazie OS 6S 7 5S Ocalicos Charming Boy PS 10 10L 7 Aby's Golden Magic's Star Of Eden AB 8 6 Delhi de Laudaline SX 9 Nennis Phoebus HI 10 Leopardettenss Mos Eisley BG 4S Nia de Sirenias HI 6L Owlsdene Mr Bingley BG 7S Summerplace Ferrero Kiss MC 8L Cassia Sibirela SB 8L Shiningcurl Cloudberry AL 9L Synergy Papavar Orientale OS 10S Neola de Sirenias HI 5 Brettachtal's Fiola ES 10 Archcoongel Field Of Gold MC 9 Lookmaewdao Winning Mood BG 3 Allbreed/Longhair Count 52 52 50 54 26 26 56 56 56 56 28 27 Shorthair Count 26 27 ALTERS MLD KV TA FGSHJ KV TV TA FGSHJ Amisti Parlak Yildiz TV 2 2 5 3 1L 2 3 4 3 1L The Catslove Charlotte BO 1 1 4 4S 1 1 1 4 5S Owlsdene Hearts Desire BG 5 4 1 5S 3 4 1 4S Doyle Du Bois d'Antalys BI 3 2 2L 4 2 2L Wilson de Zabokou PD 3 2 3S 5 2 3S Simpson von der Loburg BI 4 5 4L 2 5 3L Fair-Play de Chantecoq MC 5 4 3L 5 4L Mr Bojangles Her Majesty BS 1 3 1S Batifoleurs Jabu BG 5 3 2S Owlsdene Mr Darcy BG 2S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 9 9 4 Shorthair Count 5 5 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS MLD KV TA FGSHJ KV TV TA FGSHJ Go Back To Black 1 1 1 1 1S 1 1 1 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 -- This report was prepared by Gerry Smith (