Wine Country Cat Club, Plymouth, CA, March 26-27, 2011 Saturday AM Saturday PM Sunday AM Roslyn Allen AB Lindajean Grillo AB Laurie Schiff AB Linda Kay Ashley AB Laura Cunningham AB Richard Bailey AB Jeff Roberts AB Alex Chisholm AB Toni Scarboro SP Heather Roberts SP Stephanie Smith SP Marion Yates SP KITTENS RA LA JR HR LG LC AC SS LS RB TS MY Radiance Black Diamond of Pawsdlite OS 1 4 1 2S 2 1 5 5S 3 1 2S 1S Featherland Fizzbin SR 2 5 4 4 5 7 1S 1S 4S Furreal Ms Charlotte of Snugglerags RD 3 3L 2 3 2L 1 1L Meowtaintop Penelope BU 8 1S 5 6 2 4 3S Wizardgate Kona Black Magik BO 6 4S 6 4 1 3S 5S Chisholmtrail Moon Power OC 3 1 7 2 5S 2S Auragold JoanJett CY 6 6 2 2L 5L Kokopellies Peter The Great SB 5 4L 4 4L 1L Arpeggio Amazing Grace SO 7 1 5L 3L 2L Hojpoj Haviga Aliora of Raksha SI 8 3S 7 7 4S Solana Ranch Byte O Innocence BG 8 3 5S 3 Furreal Carolines Cristiana RD 4 2L 1L 3L Simplysimes White Knight BG 2 2S 5 Barsadolls Obsessions Song RD 2 3 5L Furreal Agape Love RD 6 5L 3 Sandypoints Rhondda of Sarsenstone TH 5 4 Adorabledolls Abby of Rubyridgerags RD 3L 4L 4L Furreal Ninas Mirasol RD 7 1L Michelangelo of Aurora Polaris BS 4S 5 Simplysimes Ebony BG 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 23 23 23 10 22 22 22 9 19 20 8 8 Shorthair Count 13 12 11 11 CATS RA LA JR HR LG LC AC SS LS RB TS MY Cascademtn Ace O Spades MC 4 3 1L 2 2 2 1L 8 1L 2L Bajimbi Sydney Sailor of McInkats OS 3 1 1 3 3 1 Uno Belgatto C Puff of Cherrybirdie HI 7 6 4L 1 4 3L 4L 3L Minghou Chickaticka of McInkats OS 10 5 4S 5 5 3S 1S Wildgold Adonis BG 5 4 4S 8 3 2S Wasatchbare Glock of Sundancenbare SX 9 10 3 10 4 7S 7S Adorabledolls Sweet Shurray RD 8 3L 6 6 2 4L Purrden Me Stardust D'Oro PS 2 1 4 2 5L Royalnefertt HRH Mr Maujestic EM 4 5 2S 7 2S Brit Beauts Bluemoon of Mainefolds BS 1 3 2 3S Kittikat's Liberthnite SR 6 10S 7 10S 10 5S Pangaea Argemone of Sarsenstone TH 6S 9 1 9S 1S Raksha Hardhearted Alice OS 5 7S 8 6S 3S Specialagent Sniper Scout PB 5S 7 5S 9 5S Katydolls Austin of Dreamfinder RD 8 5 5L 1L Oberlin Ruby Slippers HB 8 8 10 6S Wyndchymes Worth Waiting For JB 10 1S 4S 6S Burmapearl Mikimoto BU 2 9 7 Burmapearl Akoya BU 9 7S 5 9S Zinfelmax Tempernillo AB 6 8S 9 9S Farallon Diamond Briolette PS 2L 2L 2L Zinfelmax Barbera AB 10 1S 8S Stirlingbridge Summer Solstice SF 1 3S Simplysimes Sno Explorer BG 7 6 Mainefolds Little Bear BS 2S 6 Broadsway Ladyliberty of Windwalker MC 5L 4 Bangles Terra Cotta of Kitti Kat SR 7 10 Pippastro Perpetual Night of Raksha OL 9 9 Susens Apollo of Mainefolds SL 5L 3L