Turkish Van Cat Connection, Waxahachie, TX, November 22-23, 2008

                 Saturday                            Sunday           
        D'Ann Kovic              AB        Mark Coleman             AB
        Vicki Jo Harrison        AB        Nancy Nolen              AB
        Toni Jones               AB        Pascale Portelas         AB
        Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz  AB        Marylou Anderson         AB
        Rene Knapp               SP        Fate Mays                SP
        Kim Tomlin               SP        Ana Maria Sosa           SP

KITTENS                                  DKVJH TJ EW RK KT MC NN PP MA FMAMS
Vindouro Kaliente of Katsnklamms     BO   2  6  3    4S 1S  2  5  8  210S 3S
Sunfox Mankato of Chaparral          SO   7  4  2  1 1L 1L     8     9 5L   
Minusdetails Primetime               CY   6  3  7  7    5L  6     2    2L 4L
Valnika Simply Valentina             RB   5        4 6S 3S     2     1 5S 4S
Felicitykits Prince                  AS      1       2S 9S  8     5  4 1S   
Blossom Love Struck Baby Sage        RD   1          4L 4L     6     5 1L 1L
Cattrekker Treyvan                   OS   9 10  9    1S 6S             2S   
Bengalmanor Royal Kopa of Chalkmtn   BG      2          4S  3  4       9S   
Nudels Leading Lady                  SX      7     3              7  6    9S
Katpenn Winchester                   NF              2L     1     3  3      
Aledo Kadana                         TV         8  9 3L    10  3            
Odesseycatz Love Bug                 TO            6 8S     4 10       6S10S
Kakatz Fame & Fortune                BI  10  9  5       3L             4L   
Kayserai Lokum                       TV            2 5L     5             2L
Pikespeak Sage Loudennin             OC        10    5S 8S  9       10      
Cowgirlcats Katy of Creole           CR   8  8     8    2S                  
Squirehaven Wishbone                 BG   4     1  5                        
Absoulte Angels Divine Grace         BG           10 7S           9       1S
Ansonroad Assam T                    PB              9S10S        1    7S   
Odesseycatz Little Commander Stewie  TO         6       5S           8      
Aledo Skeeter                        TV                 2L           7 3L   
Bayouash Jippsey Rose                AW             10S        1          6S
Creole Athena                        CR                        7       4S 8S
Cajunragdolls Painted Warrior        RD         4           7               
Halima Delphi                        TV   3                               3L
Bluebonnet S Tiffany                 ML      5                   10         
Placer Piping Hot                    AS                        9          2S
Leopardspride Boleyn of Starglitter  BG                 7S                5S
Aledo Kia                            TV                           4         
Folie A Deux Beauty Spot             TA                           6         
Kajari Lord Byron of Bengalmanor     BG              3S                     
Lagallerie Storm Fur                 BG                                3S   
Blossom Honeysuckle Rose             RD                                   5L
Bayouash Sauce Piquante              AS                                   7S
Cutetins Cherry Jubilee              SX                                8S   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     46 46 46 46 20 20 45 45 44 45 20 20
                     Shorthair Count                 26 26             25 25

CATS                                     DKVJH TJ EW RK KT MC NN PP MA FMAMS
Magancats Jack Black                 MC   3  7  2  7 4L 2L  2  5  3 10 1L 5L
Minusdetails Stand Back              MX   8    10  2 2S 5S  1 10  1  3 3S   
Sehnsational Dewa                    BA      6  8    3L     7  2  7  4 3L 1L
Valnika Silverstone                  RB   4  4       5S 3S  6  3     8 4S 3S
HMS Etta James                       BS   6 10  5    4S 2S  9     8  7 1S   
Kosikatz Thotzi Induna Ingwe         BG   2  1          1S  8     2  2    1S
R-C Paper Mate                       HI      2  7  1           8       2L 2L
Forestkatz Mr Wickett of Ksnorskatt  NF   1     4    2L 4L  3             4L
Aledo Kahraman                       TV            3    1L 10  6     6    3L
Cedarwood Shilow of Ohmy             AB              3S 8S        6  9 5S 6S
Rockcreek Sacajawea Dream Catcher    RD   5  3  6  8                        
Cowgirlcats Katy of Creole           CR                        1  5  5 7S   
Vicketales Decaf                     PS         9    5L     5  9       5L   
Kayserai Jacey                       TV   7  5       1L                4L   
Tohearts Ub Too Hot                  BG         3  4 1S                     
Bayouash Megpie of Greystoke         AS      9     5                   6S 9S
Dadaelis Yukon of Starglitter        BG         1       4S                5S
Exoticrose Captain Fantastic         BG            6                   8S 7S
Nudels Whos Your Daddy               SX  10          8S                   8S
Bonsikatz Amazed of Hojpoj           OS                                2S 2S
Blackcreek Bobis Pausleyfut          PB           10           7            
Vicketales Latte                     PS   9        9                        
Squirehaven Angelfire of Chalkmtn    BG      8          7S                  
Ouijakatz Moria of Ksnorskatt        NF                              1      
Magnoliachat Cha-Ka Diva Devine      PD                          10      10S
Crossj Rising Star                   BG              6S                9S   
Aledo Bal Ornek of Vancity           TV                           4         
Exoticrose Loverboy                  BG                        4            
Cutetins Zeus                        SR                     4               
Bayouash Peaux Boy                   AW              7S 9S                  
Ismeme NotyoYYou Valentina           SX                10S            10S   
Nudels Deklan                        SX                           9         
Cinemax Samantha of Zanycats         ES                                   4S
Chittagong Cause & Effect            BI                 3L                  
Tailsoluv Talia of Cattrekker        OS                 6S                  
Pinkfantasy Foolish Love             PS                 5L                  
Cheetahsden Tsiara                   BG              9S                     
Lecrislin Sumthin Wonderful          SR             10S                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     54 54 54 54 20 20 55 55 55 55 20 20
                     Shorthair Count                 34 34             35 35

