Club Felino Del Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 13-14, 2009

               Saturday AM                          Sunday              
    Luiz Paulo Faccioli            SP    Luiz Paulo Faccioli            AB
    Beat Rettenmund (guest Judge)  SP    Beat Rettenmund (guest Judge)  AB

               Saturday PM
    Luiz Paulo Faccioli            AB
    Beat Rettenmund (guest judge)  AB

KITTENS                                  LF BR LF BR LF BR
Golddynasty Angel Face               PS  1L 1L  2  2  2  1
Luciernagas Baushi                   MC  3L 2L  3  1  3  2
Deabaete Daniel                      ES  1S 2S  1  4  1  4
Deabaete Tatiana                     PS  2L 3L  4  5  4  5
Imagination Libertad                 BS  2S 1S  5  3  5  3
Vaimaca Piru Prisila                 PS  4L 4L            
Kalantara Lord Asper                 PS  5L 5L            
Salvador Gloria Cacharel             ES  3S 3S            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  9  9  8  8
                     Shorthair Count      3  3            

CATS                                     LF BR LF BR LF BR
Anona Wizard of Magie Noire          PS  2L 1L  4  1  4  2
Pampa Guilty of Ladiabla             BS  3S 1S  1  3  5  3
San-Fe Jordan of Deabaete            ES  2S 2S  5  5  2  4
Mashalabizbul Shiraz                 SB  1L 4L  2  7  1  6
Gatopardo Patoruzu                   BG  1S 3S  3  6  3  5
Argonath Lady Laire Quenya Summer    OS  4S 4S  6  9  6  8
Tekanewas Silvermoon                 MC     2L     2  8  1
Janmil Swann                         PS  3L 3L  7  4      
La Cumparsita Ivette                 PS     5L     8     7
Bruma's Sweet Melody                 ES         8     7   
Aasgard Florenza of Golddynasty      HI  4L     9         
Golddynasty Bandoneon/Lacumparsita   PS  5L    10         
Junglemans Jadore                    MC           10      
Aldeabengals Anama                   BG  5S               
Sothis Nefertiti                     SI     5S            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     14 14 26 26 23 23
                     Shorthair Count     12 12            

ALTERS                                   LF BR LF BR LF BR
Odin of Seaplace                     MC  1L 1L  1  1  1  1
White South Star Margot/Lacumparsita HI  2L 2L  2  2  2  2
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  2  2  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                      

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           LF BR LF BR LF BR
Salvador Canela                          1S 1S  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count            1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count      1  1            
This report was prepared by Luiz Paulo Faccioli (