Cattyshack Cats, North Augusta, SC, September 19-20, 2009

               Saturday                        Sunday         
        Frances Yow          AB        Marilyne Dombroskie  AB
        Joe Edwards          AB        Wendy Klamm          AB
        Robin Higgins        AB        Debbie Lopeman       AB
        Penny Garrett        AB        Joe Edwards          SP
        Debbie Lopeman       AB        Stephanie Smith      SP
        Ed Manning           SP        Theresa Kempton      SP

KITTENS                                  FY JE RH PG DL EM MD WK DL JESSm TK
Catiators Airrace of Pirateslair     OC   9  1  7  2  1     3     1 1S    2S
Blue Poems Quintessa of Fultonblue   HI   5  4     8  6 5L  7  3  5 2L 2L   
Magnoliastar Blynkyne                SB         3  1  2 1L  1     4 4L 3L 5L
Kittyfield's Fance Pantz             SF   1  3        4 6S  8     9 3S 3S 1S
Broadsway Bennett                    MC     10  4  5       10  7  6 1L 1L 1L
Wizardgate Dirty Diania              BO                     5  2  2 2S 1S 3S
Heaven-Sent A Star Is Born           SX   7  5     6  9 5S        8 5S      
Riterags Christina Estrella          RD            3  7        8  7 5L 4L   
Himiehaven Coco Chanel               ES   6  6  2     8 2S                  
Bengaland Donuts Creme Puff          BG         5     3 1S        3    6S   
Grimore Foolishpleasure of Hylanderc TA   2  2    10          10          2L
Tremethick Elwing                    MC         1  4           1    3L      
Aksum Tiny Dancer                    AB        10    10 3S       10 6S 5S   
Fractal What U Mean To Me            BG         8           2          4S   
WFB Into The Wilderness              BG                 7S  4  4            
Mystic Melody Oopsy Daisy            SB         9              5       5L   
Bluewater Jing of Sundaribengals     BG                 4S     6          4S
Memere-Pata Tasha                    RB   8                    9       7S   
Encore Ba Tu of Sundaribengals       BG  10                         7S    7S
Ohiyesa Lootah Tocho                 MC      8              6               
Mysticmelody Igor Stravinsky         SB      7          2L                  
Bengalpride Santa Fe of Bamapaws     BG            9                   2S   
Palacecats Fire N Ice                RD                 3L                3L
Medoz Causincomotion of Indiancreek  BG                     9             5S
Dandy Curls Sammy Davis Jr           SR   3                                 
Fianna Connemara                     BG   4                                 
Mainesail Sunbeam                    MC               5                     
Rags2riches Monica                   RD         6                           
Cyber-Sphynx Lady Delwyn             SX            7                        
Fianna Smoke On The Water            BG      9                              
Bagheera Snow White of Serenity      BG                             4S      
Mainesail Admiral                    MC                 4L                  
Blue Poems Reese of Fultonblue       HI                                   4L
Alexy Temur Khan of Aksum            AB                                   6S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     41 39 40 39 39 16 35 36 36 14 14 14
                     Shorthair Count                    22          22 22 22

