Enchanted Cat Club, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 22-23, 2011

               Saturday                       Sunday        
        Bobbie Tullo        AB        Sue Becknell        AB
        Laurie Schiff       AB        Vickie Jo Harrison  AB
        Marylou Anderson    AB        Sandi Mattingly     AB
        Richard Bailey      AB        Toni Jones          AB
        Cánie Brooks        SP        Carol Lawson        SP
        Marion Yates        SP        Steve Lawson        SP

KITTENS                                  BT LS MA RB CB MY SB VH SM TJ CL SL
Furreal Cielitos Omega               RD   3  2  3  4 1L 2L  1  2  6  1 1L 2L
McIncats Skye Blu of Dreamland       OS   4  5  6  3 4S 5S  3  8     6 4S 4S
Windwalker Kensington                MC   1  1     1 2L 1L     3  1  3 3L 3L
Bengalxpress Beethoven of Dreamland  BG      3  5    3S 4S  4     2    3S 5S
Consuelo Casanova at Magrib          EM      7  9  8    3S  6  1  9  9      
Pikespeak Sparkle                    OC   8 10 10  9    2S  8     8 10 5S   
Britishempire Evlampia               BS   9     2  2 2S        9     4 1S   
Furelyse Contessa                    SF         7    1S 1S  5  4  5         
Britishempire Manchon                BS   2                 2  5  4       1S
Zoltan Orfeo of Bemisu               SX   5  8              9    10  2 2S   
Pendragon Junipurr                   TO      4  1 10 5S 6S                  
Starsnstripes Got The Rite Stuff     PL   6  9       4L 3L  7          4L 4L
Xzotica Xzander of Bengaluvrs        BG   7        6           7  3         
Marlcreek Minervois of Regencyrags   RD              5L 5L     6     5 2L 1L
Ziakatz Desert Blue Sky Sophie       ES            5       10             2S
Purrla Denali of Ziadolls            RD            7 3L 4L             5L 5L
Blackfootriver Calypso               TH      6                    7         
Mystre Cracklin Rosie of Aspengold   BG         8                    8      
Part Wai Ex Woodstock                ES  10          6S                     
Consuelos Ara                        EM         4                           
Pikespeak Cristalblu                 OC                              7      
JCBengals Lunatic Fringe             BG                                   3S
Kindredkatz Suri                     BG                       10            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     27 26 26 28  5  5 25 25 25 25  5  5
                     Shorthair Count                 21 21             19 19

CATS                                     BT LS MA RB CB MY SB VH SM TJ CL SL
Kolinga Sterling of Britishempire    BS   3  2  2  6    3S  2  1  3  1    2S
Degoonacoon Kariba                   MC   4  5  3  2 1L 2L  4     2  4 1L 2L
Amenophis Gus of Truecolours         SG   2  3  4  3 5S 2S     2     3 1S 1S
Ironforge Full Throttle              AS      4  1  1 4S 1S     4  1  2 5S 3S
Havacat T Bone Brunette of Oberlin   HB         5  7 3S     3     4  6 2S 5S
Bareskin Whimsy Had Alot of Bemisu   SX   5             5S  5  5       4S 4S
Furreal Ms Charlotte of Snugglerags  RD      1       3L 1L     3       2L 1L
Kindredkatz Peyote of Lunakatz       BG            4        1          3S   
Lunakatz Bodacious of Kindredkatz    BG   1                    6            
Willowtreerags Neptune               RD              2L 4L             5L 4L
Forest Hunter Ella                   PL              4L 3L  6               
Bemisu Serafina                      SX      6                       5      
Lunakatz Whitelace N Promises of As  BG         6    1S                     
Hadakat Jackrabbit of Acirrekatz     SX            5    4S                  
Alpinelegends Claim Jumper           PL              5L                3L 3L
Lunakatz Silver Belle                BG                           5         
Avenir Lollipop Lollipop of Aspengo  BG   6                                 
Coloradopixies Okietoes              PB      7                              
Silkstockings Stefano of Bemisu      SX              2S                     
Ziadolls Zuni                        RD                 5L                5L
Purrfectkittens Monsieur Clooney     RD                                4L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     21 22 21 22  7  7 21 21 20 21  7  6
                     Shorthair Count                 15 15             14 14

ALTERS                                   BT LS MA RB CB MY SB VH SM TJ CL SL
Vanir Ullr Mountain Explorer         NF   1     5  4 2L 1L  1  2  2  2 1L 3L
Furelyse Terrorista                  SF   3     4    1S 2S     1  1  1 5S   
Pikespeak Daniel of Tehuacana        OC         3    3S 1S  5  4     4 2S 5S
Ksnorskatt Obi Wan Kenobie           TO   5  5     5 2S 4S  4          4S 4S
Thaidi Dr Pepper                     OS         1  3           3  5  3 3S   
Whatatrill Bart of Gattobello        MC            1 5L 2L     5     5 4L 5L
Oberlin Close But No Cigar           HB   2  4  2                         1S
Riterags Shiloh                      RD            2 3L 5L             2L 2L
Kankoonkats Sir Sheb Woolly T        MC      3          3L  2          5L   
Nudels Dallas                        SX      2          3S        3         
Wildgold Nanuk                       BG                           4    1S 2S
Mainesuspect Sammie Natango          MC              1L 4L             3L 1L
Mesakatz Oso Deplata                 BG      1       4S                     
Mistymogwai Pure Glace               BG                     3             3S
Kokopellies Big Bad Jon              BB   4          4L                     
Acirrekatz Sir Bentley Aston Martin  SX              5S 5S                  
Bluegrass La Lauz of Ziadolls        RD                                   4L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     18 18 18 18  7  7 16 15 15 15  6  6
                     Shorthair Count                 11 11              9  9

Boots                                     1  1  1  1 1S 1S  3  1  1  3 2S 1S
Godrick                                   3  2  2  3 1L 1L  1  3  2  1 1L 1L
Lorna Doone                               2  3  3  2 2S 2S  2  2  3  2 1S 2S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  3  3  3  1  1  3  3  3  3  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                  2  2              2  2

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           BT LS MA RB CB MY SB VH SM TJ CL SL
Lucky The Paws of Thai's Star             1  2  2  3 3S 1S  1  2  2  1 1S 1S
Duchess                                   4  3  3  4 1S 4S  2  1  1  2 2S 2S
Rowdy                                           5  5 1L 1L  3  3  3  3 1L 1L
Mack                                      3  1  4  1 2S 3S                  
Marey                                     2  4  1  2 4S 2S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  5  5  1  1  3  3  3  3  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                  4  4              2  2

Gattobello Dear Prdence              SV      1  1    1S 1S        1         
Tasurt Jumoke                        CU                     1        1 1S 1S
Kirembo Thandiwe Zahra of Miragecat  SV   1        1           1            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  2  2  2        3  3  3  3      
                     Shorthair Count                  2  2              3  3
This report was prepared by Arthur Still (stvalcat@pacbell.net).