Great Lakes Area Cat Enthusiasts, South Bend, IN, April 10-11, 2010 Saturday Sunday Hisako Yamada AB Fate Mays AB Fate Mays AB Robin Sessler AB Vickie Fisher AB Bill Lee AB Debbie Lopeman AB Stephanie Smith SP Susan Lee SP Theresa Kempton SP KITTENS HY FM VF DL SL FM RS BL SS TK Boobella's Mr Magoo ES 1 3 1 1 1S 3 1 1 1S 1S Kabelkim Artic Ice MX 5 1 4 2S 2 4 5S 2S Ginchika Buckaroo Banzai JB 3 2 4S 4 3 4 4S 4S JCV John Wayne PS 6 5 1L 6 2 2L 3L Rockinblues Sophie Bijou RD 3 4 4L 2 3L JCV Tom Selleck PS 2 3L 1 4L 1L Starkittie Little Dipper BG 7 7 5 6 2S Charlevals Groovaloo of Kittablu BI 6 3 5L 7 1L Turtledove Ms Sassafras T RD 4 6 5 5L 4L Amaure Thats So Raven EM 6 5 3S 5S JCV James Darren HI 2 3 5L Cias Daria Filaretovna SB 5 5 7 Greenmansions Yukon of Spotsnglitz BG 3S 7 3S Galaxyrags Wish Upon A Star RD 2 2L Romanbengals Dexter Jettster of Alb BG 4 5S Ararat Natasha of Tatvan TV 6 Exotic Purr Mickey M II MC 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 21 22 22 21 12 22 22 22 12 12 Shorthair Count 10 10 10 CATS HY FM VF DL SL FM RS BL SS TK Sunsoar Jollymon of Dreamquete ES 3 6 2 5 1S 7 4 1 2S 4S Chemicoons Firefox MC 1 1 1 2 4 5 6L 5L Vindouro Publicenemy of Kingsransom BO 2 1 3S 1 7 4 3S 6S Vicketales Ollie of Woodlyn PS 6 5 7 3L 3 2 3L Leafdance Parsley of Synergy SI 9 3 9S 6 8S 7S Kcsjunglebabes Cloudy Sky BG 2 610S 10 1S Amurin Jaakob of Timberbend SB 3 7 5 7L 9L Halima Twilights Little Bella TV 7 7 5 6 Murrznpurrz Troubadour AS 10 9 2S 9 9S Catiators Shameless of Midnite Moon OC 3 8S 1 3S JCV Dennis Quaid PS 4 6L 6 4L Purrlawnrouge Superfly BG 4 2 7 Badgerland Imo White Puddy Kat MC 9L 8 5 4L Rockinashi Zazukeru JB 8 9 6S 5S Galaxyrags Thor RD 6 5L 2 Kremlincats Deja Blue PD 8 6S 3 Chemicoons Spontaneous Combustion MC 4 1L 6L Halima Tzar Ibn Kaskaval of Halima TV 2L 9 2L Rockinblues Sweet Home Alabama RD 9 1L 8L Kremlincats Chilly Vasily PD 9 9S 2S Javahut Moka Mokka HB 10 8 10S Swanskovkats Merlot NF 5 2L Strazkatz Cinna Bear SO 8 8L 8L Spotsnglitz Austin BG 8 1S Injoi Art Garfunkel of Darkhorse OS 3 8S Karissimakat Blame It On The Night HI 8 3L Mysticmelody Romeo of Sibano SB 7L 1L Minipurz What A Guy of Leprechaun MK 10 7S Camelot Fantasy Andres of Martycats BA 10L 10 Cattail's Miss Boom Boom Pow CR 4 Europa's Dronning Juba NF 4L 10L MX Station Karizma MX 10 Elegance Smokey of Adorablerags SL 10 Birchbark Buckskin BG 4S Khafre Fa Mulan AB 4S Chocolate Dream of Leprechaun MK 5S Albeng Aquila of Starkittie BG 5S Leprechaun Her Diamonds ML 5L Designerstripes Thunderstorm TG 7S Nite Wind Idol SL 7L Keepurrs Sexy Sadie of Rockinblues RD 9L Designerstripes Hot And Spice TG 10S Karissimakat Carbon Copy HI 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 68 68 68 68 28 64 64 66 29 28 Shorthair Count 40 36 36 ALTERS HY FM VF DL SL FM RS BL SS TK Vindouro Lincoln of Kingsransom BO 1 6 1 2S 2 2 5 4S 1S Karissimakat Cameron HI 5 2 9 2L 3 4 3 4L 2L Felitan Sir Ocelot OS 2 4 1 6 3S 7 6 1S 3S Cattail Sir Oliver Flynn CR 1 10 3 1S 9 4 2S 2S HMs Boots And Spurs BS 8 9 7 4 6 2 5S LAPD Iron II Oxide of Chemicoons MC 3 3 2 4 1L Ja-Koi's Shinjin JL 5 9 4L 7 3L 1L Karissimakat Alistar Appleton PS 4 2 7 1 5L Shirwood's Catatoulie BA 7 8 1L 5 5L Usadolls Liberty Belle RD 6 5 10 1 Dadaelis Palu of Leopardfuzz BG 7 5S 8 5S Kittyhaven Heavenly Blue Angel RD 3L 3 6 Usadolls Air Force One RD 8 2L 3L Kabelkim Roisin CY 9 8 8 Ginchika Okonomiyaki JB 5 3S 4S Supurkitties Cinnamon AB 8 10 4S Koontyme Mister Williams Jr MC 6 4 Halima Selene TV 5L 1 Abirwood's Ferris BI 10 5 Kcsjunglebabes Orians Falling Star BG 3 Badgerland Bandito D Blues MC 7 Strazkatz Chief Red Cloud SO 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 25 25 25 25 15 23 24 23 14 16 Shorthair Count 9 9 9 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS HY FM VF DL SL FM RS BL SS TK Cassie 1 3 2 2 1S 3 2 1 2S 2S Ebony of Tinkertonks 3 2 1 4 1L 1 1 2 1L 1L Mischief Managed 4 1 4 1 3S 2 4 4 1S 3S Cleopatra of Absolutesv 2 4 3 3 2S 4 3 3 3S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 1 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 HOUSEHOLD PETS HY FM VF DL SL FM RS BL SS TK Atom of Kingsransom 1 1 2S 1 2 2 4S Auntie Muffin 3 4 1L 2 3 4L 1L Tippecanoe of Kremlincats 2 1S 1 4 5S 1S Allen 5 2 3 3 5S Baiter Allexandros of Starkittie 2 3 4S 2S 2S Putterput of Kittyhaven 1 3 1 3L Curly Sue 2 5 4L 2L 3L Hey Hey Holy Mackerel 4 5S 5 3S Liddle Louie 5L 5 1L 4L Dudley Iv 1 5 Quinn 3L 5 2L Jericho 4 2L 5L Charlie Chips 3 5 Tejay 4 3S Madame Alexandria The Great 1S 4S Daisy Mae 4 5L Neo 4 Lacey Marie 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 20 20 20 20 7 19 19 18 7 7 Shorthair Count 13 12 12 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS HY FM VF DL SL FM RS BL SS TK Gattobello Aerin SV 1 1 1 1S Gattobello Aerin SV 1 1 1S 1S Candcsavannah Prissy of Summerwood SV 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Shorthair Count 2 2 2 -- This report was prepared by Mike Vasquez (