Orange Blossom Cats, Orange, TX, June 26-27, 2010

              Saturday                      Sunday        
        Ann Hoehn          AB        Joe Edwards        AB
        D'Ann Kovic        AB        Nancy Parkinson    AB
        Vicki Jo Harrison  AB        Fate Mays          AB
        Toni Jones         AB        Robby Whyte        AB
        Kim Tomlin         SP        Al Walbrun         SP

KITTENS                                  AH DK VH TJ KT JE NP FM RW AW
Whozz Trazey                         ES   1  4  1    4S  3  3     1 2S
Ranchcats Lyla of Sukhotai           SI   2  2     5 3S  5  4  4    3S
Forestkatz Red Sun Rising            NF      3  2  1 2L     2  1    2L
Klazeekats Shazam                    OS            3 2S  4  1  3  2   
Tailsoftexas Purrsell O Myman        PB   3          5S     5     3 1S
Felitan Ursula of Sukhotai           OS         4  2     2          4S
Azwegie Lil' Liz                     NF   5          3L        5  4 4L
Blossom Bello Giovanni of Amoredoll  RD      1       4L           5   
Blossom Sunflower Kiss of Katydolls  RD   4          1L             3L
Qttonks Lollipop                     TO      5       1S               
Regencyrags Bravo Delighted Artist   RD                        2    1L
Pikespeak Silver Concho              OC                  1            
Purrsia Piper of Thirdwish           SI         3                     
Odesseycatz Saber                    TO            4                  
Tailsoftexas Brandy                  PB         5                     
Kuan Jin Bella of Hojpoj             OS                             5S
Adorabledolls Jazzmin of Amoredoll   RD                             5L
Dakari Lightening Striker            SO              5L               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     18 18 18 18  6 19 18 19 19  7
                     Shorthair Count                 12             12

CATS                                     AH DK VH TJ KT JE NP FM RW AW
Valnika Simply Daring                RB   2  4  4  8 5S  1  6  8 10 3S
Creole Paisley                       CR   6  5  6  6 1S  2 10  6  6 4S
Kalame Salome Dromore of HMs         BS   8  9 10  9 4S  3  2  4  2 2S
Whozz Maximum Flash of A'tien        PS      1  7  5 2L  5     1  4 1L
Ruslana Nostalgia of Sunrisefold     ES   3  2  1        8     2  1   
Minusdetails Honey Bubble            CY   4  8              9 10  7 2L
Vicketales Ollie of Woodlyn          PS   5                 4  7  9 4L
Ouijakatz Domino                     NF   7  6       3L     7       5L
Qttonks Veronica Lake                TO         2  3 2S     8         
Mystre Mojo Working                  BG         8  2           5    1S
Forestkatz Belle Starr               NF            4 4L  7     9      
Mollercats Patrick                   SI   1     9           1         
Ranchcats Ramblin Rose of Radiance   OS                 10     3  3   
Bershar Cricket                      OS            1     4          6S
Blossom Zinnia Kiss Love Song        RD         3 10 1L               
Cajunragdolls Kachina Pow Wow        RD      3       5L             3L
Abccats Constellation Andromeda      MC   9 10           6            
Bershar Kayti                        OS         5  7                  
Odesseycatz Autumn Snow              TO                  9          5S
Bearcrkbengals Happy Harlequin       BG                     3         
Maracai's Erik The Red of Pengar     OS                     5         
Radiance August Rush                 OS                           5   
Clowntown's Sizzlin Hot              SI      7                        
Coloradopixies Gjonson               PB                           8   
Bebopcats Majik of Pengar            OS              3S               
Romancenrags Beloved Miracle         RD  10                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     35 36 35 36 16 38 38 38 38 17
                     Shorthair Count                 19             21

ALTERS                                   AH DK VH TJ KT JE NP FM RW AW
Minghou Dancing Slippers             SI      3  2  2 2S     2  1    5S
Kakatz Funny Girl                    BI   1        5 4L  4        4 2L
Sazikatz Mickey Fin of Mixologies    TO      2     3 1S           1 1S
Kosikatz Thotzi Induna Ingwe         BG   4     1    3S     5       4S
Artic Blue Red River of Katydolls    MC      1       3L     4     2 5L
Pikepeak Daniel                      OC                  1  1  5    3S
Azwegie Bobby                        NF   5     5  4     5            
Chanlokmeow Ashley of KLM            BA   3        1 1L             1L
Juliehill Kizmet of Hojpoj           MC                  2     2    3L
Azwegie Shane                        NF      5       2L           3   
Jerba Nicol's Scooby Snack           ES      4       5S           5   
Purrfurrence Cameo                   PS              5L     3  4      
Greystoke Shadow In The Moonlight    AS   2                         2S
Gulfcats Hurricane Rita              TO         3    4S               
Ritz-O-Cats Maskaraid of Marbleglen  ES                        3      
Hebrides Gracie O'Malley             SF                  3            
Angelbear Azami of Strayinc          JB         4                     
Ouijakatz Angelique                  NF                             4L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     19 19 19 18  7 20 20 20 20  9
                     Shorthair Count                 12             11

Odie                                      1  2  2  1 3L  2  5  1  2 1L
Chester of Ksnorskatt                     3  4  3  3 1L  1  2  4  5 2L
Abby                                      2  3  1  2 2L     4  3  4 3L
Prada                                                       1  2  1 1S
Ziva                                                        3  5  3 2S
Lollipop                                     1  4  4 1S               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  4  4  3  5  5  5  5  3
                     Shorthair Count                  1              2

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           AH DK VH TJ KT JE NP FM RW AW
Awwsome Amber of Careycats                1  1  4  4 2S  1  1  1  1   
Sir Charles                               3  3  3  1 1S     2  5    4S
Mels Amazing Metis                        2  2     3 3L  4        2 1L
Straight Up of Careycats                     4  1  2        3  2  4   
On The Rocks of Careycats                          5 1L  5  4         
Alabama Moon Pie of Careycats                5       5S  2        5   
Fleur Gabrielle                           4          4L           3 2L
Cocoa Marbles of Marbleglen               5          2L        4    3L
Blazing Grace of Careycats                      5    3S     5         
Penelope Pitstop                                         3          1S
Princess Samantha                               2                   2S
Oscar of Melrose                                               3    3S
Carino Valentino                                     5L             5L
Thirsten Howl III                                                   5S
Jazzie Jade of Careycats                             4S               
One Eyed Callie of Marbleglen                                       4L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     16 16 16 16  8 16 16 17 17  8
                     Shorthair Count                  8              9
This report was prepared by Dorothy Seils (