Naturally TICA Club, Elsecar, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England, November 22-23, 2008

                    Saturday                                  Sunday              
        Marilyn Gregg-Dombroskie       AB        Marilyn Gregg-Dombroskie       AB
        Connie Webb                    AB        Connie Webb                    AB
        Lisette Baudoux De Landtsheer  AB        Lisette Baudoux De Landtsheer  AB
        Robin Sessler                  AB        Robin Sessler                  AB
        Debbie Lopeman                 AB        Debbie Lopeman                 AB
        Lisa Dickie                    AB        Lisa Dickie                    AB
        Francesca Gagern               SP        Francesca Gagern               SP
        Irene Van Belzen               SP        Irene Van Belzen               SP

KITTENS                                  MG CW LL RS DL LD FGIVB MG CW LL RS DL LD FGIVB
Salatana Dorothy P                   OC   2  5     2     410S 1S  1  4  7  2     6 1S 1S
Niroke Dancing Queen                 HI   7  9  1     4  3 4L     8     2     5  1 3L 4L
Snowgum Titan                        SB   6  3     1     1        6  1     1  8  2      
Rutterkin Gangster's Moll            MC      6  3  3     9 5L    10  6  4     9  8      
Amisti Takla Makan                   BI      1     4  3       3L     2     7  3 10    5L
Riascatz Miss Grace                  PS   9  4        1    3L 4L  7 10        1       2L
Purebliss Renegade                   BG   5  2     9  9      10S     7     5 10    3S 4S
Infuchi Pandamonium                  SX  10       10  8  6        5        9  7  5 4S   
Bronjoy Blase Games Master           ES               5  7 9S 4S  4     6     6  4      
Noynarock Anya                       NF   8 10                5L  2  8  8        3 2L   
Skyota Justa Bagpuss                 BS               2    8S 2S           8  2    5S 2S
Alindas Justkiss Me                  PS            5     5        3    10  3     7      
Kiskasiberians Krasik                SB         5          1L 2L  9     3             5S
Pinemarten Athena                    BS   3     4        2 2S 7S                        
Hadfields Queen of Hearts            ES   4     7  6       4S                           
Phenlies Memphisbelle                SR         2  8       1S 6S                        
Pippastro Tomahawk                   BA                              3  1     4         
Kassaro Franchesca                   MC                    2L 1L                   4L 3L
Fisepo Sensay Harleyquin             SI         8          5S 3S        9               
Ticatbalu Pale Rider                 SR                              9    10       2S 3S
Junglefire Red Alert                 BG         6          3S           5               
Meesona Osterfen Mist                SI      7       10              5                  
Corcats Edelweiss                    RD                  8                       9 5L   
Witchfyre Behemoth                   SB                                            1L 1L
Lebreton Harlyquin                   OS   1                   9S                        
Thorbjornpus Trinity                 NF        10     7                                 
Glitterglam Autumn Glory             BG            7          5S                        
Maysula Veda                         NF                                    6          6L
Musrafy Altai                        SB      8                                     6L   
Wrynkleskyns Beatrice                SX         9          6S                           
Kiabindhi Aiyana Kai                 BG                 10    8S                        
Indys Philadelphus                   MC                                    4            
Kiskasiberians Leontei               SB               6                                 
Softspot Pure Majik                  BG                    7S                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     41 40 41 40 43 42 15 16 34 36 36 36 36 36 21 21
                     Shorthair Count                       25 25                   15 13

CATS                                     MG CW LL RS DL LD FGIVB MG CW LL RS DL LD FGIVB
L'Amour De La Vie Enrique of Albedo  PS   1  2  1  1     1 1L     1  1  2  2  6  1      
Angelur Viking                       SB  10  6  2     4    3L 2L  5  5  3     4  3 2L 4L
Noracoon Famous Fred                 MC   9  1  3        3 2L 3L  6     5  7     2 1L 2L
Niroke Ello Dolly                    HI   4  4        6  7 5L     7  8        7  7    5L
Riverfern Pearl Jam                  AB   8  3     3       1S 6S  9        1       1S 8S
Karcasam Raphael                     SG         7     9  2    2S              9  8 9S 1S
Corcats Prince Purple Reign          RD      5           8 6L 5L     4 10        9 7L 8L
Lebreton Fernando                    OS   2           2       1S  4           2      10S
Purebliss Valour                     BG            2     5 3S             10     5 4S   
Mylynn Matinee Idol                  SI         4  4     6 9S 5S                   6S 7S
Catbalu Aceofspades                  SR                          10  7  1  8       3S 3S
Topmarx Lancelot                     BS                           2     4        4 2S 6S
Shanlivle Wanda of Thorbjornpus      NF         8  5                    7  5      10L 9L
Poshpaws Spirit of Alaska            BG            7  5    7S     8           5         
Ramilypan Darcy Buckles              SX               7    4S10S              8    5S 9S
Pollystar Arethusa                   EM         9  6  8  4                              
Bagira Enigma                        PS               1       4L              1       6L
Alsoomse Guardianofthepeople         PB         6       10 8S           8          8S   
Lebreton Faberge                     OS                              2     6    10    4S
Offbeat Claudia                      SI   3                       3          10         
Junglefrost Milady Dewinter          BG      9    10          4S                      5S
Azima's Theodore of Thorbjornpus     TA     10     9       4L                      9L   
Noynarock Mika                       NF   7                                      6 5L   
Nidoran Feardorcha                   DR            8          3S                      2S
Jungletime Hotspot of Poshpaws       BG         5                       6         10S   
Snowqueen Felis Audax                NF               3                       3         
Panjandrum Fuego                     BI                                 9          3L10L
Jandoouglen Calico                   BI              10                    4            
Flutterby Heavencanwait              SI      7                             9            
Compri Hot Diamond of Hadfields      ES   6                   7S                        
Shadycombe Amisti Lilibet            TV                    7L 6L                      7L
Noynarock Ahene                      NF                       1L                      3L
Noynarock Zack                       NF                  9                         4L   
Kushiel Sebastian of Solargem        BG                    5S                      7S   
Sodachicats Moondazed                BS                                    3            
Adsetam Little Tinker                SI                              3                  
Suntouched Carolos                   BG   5                                             
Purebliss Hunting Girl               BG                              6                  
Noynarock Servana of Raffkin         NF      8                                          
Goldnglitz Midsummers Dream          BG                    2S                           
Jhardufae Zofia Bluelady             NF                                               1L
Landsker Ymer                        NF                              9                  
Purebliss Optimus Prime              BG        10                                       
Wildroads Cenedra                    SO                             10                  
Lebreton Apache Tears                OS                    6S                           
Alindas Tuppence Ha'Penny            PS                                            6L   
Wildsidebengals Playgirl             BG                       8S                        
Althalus Elias Herald                BS                       9S                        
Noynarock Rhyanna                    NF                                            8L   
Magnetique Silver Cassius            SR                   10S                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     65 65 65 64 65 64 22 21 64 64 64 64 64 64 26 26
                     Shorthair Count                       43 43                   36 37