Sableze Barbi Doll of Katsnjazz BU 8 10S Mainefolds Galadriel BS 3 Adorabledolls Our Precious Josie RD 4 Rivercityrags Fanci Pants RD 6 Rainforest Ling Ling BG 7 Catsofoz Uno of Landofcats SF 4S Dreamfinder Kaimana RD 4L WinsomeBG Carolina of Simplysimes BG 8S Simplysimes Moon Dancer BG 8S Graymark Apollo of Meowtaintop BU 9S Expressivepixie Miss Montana PB 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 52 52 53 17 52 53 48 15 52 50 14 14 Shorthair Count 35 33 32 33 ALTERS RA LA JR HR LG LC AC SS LS RB TS MY Radiance Karma Wheel of Pawsdlite OS 1 3 1 2S 1 2 2 3S 2 2 5S Macallans Ellie MC 4 4 2L 5 4 1 2L 3 1 4L Catsofoz Milky Way of Mainefolds SF 9 1 6 7 7 3 2S 5 1S 3S Tassam Klip Purr of St Valentine BA 3 5 2 1L 3 6 3 2L Deenewkurl Dustbunny SL 7 3L 5 3L 5 7 4L 3L Nightsong Amber Dawn BU 2 1S 8 8 1 4S 2S Kokopellies Polar Express BB 2 3 3 7 1L 1L Kitti Kat's Rhyolitic Magma SR 4 8 4S 7 2S 4S Rainforest Wasabi BG 5 4S 2 5 4 Kokopellies Arctic Chill SB 6 9 4L 4L 6 2L Hoofnpaws Mokona Is Mokona JB 9 5S 8 1 Kitti Kat's Marble Crystaline SR 3S 4 1S Bangles Louis Cyphre BG 6 6 3S Hapi K Mohawk O Paws MC 8 4 3L Chisholmtrail Miroku of Kitti Kat OC 8 7 6 Specialagent Reflection PB 6 5S 1S Cherrybirdie Setnstone of Pkay's HI 7 5L 5L Riterags Tailor Made RD 5 1L Attitudeacres Gryfon of Sarsenstone BH 4 5S Furreal Aischa RD 5L Finerpointrags The Midas Touch RD 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 24 24 24 10 23 23 23 10 22 22 10 10 Shorthair Count 13 12 10 11 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS RA LA JR HR LG LC AC SS LS RB TS MY Auragold JanisJoplin 1 1 2 1L 2 1 1 1L 1 2 1L 1L Stirlingbridge Pumba 2 2 1 1 2 2 2L 2 1 2L 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Shorthair Count HOUSEHOLD PETS RA LA JR HR LG LC AC SS LS RB TS MY Moses 5 2 1 2S 5 4 5 2S 4 3 2S 4S Lulu Belle 4 2 3S 1 3 3 1 4 4S 3S Romeo 2 3 1S 4 2 3S 3 2 3S 2S Gustav Holst of Mewsicatz 1 5 4S 1 1 1S 2 1 1S Theia Clear Skies Ahead 5 4 1L 3L 5 5 2L 2L Durango 3 1 5 2 2L Gabrielle With Clouds 3 2L 3 1L 1L 1L Legolas 4 4 5S 1S Here Comes Trouble of Susens 5S 2 4S 5S 5S Electra Starlight Starbright 3L 5L 3L 3L Logan 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 11 11 11 3 11 11 11 5 9 9 3 3 Shorthair Count 6 6 6 5 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS RA LA JR HR LG LC AC SS LS RB TS MY Kirembo Mukhondi Bayo SV 1 1 1 1 1S 1 Kirembo Kamau SV 1 1S 1 1S Wyldthingz Lollipop SV 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 3 -- This report was prepared by Arthur Still (