The Silver Cats, Reno, Nevada, July 3-5, 2009 Friday Saturday Sunday Lindajean Grillo AB Mark Coleman AB Alex Chisholm AB Kitti Ruttan AB Fate Mays AB Vickie Fisher AB Vickie Shields AB Kay DeVilbiss AB Pascale Portelas AB Adriana Kajon AB Lindajean Grillo SP Fate Mays SP Linda Kay Ashley AB Vickie Shields SP Kay DeVilbiss SP Candy Jacobsen SP Adriana Kajon SP Jay Bangle SP KITTENS LG KR VS AK LA CJ MC FM KD LG VS AK AC VF PP FM KD JB Kelloggs Destinys Child AS 1 8 3 8 3 3S 2 7 1S 3S 2 2 7 2S 3S 1S Kalame Salome-Dromore BS 5 1 5 1 1S 2 1 4S 5S 4 1 1 1S 2S Furreal Cliffs Pride N Joy RD 2 7 2 6 8 6 8 1L 2L 2L 1 3L 2L 4L Katsnjazz Bette Davis Eyes TA 9 6 2 2L 3 7 9 5L 4L 8 8 2 5L Chemicoons Molybdenum of Chaparral MC 2 7 7 4 6 3L 3L 5L 3 3 5L Azwegie Bobby NF 5 4 4L 10 9 3L 5 4 5 2L 3L Rainingrexes Aurora DR 4 4 8 1 2S 3S 1S 2S 4S Enchantedtails Jewell of SnoPride BG 10 4 5 7 10 1 2S 9 1S Chisholmtrail Miroku of Kitti Kat OC 6 2 8 5 5S 1S 10 3S 4S Windwalker Atticus MC 7 1L 3 3 2L 6 1L 1L Shimiji Damiana of Hillstblues AB 3 3 4S 5 2S 4 Furrdreams Piznvinegar of Fair Oaks PS 6 4 5 8 4L 4L 5L Vinduoro Zorro of Bewitched BU 10 9 4 6 4S 2S Koppiekatz Margay BG 10 3 3S 10 7 3S Chisholmtrail Star Power OC 9 6 6 4S 10 5S Stradivaripuss Jupiter of Etude SO 5L 5L 4L 9 1L Hoofnpaws Phantasia JB 1 10 7 5S Hillstblues Markia SO 8 10 4L 6 Felinart Lucky Charmer HI 10 1 5 Nudistcamp Black Magic SX 7 3 5S Rockcreek Don Juan RD 8 9 2L Eeyaa Satin Nails TG 9 5S 5S Whatatrill Iron Man MC 4 3L GBarG Ranch Golden Darlin Clemintin PB 5 9 Azwegie Bailey NF 1L 1L Sundancenbare Silly Sally SX 9 4S Furreal Edisons Patron RD 2 Adorabledolls Jon Carlo RD 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 35 33 33 32 33 14 32 33 31 15 15 15 29 25 28 14 14 14 Shorthair Count 19 18 17 18 17 17 17 CATS LG KR VS AK LA CJ MC FM KD LG VS AK AC VF PP FM KD JB Sunfox Zadok of Etude SO 4 5 3 10 7 9 1L 1L 3L 5 1 3 5L 5L 3L Furrdreams The Final Quiz PS 7 10 8 1 4L 5 2 7 3L 4L 9 1 1L 4L 4L Azwegie Simon NF 7 2 2 3 2 1 5L 3L 1L 3 4 2L 1L Raksha Burundi Kayanza SI 6 1 1 1 5S 1S 1S 4 9 9 7S 3S 6S Bangles Terraincognito of Kitti Kat SR 6 3S 6 4 5 9S 2 4 2 2S 6S Chaparral Coquette SG 5 3 2 2S 1 6S 10S 7 5S 7S 9S Balimoor Belle Starr OS 8 6 4 5S 9 8 7S 5S 2 4S 7S YankeeStar MSgt Stripes of Purfur AS 1 3S 2S 3S 3 10 10 1S10S 1S Rainforest Wasabi BG 2 4 8 3 2S 2S 4S 1S 3S DBCats You're The One AL 2 4 7 8 1L 2L 2L 8 7 Furreal Bandit