ALTERS                                   MG CW LL RS DL LD FGIVB MG CW LL RS DL LD FGIVB
Fiordiliso Centopercento             SI   1  1  6  2  1  1 1S 1S  3  6  7  3  1  1 5S 1S
Riverfern Diable Pinot Noir          AB   2  8  2  9  9  3 2S 2S  4     1     9  5 2S 2S
Wildroads Rebel Rebel                SO   6  5     1  8  6 2L     2  9     1  8  7 3L 9L
Musrafy Kirov                        SB   7     3  6  2  7 1L     6     3  2  3  4      
Maria Crinkles                       SL   8  2  5  3       3L 1L  7  4 10  5       1L 2L
Corcats Nice One Cyril               RD               5  2    2L 10           5  2 4L 6L
Jhardufae Duelling Banjos            NF                           8     4  4  6  3 5L 4L
Jayuzuri Diamond Starlight           BG  10           4       3S  5           4       3S
Princess Annalina of Trappistini     NF      4        6  5 5L 5L     7                  
Corcats Hello Dolly                  RD   9     1                    3  2               
Lebreton Eclipse                     OS   4        5  3                            1S   
Woodycoon Littlefox Ori              MC      6  4                    2  9               
Traadyliooar Druaightys              MX      7  8 10                10  8               
Palindrome Rhapsodyinblue            BI        10     7       4L              7 10      
Shimileeta Stonecoldcrazy            SI                           1  5     7          4S
Atakad Star Applied For              BI                              1     6       7L 1L
Vegas Othello of Wildroads           ES   3 10           4                            5S
Skokomish Apalachee Boy              PB                    4S 5S                 9 4S   
Lelaurier Cowboy Boots               SR                              8  6 10            
Mazpahs Mystic Magwi                 OS            4    10 3S                           
Coontessential Fire Cracker          MC                                      10  8 2L   
Althalus Artorius                    BS   5                5S 4S                        
Pippastro Sarastro                   OL      9  9          4L                           
Coontessential Freedom               MC            8     9                            8L
Elmcoon Furrnando Torres             MC                                    8       8L 5L
Fiordiliso Te Deum                   OS                                    9  2         
Lebreton Diamond Geezer              MC      3                3L                        
Elmcoon Ace Ventura                  MC                           9                   3L
Leopardspots Diamond Moonlight       BG                  8                         3S   
Coonsequences Mal-Teaser             MC                                 5               
Althalus Sweetpea                    ES                                          6      
Corcats A Boy Named Sue              RD            7                                    
Akecheta Sir Oscar                   PB         7                                       
Woodycoon Sanford                    MC              10                                 
Finika Prince Caspian                MC                                            6L   
Noynarock Henrik of Raffkin          NF                                               7L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     29 27 28 30 30 29 16 17 36 36 36 37 35 36 23 24
                     Shorthair Count                       12 12                   13 12

Jamie                                     1  1  1  1  1  1 1L 1L  1  1  1  1  1  1 1L 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                                                    

Jinshar                                   4  1  4  2  1  1 1L 1L  4  1  3  1  1  1 1L 1L
Alfiechinacat                             3  2  2  4  2  2 1S 2S  2  2  2  2  2  4 1S 2S
Tiggy                                     1  3  1  3  4  4 2S 1S  3  4  1  4  3  3 2S 1S
Rosie Shelton                             2  4  3  1  3  3 2L 2L  1  3  4  3  4  2 2L 2L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  4  4  4  4  2  2  4  4  4  4  4  4  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                        2  2                    2  2

NEW TRAITS                               MG CW LL RS DL LD FGIVB MG CW LL RS DL LD FGIVB
Eriador Mistral of Casvegas          BG                           1  1  1  1  1  1 1S 1S
Riopur Candyfloss                    BL   1     1  1  1  1 1L 1L                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1     1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1      
                     Shorthair Count                                                1  1
This report was prepared by Gerry Smith (