Korea Cat Club, Korea, July 11, 2010

              AM Show                     PM Show       
        Yukimasa Hattori  SP        Yukimasa Hattori  AB
        Chieko Ohira      SP        Chieko Ohira      AB
        Hisae Tasaki      SP        Hisae Tasaki      AB

KITTENS                                  YH CO HT YH CO HT
Williamina Sylvanas of Orientique    MC  1L 1L 1L  1  1  1
Anjali Cohn                          BG  1S 2S 1S  4  4  2
Hanlhosu Halu                        OS  2S 1S 2S  5  3  4
Azureblue Elivagar                   NF  2L 2L 4L  2  2   
Katerinelund's Anna Sui of Bluecoins RD  3L 5L 5L  3      
Azureblue Namoo                      NF  5L 4L 3L        5
Raggledazzle Vanilla of Bluecoins    RD  4L    2L        3
Seorin Hajjo of Hachi                BG  4S 4S 3S         
Victor Ryuk                          BG  3S 3S 5S         
Raya's Black Diamond Miracle         DR  5S 5S 4S         
Bluedryad Amma                       NF               5   
Nabidoll Violet                      RD     3L            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      7  7  7 13  9 13
                     Shorthair Count      6  6  6         

CATS                                     YH CO HT YH CO HT
Sinderelra Moonlight                 PS  3L 1L 2L  4  1  5
Ananabiya Stephanie                  HI  1L 2L 4L  2  2  6
Bluedryad Egir                       NF  4L    3L  6     3
M-Jinikiti Leo Yoon                  SG  1S 5S 5S  1      
Positively Yeats                     BS  4S 3S 4S     3   
Laon-Nabi Victor                     AS  3S 4S 3S  7      
Toy Tricksy Jessica of Lemonde       PS     3L        4  7
Lionsroyale Napoleon of Nabidoll     RD  5L    1L        4
Seorin Crema of Gladiatorcat         BG  5S    1S        1
Doll Like's Akvarel                  ES  2S 1S     5      
Catillak's To The Moon of Lemonde    PS  2L        3      
Victor Louis of Laksmi               BG        2S        2
Jeongs Muze of Dazzlingrosette       BG     2S        5   
Bluedryad Afi                        NF               6   
Crystalfjard Sari of Bluedryad       NF     4L            
Abayomis Vegas of Bluecoins          RD     5L            
Wanderdune Cinderella of Nabidoll    RD        5L         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     14 14 14 22 21 22
                     Shorthair Count      8  8  8         

ALTERS                                   YH CO HT YH CO HT
Silverlake Bon Soir                  RB  2S 2S 1S  2  1  1
Hanlhosu Nabi                        SI  1S 1S 2S  1  3  3
Sinderelra Sunshine                  PS  1L 3L 4L  3  2   
Nabidoll Garfieldo                   RD  2L 4L 1L  5     2
20eyes Eli                           MC  5L 1L 5L     4   
Bluedryad Ran                        NF  4L 5L 3L     5   
Ragbenchers Brandy of Nabidoll       RD  3L 2L     4      
Golden Dew Longda                    DR  5S 4S 4S        5
Nabidoll Tous                        RD        2L        4
Hanlhosu Ganache                     OS  4S 3S 3S         
Hanlhosu Dambi                       OS  3S 5S 5S         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  6 11 10 10
                     Shorthair Count      5  5  5         

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           YH CO HT YH CO HT
Keon                                     2S 2S 1S  3  1  5
Ruddy                                    1S 3S 5S  1  3  3
Binu                                     1L 1L 1L  2  2  4
Bangheera                                4S 1S 2S  4     1
Mae Sil                                  5S 4S 4S     5  2
Boco                                     3S 5S 3S  5  4   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  6  5  6
                     Shorthair Count      5  5  5         
This report was prepared by Noriko Haraguchi (plentylove@po3.across.or.jp).