Wisconsin-Illinois Cat Fanciers, Wauwatosa, WI, June 13, 14 2009

             Saturday                   Sunday      
        Robin Higgins   AB        Connie Webb     AB
        Dewane Barnes   AB        Robin Sessler   AB
        Paul Lahey      AB        Francine Hicks  AB
        Debbie Lopeman  AB        Lisa Dickie     AB
        Ed Manning      SP        Rene Knapp      SP
        Vicki Howell    AB                          

KITTENS                                  RH DB PL DL EM CW RS FH LD RK
Furelyse Tator Tot                   SF   2  1       1S     5  2  1 1S
Heavnzsent Marat Sunny Boy           SB   3  5       1L     1     2 3L
Vindouro Twisted Sister              BU                  1  2  4  3 4S
LAPD Momentum of Chemicoons          MC      2  5  2     4          2L
Beaconwood Crayola of Leospride      CR   1     2    5S  2          2S
Khafre Fa Mulan                      AB            1 4S  3  4       5S
Divasden Liquid Moonlight            BG            5 3S        1    3S
Ja-Koi's Shinijin                    JL      3  1              3      
Ja-Koi's Hanayaka                    JL            3 2L           5 4L
Starzkatz Chief Red Cloud            SO            4 5L  5          1L
Exotic Purrz Chelsea                 MC              3L     3  5      
Europas Dronning Juba                NF              4L           4 5L
Meridian Magic Marker of Fox Valley  BG   4  4                        
Senan Blue Jade of Catastery         JB         3                     
Spotsnglitz Gunner                   BG         4                     
Ja-Koi's Hachimitsu of Rockinashi    JL   5                           
Designerstripes Thunderstorm         TG              2S               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     15 15 17 17  8 16 16 16 15  8
                     Shorthair Count                  9              8

CATS                                     RH DB PL DL EM CW RS FH LD RK
Sarajen Heurich Foggy Bottom         MC   1  1  1  3 1L  2  8  1  1 4L
Azima Purrfect Wonder of Antioch     TA   6  8  6  2     7  3     8 3L
Ginchika Yoshiwara Gin Tora          JB   4  3  4 10 2S        3  7 9S
Karissimakat Carbon Copy             HI                  1  2  2  2 1L
Luvpurrs The Next Ice Age            TO   9        1 6S  4     6    8S
Khafre Its All Over Now Baby Blue    AB     10     4     3  4       1S
Eaglerock Pretty Boy Floyd           AS      6  3       10  6       2S
Windrifter Sir Raja of Heavenzsent   SB   5        7 3L        4    5L
Destinybengals Galileo of Bearbrook  BG              1S     9  5  9 4S
Katteycasa Bare Flirtation           SX      9  7    4S           3 5S
Carriekatz Rembrandt                 ES      2  8    7S  9       10   
Burmgarden Elvira of Wizardgate      BO                     7  9  6 6S
Starsnstripes Unknown Soldier        PB        10  9 8S     1         
Boysnrags Maximus of Palacecats      RD   7     5        5            
Second Chance of Ja-Koi              JL            5 5L  6            
Leopardfuzz Prodigy                  BG   3        6               10S
Angelheart My Sweet Jasmine          RD   2                 5         
Kauffman Smokeys Leo of Angelheart   RD      7                    4   
Karissimakat Fire In The Sky         PS                        8  5   
Bluegrasrags Reggie White            RD            8                2L
Forestdolls Lily Rose                NF   8     9                     
Murrznpurrz Dreamweaver              AS  10                   10      
JCV Edward G Robinson                PS         2                     
Starkittie Solar Eclipse             BG      4                        
JCV Vinnie Corleone                  PS      5                        
Dreamhaven Em Ma Shogurl Now         BG             10S             7S
Angelheart Diva Doll Raquel          RD                        7      
Medoz Tiki of Fox Valley             BG                  8            
JCV Katherine Hepburn                HI              2L               
Toygerhaven Cosmic Chill             TG              3S               
Santeepride Doby Karl                TG                             3S
Nite Wind Celebrity                  SR                    10         
Catzanova Djakarta of Windicty       SO              4L               
Leopardfuzz Tiger Lilly              BG              5S               
Tecspot Lunar Eclipse of Starkittie  BG              9S               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     45 46 46 45 19 47 47 46 46 20
                     Shorthair Count                 27             26

