Clube Gaścho Do Gato, Novo Hamburgo, Brasil, August 22-23, 2009

            Saturday                   Sunday AM                   Sunday PM        
    Hisako Yamada         SP    Hisako Yamada         AB    Hisako Yamada         AB  *
    Alberto Leal          AB    Alberto Leal          SP    Alberto Leal          AB  *
    Carlos Arrieta        AB    Carlos Arrieta        SP    Carlos Arrieta        AB **
    Luiz Paulo Faccioli   SP    Luiz Paulo Faccioli   AB    Luiz Paulo Faccioli   AB **
                    * Cats for Sandi Mattingly
                   ** Kittens, Alters, HHP for Sandi Mattingly

KITTENS                                  HY AL CA LF HY AL CA LF CA LF
Deabaete Tatiana                     PS  5L  2  2 2L  6 1L 1L  3  2  3
Dealles Mirrage                      AS  1S  1  1 1S  2 1S 1S  1  1  2
Soberano Britney Spears              RD      3  3 3L    2L 3L  4  4  1
Deabaete Roberta                     PS  9L  9  9 4L    4L 6L  6  6  5
Luciernagas Carrasco                 MC         4 7L  8    5L  5  7  6
Deabaete Cibele                      PS  2L     5 6L  4    7L 10  8   
Siempreamar Joy of Sanguetsu         RD  1L  8    5L  1        8     9
Missy Ney Michel                     MC      4  7 9L    3L 2L     3   
Devendra Aphrodite of Betunes        MC  6L  5    8L    6L     7    10
Valmont Homan of Alkimia             HI     10        710L     9     8
Mitzi Memory of Soberano             RD         8    10 7L 9L    10   
Katzecoon Boris                      MC           1L           2     4
Devendra Cleopatra of Betunes        MC  3L    10     3 8L            
Golddynasty Sorty Bubble of Aasgard  PS  7L  6        9              7
Coventgarden Marina                  PS         6          4L     5   
Norway Babusca                       BI 10L  7          9L10L         
Betunes Yumi                         RD  4L           5               
Magnisplendor Francisco              PS                    8L     9   
Pantufa's Alvin                      ES  2S       2S    2S 2S         
Golddynasty Charlize of Milano       PS                 5L            
Missy Bonnie Blue                    MC  8L                           
Norway Red Bull                      BI          10L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     32 34 34 32 29 29 28 33 29 31
                     Shorthair Count      2        2     2  2         

CATS                                     HY AL CA LF HY AL CA LF HY AL
Shuhaisinh Carmine of Deabaete       BI  1L  5  7 4L  2 5L 5L  6  2  5
Woodpile Ready To Rumble of Betunes  MC  3L  2  4 8L  3 1L 3L     1  3
San-Fe Jordan of Deabaete            ES      1  1 1S    1S 1S  1     1
Golddynasty Angel Face               PS      3  5 5L    2L 1L  5     2
Woodpile Kaleidoscope                MC  8L  8    3L  8 8L 9L  8     7
Capriccio Drop Shot of Betunes       RD 10L  7  8       3L 6L  9     4
Deabaete Princesa                    ES      9    2S    2S 3S  2     6
Deabaete Sandra                      PS  6L  6  9     6    4L     4   
Deabaete Priscila                    PS  5L     2 1L       2L  3      
Deabaete Bruna                       PS  2L 10        4 9L 8L       10
Celestrail Blue Topaz of Mitzi       RD  4L       6L  1 6L           9
Woodpile On Fire of Missy            MC      4 10 7L    4L 7L         
Devendra Link                        MC           2L           4  5   
Gabrielly Das Torres of Lovelydoll's RB           3S    4S 4S  7      
Sartoris Monet of Dealles            AS  5S     6       5S 5S         
Deabaete Carlos                      ES  3S     3          2S         
Betunes Katashi                      ES  4S       4S          10      
Indea Ana of Deabaete                ES  1S           5               
Ferrkat Betty Boop of Magnisplendor  PS                10L10L     7   
D'Lucas Frederico of Sheroncats      ES                 3S        6   
Bleuregarddoux Brad Pitt of Betunes  RD           9L              3   
Jumillas Silver Velvet of Lovelydoll RB  2S          10               
Mitzi Esmeralda                      RD  7L           7               
Deabaete Matilda                     PS                 7L           8
Shuhai Sinh Refusilo of Norway       BI                           8   
Ragbelas Yerusha of Sulraggies       RD               9               
Capriccio Alma                       RD                           9   
Mashalabizbul Anabiel                SB                          10   
Korban Hope of Betunes               ES           5S                  
Katzecoon Ursula                     MC  9L                           
San-Fe Vlada                         PS          10L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     32 45 45 31 43 30 29 43 42 42
                     Shorthair Count     12       12    12 12         

ALTERS                                   HY AL CA LF HY AL CA LF CA LF
Soberano Samsara                     PL  2L  3  1 1L  2 1L 1L  2  1  1
Deabaete Hellen                      OS  2S  1  3 1S  5 1S 1S  1  2  2
Deabaete Silvia                      SI  3S  2  4 3S  4 2S 2S  3  3  3
Katzenhaus Dionata                   HI  3L  5    2L  1 3L 2L  4  4  4
Norway Ector                         BI  1L  4  5 3L  3 2L 3L  5     5
Deabaete Madeleine                   ES  1S     2 2S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  5  6  3  5  3  3  5  4  5
                     Shorthair Count      3        3     2  2         

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           HY AL CA LF HY AL CA LF CA LF
Frajola of Mitzi                         1L  1  3 1L  2 1L 1L  2  2  1
Afro                                     1S  2  1 1S  3 1S 1S  1  1  2
Perola                                   2L  3  2 2L  1 2L 2L  3  3  3
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  3  3  2  3  2  2  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count      1        1     1  1         
This report was prepared by Luiz Paulo Faccioli (