ALTERS                                   DKVJH TJ EW RK KT MC NN PP MA FMAMS
Toriland Passion of Chaparral        BO   1  1  1  1 3S 1S  1  1  1  1 1S 3S
Sarcenet Legend                      AL   2  5  2  9 2L 1L  8  5 10    2L 5L
Kayserai Jasper                      TV      4     5 3L 2L  5  4  4  3 1L 4L
Valnika Jasper                       RB   3  6  3  2 2S     3        4 7S   
Angelbear Azami of Strayinc          JB      2  9  6    3S     9  7  7 5S 8S
Cacao Daunte of Lou Dennin/Cf        AS   9  3  5    1S     2     5         
Branbarrel Red Hot Gossip            CY  10  7          3L  7     2    3L 2L
Kapulo All The Hard Ways             PS   4 10  6       5L  6        2      
LNCats Amirs Roxanne of Acatranch    SX      9     7           6  6       1S
Alexy Raise The Roof                 AB                     4  7  9    9S 2S
Radiance Hallelujah                  OS                    10 10  3    6S 4S
Susitna Ladys Gwendolyn Rose         HB         7              2  8  6      
Vindouro Barefoot Bubbly of Fejuko   BU   5  8          2S           8      
Bluebonnet Sweet Jasmine             MK           10 4S             10 8S 5S
Chanlokmeow Oberon of KLM            BA   8        8    4L                  
Birmnsrus Ho Beau of Starghatts      BI            4 1L                     
Pikepeak Peyton                      OC            3                 9      
Valniko Marko Ramius                 RB                        3       4S   
Ouijakatz Angelique                  NF                        8     5      
Vivalafeline Kat von D Va            BB   6                               3L
Pawsh Falling In Love                PS                     9             1L
Arohanui BC Silver Edition           LP              4L                5L   
Ohmy Tee Mouse of Bengalmanor        BG                 5S                7S
Gulfcats Lollypop                    JB         4                           
Ohmy Kumara At White Castle          BG   7                                 
Inkblotz Mikey                       BS                                2S   
Cajunragdolls Billy The Kid          RD         8                           
Rockymeountains Painted Magic        BG                                3S   
Magnoliachat Kee-No Purr-T Nekid     PD                 4S                  
Munchkinane Blair Wench of Creole    MK        10                           
Katpenn Isis                         NF                                4L   
Thomkatz Ransom of Khemenu           EM              5S                     
Solacefarm Yerik Aureliovich         SB              5L                     
Lorenzo The Magnificat               BU                                   6S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     33 35 35 33 14 13 35 34 35 34 10 11
                     Shorthair Count                 20 20             24 23

Ewe                                      10  4  1  1 2L 6L  6  2  3  2 4L 5L
Dark Vader                                1  3  8  4 6L 2L  7  5  5  5 3L 2L
Nadanova of Txnkats                       8  8  6  5 1L 3L  8  8  1  4 2L 1L
Doc Holiday of Cajunragdolls              2  7  2  8 4L 5L  2  9  4  8 5L 6L
Alexandra                                 6  5  4  7 3S 3S  5  3 10  6 4S 5S
Warren Wallace of Vivalafeline            5  1  3  2 3L 1L  4     2    1L 4L
Tubalina                                  4  6  7 10 4S 5S     1  7  1 3S 2S
Gracebeth McKinzie                           9 10  3 5S 4S  3  7  9  7 2S 1S
Isis                                      9  2  5  6 5L 4L 10  6     9 6L 3L
Aspen                                     3 10  9    1S 1S     4  8 10 6S 3S
Buddy Holley                                                1 10  6  3 1S 4S
Scarlett In Patches of Strayinc           7        9 2S 2S  9          5S 6S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     11 11 11 11  6  6 12 12 12 12  6  6
                     Shorthair Count                  5  5              6  6

Baron McNasty of Txncats                     1  4  1 3S 1S     3  3  4 4S 3S
Ay Chihuahua of Txncats                   4     1  2 5L 1L  2  2       1L 3L
Tucker                                    3  5  2    3L 3L        1  2 5L 2L
Black Embers And Fire                     1  3  3  4                 1 2S 5S
Filthy McNasty of Txncats                    4     3 2S 2S  1          3S 2S
Bayou Silver Shimmer                               5 2L 2L     5  2  5 2L 1L
Joanimal Fancy Dance                      5          5S           4  3    4S
The Marshall of Geocats                              4L 4L  3     5    3L 4L
Lonely Hearts Sgt Pepper                  2                    4       5S   
Jussi                                                1L 5L  5          4L 5L
Gimp Otherwise Known As Bentley                      1S 3S             1S   
Dallas                                          5       5S                1S
Hillary Kitten of Hellokitty                                   1            
Yvette Mimmeow of Podnuhsncryme              2                              
Isabella Tigress of Howlingcoyote                           4               
Meow Meow of Khemenu                                 4S                     
Meshuge Mishmash of Howlingcoyote                       4S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     18 18 18 19  5  6 17 17 19 19  5  6
                     Shorthair Count                 13 13             12 13
This report was prepared by Dorothy Seils (branbarrel@earthlink.net).