ALTERS                                   RH DB PL DL EM CW RS FH LD RK
Rexdancer Nathaniel                  CR   3  3     1 2S  2  2  1  3 2S
Karissimakat Cameron                 HI   1  6  4    1L  1  6  2  2 2L
Vindouro Hells Bells of Ringapurr    BO   2  8  1  3 3S  5  5  5  1   
Sazikatz Dream Catcher of Ringapurr  TO   6     3  2 5S  8  3  6  6 3S
Starzkatz Wiley Coyote               SO      5     6    10 10  8  9 3L
Heavenzsent Sir Cato                 SB         2  4 2L        4 10 5L
Eaglerock Joey of Yeahimmy           AS         6        3     3  7 4S
Catbriers Flynn Flan Man             OS   7  2     5 4S               
Murrznpurrz Sweet P                  AS   4        7 1S     7         
Newspring Lan Dai Shan               RD      7              8  7    1L
Kauffman Sebastian                   RD                  6  1     5   
Cooncross Typhoon                    MC              4L  7     9  8   
Ymir Rakkys Red Buttons              NF      4                10  4   
Jedidiah's Elira Dorabella           NF         5    3L     9         
Junglemist Dreamz of Wildones        BG   8              9          1S
Jedidiah's Elliott Andre Aamodt      NF   5        8                  
Divasden Latte Dolci                 BG      1                        
Kokopellies Anasazi Spirit           BB                     4         
Ymir Rak My Soul                     NF                  4            
Kabelkim Mougat of Spotsnglitz       CY                             4L
Jendor Rikki Rhythm And Blues        MC              5L               
Casarocca Snow Shadows               BG                             5S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     23 23 21 23 12 25 25 25 25 15
                     Shorthair Count                 11             10

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           RH DB PL DL EM VH CW RS FH LD RK
Angel On My Shoulder of Luvpurrs          8  4  1  1     4  4  2  2  5 1S
Aprilfool                                 4  9  5  3 1L     1  3 10  7 1L
Leo                                       7  2  9  8 2L  1  9  6     1 2L
Paint Me A Masterpiece                   10  1     6 3S 10     5  6  3   
Splatatoon                                6  6     5     3     1  7    4S
Sleeping Beauty                           5  8  2 10     8  6     4      
Summer Splash of Luvpurrs                 1  7     2        3 10    10 6S
Stryder of Santeepride                             7 4S  6 10     9  4 2S
Mardee Gras                               3  3  8        2           8   
Penelope Taillight                                 4 5S     8  9  3      
Meeko                                       10  7  9 3L  5             4L
Piccolo                                              1S     5  4       5S
Serena                                          3              7     6   
CMDR Sela La Femme N Kitty                   5           7           9   
Mouse                                                          8  1      
Anna Belle                                2                 7            
Tonto                                                                2 3S
Ebony Felicia                                   4                 8      
Fur Ever Amber                                       5L           5    5L
Maks Chew Toy                             9    10                        
Sean                                                        2            
Rain                                            6                        
Chillin'                                             4L                3L
Ziggy                                                2S                  
Goose                                                    9               
Madame Alexandria The Great                          6S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     27 25 27 27  6 27 25 26 27 27  5
                     Shorthair Count                 21                21

Sarenstone Venn of Ringapurr         TH      1           1  1  1      
Lotzofspotz Cacharel of Philippona   SV   1     1                     
Candc Savannah Prissy of Summerwood  SV                           1 1S
Tasurt Maat Besu of Wildones         CH            1                  
Candc Savannah Sasha                 SV              1S               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      8  8  8  8     8  8  8  8   
                     Shorthair Count                  8              8
This report was prepared by Mike Vasquez (melat628@aol.com).