Texas Maine Coonfederacy, Brenham, TX, January 31, 2009 AM Show PM Show Debbi Brown AB Don Caruthers AB Ann Hoehn AB Steven Savant AB Vicki Jo Harrison SP Fate Mays SP Toni Jones SP Al Walbrun SP KITTENS DB AHVJH TJ DC SS FM AW Branbarrel Troubadour CY 4 3 1L 2L 1 4 1L 1L Chezmichelle Fantome Rouge PS 9 5L 4 6 3L Kakatz Fame & Fortune BI 2 2 2L 1L Castlegard Cristalle AB 5S 2S 8 1S 3S Catnbeary Remington Steele AS 5 3 2S 1S Adobe Alegria SI 4 3S 5S 3S 6S Cheetahsden Illusions Legacy BG 7 3 5 4S Hypnotique Tweezer of Ranchcats OS 1 10 4S 1S Bayouash Jippsey Rose AW 3 8 1 Bayoufoxes Chase of Crossj SO 5L 8 4L 5L Bumblebe Flightof Fancy BI 10 2L 2L Nudels Midnight Velvet SX 7 2S 6S Saroko Riderson OS 1S 2 Catbird Puffin RD 2 10 Romancenrags Romeows Juliet RD 5 3L Starwatchers Rusty SB 6 9 Hojpoj Lakota OS 6 4S Catbird Chickadee RD 3L 7 Valnika Simply Valentina RB 9 2S Cajunragdolls Destiny of Romancenrag RD 3L 4L Kayserai Nikoghayos TV 4L 5L Adobe Alexis OS 3S 7S Saroko White Lightening OS 1 Cutetins Cherry Jubilee SX 5 Cajunragdolls Sequoyah Mankiller RD 6 Abccats Riders On The Storm MC 7 Ouijakatz Misty NF 8 Starwatchers Peepers SB 9 Bayouash Sauce Piquante AS 10 Solacefarm Vladimir Ruzovich SB 4L Cheetahsden Maya Shanti BG 4S Starglitter Dark Crystal BG 5S Bengalmanor Royal Kopa of Chalkmtn BG 5S Cowboyclaws Mysheeda DR 7S Allbreed/Longhair Count 40 39 20 20 41 41 19 19 Shorthair Count 19 20 22 22 CATS DB AHVJH TJ DC SS FM AW R-C Paper Mate HI 4 2 3L 2L 2 6 3L 1L Magnacats Jack Black MC 1 9 5L 1L 1 4 1L 2L Cowgirlcats Katy of Creole CR 5 1 3S 2S 10 2 2S 6S Kosikatz Thotzi Induna Ingwe BG 2 5 2S 1S 3 9 3S Vindouro Kaliente of Katsnklamms BO 7 3 4S 4S 8S 3S Ladifference Chanel No.1 AB 7 6S 6S 3 5S Bayouash Megpie of Greystoke AS 3 1S 9 7 Radiance Dream Girl OS 8 1 4S 2S Kayserai Jacey TV 4L 5L 6 4L 5L Vicketales Java PS 8 1L 3L 7 Cutetins Zeus SR 9 8 7S 1S Vicketales Ginger of Woodlyn PS 6 2L 3L Bumblebe Eat Drink & Bemerry BI 10 10 4L Sazikatz Bunny Hop TO 4 8 Sukhotai Firefly SI 7S 10 7S Echoglen Hero Thyme of Blossom RD 2L 5 Rockcreek Sacajawea Dream Catcher RD 4 4L Tohearts Ub Too Hot BG 5 4S Qt-Tonks Southern Belle of Sazikatz TO 5S 3S Rumscott Bayou Man of Crossj AS 5S 6S Cajunragdolls Painted Warrior RD 6 Nudels Whos Your Daddy SX 1S Dadaelis Yukon of Starglitter BG 5S Vicketales Decaf PS 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 38 38 16 16 37 38 15 15 Shorthair Count 22 21 23 22 ALTERS DB AHVJH TJ DC SS FM AW Branbarrel Red Hot Gossip CY 7 4 3L 2L 2 1 2L 1L Valnika Marko Ramius of Inkblotz RB 4 1 1S 1S 5 2 1S Sarcenet Legend AL 2 2 2L 1L 1 10 1L Kapulo All The Hard Ways PS 3 5 4L 4L 4 9 5L 4L Paneis Eye of The Storm/Cf ES 8 3 3S 2S 3 3S 5S Hojpoj Diablo Rojo OS 6 4 2S 3S Kayserai Jasper TV 5 6 1L 3L Odesseycatz Wind Dancer TO 8 5S 6 2S Susitnaladys Gwendolyn Rose HB 6 5S 3S 5S Solacefarm Yerik Aureliovich SB 9 5L 7 5L Ouijakatz Angelique NF 1 9 2L Chanlokmeow Oberon of KLM BA 9 10 5 Vindouro Lorenzo The Magnificat BU 2S 8 Inkblotz Maverick of Radiance BS 7 4S Bluebonnet Sweet Jasmine MK 7 4S Arohanui BC Silver Edition LP 8 4L Cajunragdolls Billy The Kid RD 5L 3L Munchkinlane Blair Wench of Creole MK 3 Inkblotz Mikey BS 1S Cajunragdolls Jesse James RD 3L Ittybittypaws Pawblo MK 4S Sazikatz Ozarka TO 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 24 24 11 10 25 26 11 9 Shorthair Count 13 13 15 15 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS DB AHVJH TJ DC SS FM AW Daisy Duke of Vivalafeline 2 2 1S 1S 2 1 2S 2S Ringo of Ranchcats 1 1 1L 1L 4 2 1L 1L Scarlett In Patches of Strayinc 3 3 1 3 1S 3S Buddy Holley 3 4 3S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 Shorthair Count 2 2 3 3 HOUSEHOLD PETS DB AHVJH TJ DC SS FM AW Frosty Fairbanks of Vivalafeline 1 1 1L 1L 1 1 1L 2L Warren Wallace of Vivalafeline 4 4 3L 3L 4 2 2L 4L Ewe 3 2 4L 2L 5 3L 1L Booman of Prattmandu 2 3 4S 3S 3 3S 3S Tilly of Ittybittypaws 2L 4L 2 3 4L 3L Black Embers And Fire 5 5 1S 1S Gimp Otherwise Known As Bentley 2S 4S 5 1S 1S Cocoa Pebbles of Siddhis 3S 2S 4 2S 2S Allbreed/Longhair Count 8 8 4 4 7 7 4 4 Shorthair Count 4 4 3 3 -- This report was prepared by Dorothy Seils (branbarrel@earthlink.net).