CATS                                     FY JE RH PG DL EM MD WK DL JESSm TK
Royallions Count Blackula            MC   2  3  5     4 2L  6  2  6 1L 1L 1L
Alchemy Life Is Beautiful            SI   5  1  9  8  3 1S  5     7 1S 7S 1S
Russellers Basshus of Fultonblue     AS     10     4  2 4S  3  1  4 4S 1S 3S
Boysnrags Maximus of Palacecats      RD  10  7  4     7 1L     4 10 3L    2L
Luvpurrs The Next Ice Age            TO      5  3  1  1 3S        1    2S   
Vindouro Twisted Sister              BU                    10  5  3 3S 3S 6S
Royallions Jewel Thief of Tanstaafl  MC            6  6        7  8 4L 5L   
Medoz Thief Ofmyheart                BG                 2S  4  6  5       2S
Sentera's Rose Bud                   SG      2  7       8S          2S 9S 8S
Bebopcats Mewsic of Pengar           OS                     9  3  2 5S    7S
Himiehaven Coco Chanel               ES                     2     9 8S 4S 4S
The First Lady of Palacecats         SX      8 10 10 10 9S             8S   
Snowcats Princess                    SN   7     8       7S  7            10S
Star Coons Mild Red of Firemountain  MC            7    3L  1             3L
Rubanthom Blue Knight                RB   4  9                      9S    9S
Bengaland Royal Flush                BG   8  4                      7S 6S   
Memere-Pata Blue-Light               RB         2           8  9            
Riterags Bella Primvera              RD            2    5L             2L   
Riterags Serenity                    RD            3    4L                5L
Eowyn Siobhan                        NF   6                         2L 4L   
Shevangibengals Paizli of Bengaland  BG   3        5                        
Soulmates Paul Hewson                RD                             5L 3L 4L
Belladonna Breaking Dawn of Sakura   BG         1                      5S   
Therealms Jewely of Bcompanions      BG                 5S            10S 5S
Talshipp Beacon Light                MC   9  6                              
Wintergarden Caitlin of Sentera      SG            9  8                     
Savannahriver Pippin of Bearbrook    BG                10S    10   10S      
Yofranlin Siren of Timeheart         HB               9 6S                  
Catera's Junebug Z of Sentera/Cf     SG   1                                 
Fassa                                BG               5                     
Boydsbengals Sari of Sundaribengals  BG         6                           
Sartoris Arawn                       AS                        8            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     35 38 38 38 38 11 44 44 44 11 11 11
                     Shorthair Count                    25          33 33 32

ALTERS                                   FY JE RH PG DL EM MD WK DL JESSm TK
Fultonblue Strike Up The Band        PS      2  1  5  1 1L  1     1 1L 2L 1L
Chin Hills Leilani                   BU         3  1  4 1S  5  1  3 2S 2S 2S
Alchemy Simply Red                   OS      1  4     5 2S  2     4 1S 3S 1S
Hattkatts Mr Kristjan of Eowyn       NF   1  3  5  2    4L     5       3L 3L
Tanstaafl Im Furrgelicious MSS       MC   4  5  2       2L     3    2L 5L 2L
Angelsark Gylou of Smoothies         SX            3  2 3S  4  4    5S 1S   
Radiance Have Faith of Luvpurrs      SI   5  4                    5 3S 4S 3S
Megacoon Bearfootin of Mtncats       MC            4  3 5L        2         
Shadowdolls Chelsea of Rags2riches   RD                 3L     2    5L 1L 4L
Pirateslair Dyn-O-Mite               BI   3                 3       3L 4L   
Sundancer Man                        SX   2             5S                4S
Odesseycatz Thunder                  TO                 4S          4S 5S 5S
Coonmtn Rainy Night In Georgia       MC                             4L    5L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     13 14 14 14 13  7 12 12 12  6  6  6
                     Shorthair Count                     6           6  6  6

Cindy Sue                                 3  4  2  1  4 1S  3  1  2 5S 1S 3S
Ga Casanova of Bamapaws                   1  5  3  3  3 2S  1  3  3 4S 3S 1S
Cash N Carry                              2  1  1  2  1 1L  2  2  1 1L 1L 1L
She Is My Destini                         4  2  6  5  2 4S  6  4  4 1S 4S 4S
Apollonine of Bamapaws                    5  3  4  4  5 5S  4  5  5 3S 2S 2S
Toppy Cat                                 6  6  5  6    3S  5  6  6 2S 5S 5S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  6  6  5  1  6  6  6  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                     5           5  5  5

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           FY JE RH PG DL EM MD WK DL JESSm TK
A Christmas Spirit of Luvpurrs            2  2  2  1  3 2S  3  2  2 1S 1S 2S
Boots                                     4  3  1  4  4 1S  1  1  4 2S 3S 1S
Lil Stewart                               1  1  5  2  5 1L  4  3  5 1L 1L 2L
Get Rhythm                                5     3  3  2 3S  2  5  3 4S 2S 3S
Brianna Teresa of Tanasi                     4  4  5  1 4S     4  1 3S 4S 4S
Ashley-Marie                              3  5          2L          2L 2L 1L
Apollonine of Bamapaws                                      5               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  6  6  6  2  6  6  6  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                     4           4  4  4

NEW TRAITS                               FY JE RH PG DL EM MD WK DL JESSm TK
Alexy Hot Rod Lincoln of Aksum       AB   1  1  1  1  1 1S  1  1  1 1S 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1     1  1  1         
                     Shorthair Count                     1           1  1  1
This report was prepared by Toni Scarboro (