Cats 4 Us, Frankfurt Germany, June 5-6, 2010

                      Saturday                                   Sunday           
    Marie Lise de Landtsheer                   AB    Marie Lise de Landtsheer   AB
    Jean Marc Lagarde                          AB    Jean Marc Lagarde          AB
    Massimo Picardello                         AB    Massimo Picardello         AB
    Pascal Remy                                AB    Pascal Remy                AB
    Robin Sessler                              AB    Robin Sessler              AB
    Pascal Remy - Maine Coon Congress          SP                                                     
    Massimo Picardello - Male Congress         AB                                                     
    Marie Lise deLandtsheer - Female Congress  AB                                                     

KITTENS                                 MDLJML MP PR RSMDLJML MP PR RS
Ladifference Elle                    AB   5  6  5  4  2  5  5  4  3  1
Alice Honey Maus v Plueschiger Trau  BS   2  3  1  1     2  1  1  1 10
Sunnanordica Erik                    RB   3  1  7  9  3  3  3  9 10  3
Maranello Walking On Sunshine        PS   4  7        8  1 10  7     9
Ivanushkas Voland                    MC   6     4  6     6     2  5   
Amayalynx Firestarter                MC      2     2     8  2     2   
Big Giants Resort Donovan            MC   1  4  3  8  9               
Jamila von Dumpledore                BS      5        7     8  5     6
Kiyaras Frida Kahlo                  MC   8     6 10        4  6      
A Nice Moon Rastaban                 MC            3  6        3  8   
Arietta Nefertari of Beuteurs        EM   7 10  9           6 10      
Mytery Castle Rabia von Dobschutz    OL            5  5           7  5
Mytery Castle Gandalf von Dobschutz  OL  10  9  8           9  8      
Cacchiones Bagira                    BG      8              7     6   
Falkenhoehe Ophelia                  TH            7    10        4   
Radiant Russicats Golden Line        BG   9          10  4            
A Nice Moon Marfik                   MC               1              4
Pajocoons Diabilo                    MC                  9           7
S Gunsmokes Casio                    NF                  7        9   
Big Giants Resort Da Vinci           MC         2                     
A Nice Moon Dabih                    MC                              2
Rilana vom Stoerkanal                MC               4               
Cacchiones Carissima                 BG                              8
Big Giants Resorts Cascada           MC        10                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     32 32 31 32 32 29 29 29 29 29
                     Shorthair Count                                  

CATS                                    MDLJML MP PR RS PR MPMDLMDLJML MP PR RS
Sundews Capone of Yellicle           PS   2  3  3  1  6     2     1  2  1  1  7
LAPD Shifu of Lionheartcoon          MC   1  9     2  1 1L  7     2  5  2  2  1
Bluegrasrags Apollo of Olympodolls   RD      2  1  4  2     1     6  1  3  3   
Ladifference Esplendido              AB   5  6  9     3     4     4  4  8     2
Gillies Maui of de I Autin           TA   3  7  7  8  9        2     7  5  6   
Kiyaras Elektra Mykene               MC      4     6    3L     4  5  6 10  4  4
Arietta Horus of Buteurs             EM   6  1              9     7  3        3
Ebby vom Knuddelzoo                  BS   9     2  3  5        6               
Spice Pimienta                       BG   4                    1  3  8     8   
Furreal Chanel of Malattodolls       RD            7           7     9  4  5   
Amusting Cat Yo Yo                   ES      5  5  9        3                  
Shamun of Curious Coons              MC         6           6           9     6
Wallycats My Inspurration            PS      8                 5  8     6      
Imani Shiva of Falkenhoehe           TH           10                       7  9
Azov Kochka Mariinskaya              SB        10                   10    10   
Polar Bear Madeleine of Tuaron       ES   8     4              3               
Smereldas BC Else                    LP               4                    9   
von Dobschutz Banu                   OS               8                       5
Big Giants Resorts Te Quiero         MC  10           7                        
Gogees Major Force of Jaipursangels  BG     10              8           7      
Cacchiones Alishya                   BG                        8 10          10
Bearcloud Candyman                   MC            5    2L                     
Dior Blue vom Gahlenhof              MC   7                                    
Bigpaws Twilight                     MC         8           5                  
Ravenflocks Black Devil              MC                                       8
Bahatisha of Rakshasa Tigers         MC              10                        
Luckycoons Indigo                    MC                           9            
Junkle Mans Capricon                 MC                 4L                     
Fynn of Fennon Island                BL                    10                  
Mac Conner Hermine                   MC                 5L                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     49 49 49 49 48 20 26 23 35 35 35 35 35
                     Shorthair Count                                           

ALTERS                                  MDLJML MP PR RSMDLJML MP PR RS
Vibrations Ashoka                    AW   1  2  3  4  4  2  1  4  3  3
Felinoid Glamorous Minnie Mouse      BS   2  4  2  1  5  1  3     1  4
Tidgi Bettina Black                  CR      1  4  3  1     2  2  2  1
Lenny von Den Lafoten                NF   4     1     2  4     1  5  5
Des Touch Too Much Dandy             PD   5  5     5     5     5      
Bearcloud Night Shift                MC   3           3        3     2
Smeraldas Hungry Heat                SO      3              4         
Is Da Wa N Boy                       MC         5  2                  
Fiftystars Wyoming                   MC                  3  5         
Smeraldas BC Walter                  LP                           4   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11
                     Shorthair Count                                  
This report was prepared by Gerry Smith (