of Merlinsrags RD 10 9 7 6 2 4L 4L 5L 7 4L Hot Chocolate Bonym/CF BU 3 10 4 3S 4S 3S 2S Coonyham Rowdy Yates of Williamina MC 3 2L 6 5 2L 1L Catsofoz Mackenzie of Mainefolds SF 8 4S 4S 10 5 5S 8S Peachkinz Benjamin Franklin SX 9 1S 3 9S 9S 8 Mysticoon Ebony of Bigrivercoon MC 6 2L 7 6 2L Zinfelmax Dolcetto AB 7S 9 6 6 6S Brit Beauts Bluemoon of Mainefolds BS 9 9 6S 4 8S Rainforest Rubys Parting Gift BG 1 7 1S 7S Eaglerock Pretty Boy Floyd AS 4 5 10 6S Zinfelmax Nebbiolo AB 3 10 4S Zinfelmax Trebbiano AB 1010S10S 8S 10S Sancancat Delreo PS 5 5L 3L Pinupcats Crush With Eyeliner SX 9 10 8S SnoPride Wurthys Memory BG 5 10S 6S Expresivepixie Miss Montana PB 5S 8S 2S Lakehurst Miracle Life BG 8 9S 10S Pocket Leopards Lucianchat of Ounce BG 5 7S Sierragold Its Vegas Baby BG 9S 8 Coonz Purroshuzz MC 1 Sarajen Highland Park of Whatatrill MC 6 Simplysimes Vanilla Creme BG 8 Hoofnpaws Kumo Ashi JB 4S Mtnsprings Levi of Rivercityrags RD 3L Coonz Purrvert MC 3L Mme Butterfly Dark Java BU 5S Longfellow Tyguy of Ragtimeblues RD 5L Taiyo's Shiro JL 5L Purrceptive Chantilly of Mainefolds BS 8S Coolspots Duet BG 8S G Bar G Ranch Cool Hand Luke PB 9S Allbreed/Longhair Count 49 48 49 47 45 11 49 46 42 14 13 14 45 43 45 16 15 17 Shorthair Count 31 32 35 34 27 29 31 ALTERS LG KR VS AK LA CJ MC FM KD LG VS AK AC VF PP FM KD JB Rainingrexes Trillium DR 4 5 9 1S 3 1 4 2S 6S 6 2 2S 5S 4S Kosikatz Thotzi Induna Ingwe BG 1 7 1 5 2 1S 2S 2S 3 7 1S 4S 3S Karissimakat Truckee of Kibbykat HI 3 2 7 1 3L 4 2 2L 4L 1 1L 1L Kingsransom Isabel of Smoothies SX 1 6 2 3S 1 5 7S 1S 1S 2 1 4S Azwegie Shane NF 7 9 8 4 10 8 10 3L 3L 1L 4 5L 3L Sehnsational Crescendo BA 2 3 5 4 6 6 1L 1L 2L 2 Chisholmtrail Fire Storm OC 6 7 4 3 8 3 4S 3S 3S 10 5S Ginchika Eko JB 5 4 5 10 9 3S 5S 5S 8 3S 1S Katsnjazz Love Potion Number 9 TA 8 6 3 1L 1 5L 3L 2L 2L 2L Tassam Klip Purr of St Valentine BA 8 2 9 4L 2L 5L 8 9 4L 4L Catsofoz Milky Way of Mainefolds SF 8 5S 3 5 5 3 2S 5S HMS Fuzzy Licks of Gattobello BS 10 2 9 8 7 3 10 Windwalker Wonder MC 3 10 6 4L 6 4L 5L Adorabledolls Shiloh Blue RD 6 7 5L 10 4 5 Ranchcats Blu Boy SI 1 4 4S 4S Sarsenstone Ghyllian SI 9 2 5 5S Lightdancers Amber Rose AB 10 5 9 6S Coonpanion Champagne of Cozycoons MC 6 1 1L Mymains Stewart Gilligan MC 7 7 3L Lostwoods Majestic of Forresttales NF 5L 8 6 Grandbois Augustus CX 2S 8S 9 Sarsenstone Jet Teausson SI 10 4 Windwalker Tatanka Iyotanka MC 9 7 Fairydust Krogan of