Shadow And Light, Gagny, France, June 25-26, 2011

                 Saturday                            Sunday           
        Ellen Crockett           AB        Ellen Crockett           AB
        Edith-Mary Smith         AB        Edith-Mary Smith         AB
        Aline Noel-Garel         AB        Pascale Portelas         AB
        Mary-Lise de Landtsheer  AB        Mary-Lise de Landtsheer  AB

KITTENS                                  ECEMSANGMDL ECEMS PPMDL
Melody's Forever                     HI   7  1  1  1  4  1  1  1
Thecatslove Gigi                     BO   1  5  7  7  1  3  4  6
France Bresil Du Lagon Bleu          ES   6  3  3 10  3  4  2  9
Flanelle d'Audrix                    BS   9  2 10  5  6  2  6   
Blue Team Givenchy                   BI   8  7  2    10     8  5
Soulmates Margo                      RD      8     3     6 10  3
Ideal Dream Fashion Week of Saigon   CR   4        2  2        2
Velvet Queen's Netty                 CR   5     9       10  3   
Fair Play d'Angora'Mour              TA   3 10        9  8      
Gerard de Chabeaute                  MC      4  5  6            
Elphinstone Zorro                    MC   2           7  9      
Febee de Viazie                      OS         6  8           4
Minicat's Gob La Mouche              PS      9  4        7      
Danebury's Gazelle                   SG  10  6  8               
Dipavali Bengal Galadriel            BG                     5  8
Summerplace Ferrero Kiss             MC            4          10
Gandhi Du Chabeaute                  MC               8     7   
Grace Kelly Des Mages d'Emeraudes    OS               5         
Ginger Des Masques d'Orient          SI                  5      
Silkyvans Oxalis Deppei              TV                        7
Nuit-Magique Flamenco                PS                     9   
Foret So Sweet                       PS            9            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     30 30 30 27 35 35 35 34
                     Shorthair Count                            

CATS                                     ECEMSANGMDL ECEMS PPMDL
Spice Red Hot Chili Peper            BG   4  6  4  2  4  6  6  1
Kiyaras Hancock                      MC      3  1  1  5  3  2  2
Mykro's Al Capone of Saigon          CR      8  2  9     9  1  4
Abyfelis Ermes                       AB      5     4     8  4  3
Composercat Amadeus                  HB   2       10  2     9  9
Pajocoons Dynamite                   MC   8  1     5     1      
Taille Fontaine Folie Douce          BU   3     5     1    10   
Truecolours Nugget of Chamourais     SG         3  8        5  5
Dynastithai Ushuaia                  SG   5  7        9  7      
Kertweed Filius Flitwick             BI  10     6           8  8
Mahadevishakti Look At Me            SX      4           5  7   
Ariokkierags Prosto W Serce          RD     10     3        3   
Pendragon Fantasia Des Lollicats     TO   9     7     7         
Songgwangsa Fuji of Ideal Dream      JL        10  7          10
Angelarnas Viper of Richibell        CR   1           3         
Flamenca Des Mages d'Emeraudes       OS      2     6            
Nuit Magique's Ellington             PS                  4     6
Yaguar Rio Grande                    PS   6           8         
Dipavali Bengal Friselis             BG                  2      
Filochard de Viazie                  OS               6         
Fanny de Ragakitty                   RD                        7
Lennox van de Borg                   MC   7                     
Feeby de L'Edelweiss                 PS         8               
Darlinlildols Blue Bear              RD         9               
Sweet Love d'Eden Lover              PS      9                  
Rosalyn's Be My Els v Wernervald     BS                 10      
Lelaurier Electrocutionist           SR              10         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     63 64 65 65 64 65 64 65
                     Shorthair Count                            

ALTERS                                   ECEMSANGMDL ECEMS PPMDL
Yakimo of Shaggy-Coons               MC   1  5  1  1  1  4  1  1
Thecatslove Charlotte                BO   2  4  3     2  3  3   
Amilcar de La Symphoriane            SG      1  4     3  1     5
Einstein de Chatterley Et d'Argent   BI      3           5  2  2
Doyle Du Bois d'Antalys              BI   4     5  2  4         
Fabrouk Des Musty Coons              MC            4        4  3
Madawaska's Fast And Furious         MC      2           2      
Saigon Fats Domino                   CR         2              4
Cachou Corleone  de La Symphoriane   SG   5        5            
French-Connection Bengal's Tolosa    BG            3            
Madawaska's Flashgordon              MC   3                     
Baloo Nicnac                         MC               5         
Flame Des Darling Cat                HI                     5   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     15 15 16 16 14 14 14 14
                     Shorthair Count                            

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           ECEMS PPMDL
Freddy                                    1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                

RGJ Cat's Smeshinka                 KBL   1  1  1   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1   
                     Shorthair Count                

Falafel Du Coeur Sauvage             CU   1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                            

NEW TRAITS                               ECEMSANGMDL ECEMS PPMDL
Filadelfia de Chantecoq              MC   1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                            
This report was prepared by Pascal Rémy (