Sarsenstone SI 9 1S Joyvyn Tres Cherie PS 10 3L Folderol Olav The Viking SS 4L 6L Etude The Tail Of Tsar Sultan/Id AB 7 Mme Butterfly Princess Ausie BU 8 Excalibur Foggy Knight of Purzzalot BS 2S Angelminds Hana of Hapi K MC 2L Plaidplus George Gordon of Kirembo BS 3S Taiyo's Stuart Little JB 4S Mymains Oleda Zella MC 5L Candicats Dots TO 7S Bridlewood Ink On Mink BG 8S Allbreed/Longhair Count 40 40 41 37 36 16 40 40 42 18 17 17 41 41 41 21 20 20 Shorthair Count 20 23 23 17 19 18 18 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS LG KR VS AK LA CJ MC FM KD LG VS AK AC VF PP FM KD JB June Bug of Peachkinz 1 1 1 1 1 1L 1 2 1 1L 1L 1L 1 2 1 1L 1L 1L Jungle Julia 3 2 3 2 2 2S 2 1 4 2S 1S 3S 4 1 3 1S 2S 3S Lucky Tiki of Freya 2 3 2 3 3 1S 3 3 3 1S 3S 2S 3 4 4 3S 3S 2S Stuntman Mike 4 4 2 3S 2S 1S 2 3 2 2S 1S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 HOUSEHOLD PETS LG KR VS AK LA CJ MC FM KD LG VS AK AC VF PP FM KD JB SampsonII 4 1 1 2 1 1 2L 2L 3 1 1 1L 1L 1L Margo 2 2 3 3S 4 1S 2S 1S 1 6 7 1S 3S Legolas 3 3 6 5S 4 2 2S 4S 7 4 2S 2S 2S Whipped Cream 7 2 1 8 10 5L 7 2L 5L 5 3L 5L Mittzi 5 4L 9 7 3L 5L 4L 5 4L 3L Maverick 9 2L 4 6 3 2 2L 4L Furby 7 10 3L 5 9 10 8 3L 2L Mochalatte 6 9 2 1S 10 6 6 4S Patchmoe of Carchet 8 4 5 2S 2 1S 2S Winnie Pooh 1 7 3 8 8 1S 3S Moses 3 5 3 5S 2 2 Ziggy 5 6 4 7 3S 3S 9 Miss Lacey 1 8 10 5 1L 3L 5L Lady Croft 2 1L 5 5L 9 5L 4L Sparky 8 8 7 5S 3S 5S 5S Gabrielle With Clouds 10 6 9 8 4L 3L Freedom Fighter of Camelottaspots 3 10 4S 3 5S James Bond 6 9 7 6 3S Shortcake 8 4L 1L 8 4 Daphne 5 6 4S 4S Callie 9 9 4S 5 Oliver 10 3 2L Ashland of Janipurr 4 1S Peanut 7 4 Loriland Tinkerbell 4 10 Smokey 10 1L Smokey of Lakehurst 10 4S Jumpin Jack Flash From Tucson 9 5S Buddy 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 26 30 30 31 33 11 29 30 29 12 12 12 27 28 28 11 11 11 Shorthair Count 16 17 17 17 16 16 16 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS LG KR VS AK LA CJ MC FM KD LG VS AK AC VF PP FM KD JB Tasurt Tor of Sarsenstone CU 1 1 1S 1 1 1S Pangaea Argemone of Sarsenstone TH 1 1S 1 1 1S Kirembo Amadi Binah SV 1 1 1 1S 1S Kirembo Barack SV 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Shorthair Count 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 NEW TRAITS MC FM KD LG VS AK Mainstreet TS McGraw of Candicats BG 1 1 1 1S 1S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 -- This report was prepared by Arthur Still (