TickedTICA Cat Club, Crayford, Kent, UK, November 8, 2008 AM Show PM Show Martine Caillard AB Martine Caillard AB Irene Van Belzen SP Irene Van Belzen SP Brigitte Berthelon SP Brigitte Berthelon SP KITTENS MCIVB BB MCIVB BB Mystere Turbulence PS 1 1L 1L 1 1L 1L Snowgum Titan SB 2 2L 2 2L 5L Stonemarr Henrietta BS 10 1S 1S 1S 2S Amilynd Omadesala SR 9 3S 2S 2S 1S Meesona Osterfen Mist SI 5 5S 3S 6 4S Mystere Sonic Boom PS 7 3L 4L 7 3L Zendique Under Wraps PS 4 2L 4 2L Purebliss Renegade BG 6 5S 5 3S Thickthorn Cafe Au Lait OC 2S 8 3S 5S Lunaris Jersey Boy MC 5L 5L 5L 4L Purindoors Watchthispace BI 8 4L 4L Navarri Oneinamillion MC 3 3 Kiskasiberians Krasik SB 3L 3L Skyota Justa Bagpuss BS 4S 4S Woozles Eldorado SX 4S 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 25 14 14 23 13 13 Shorthair Count 11 11 11 11 CATS MCIVB BB MCIVB BB Shanlivle Wanda of Thorbjornpus NF 7 4L 1L 3 3L 1L Adsetam Little Tinker SI 2 4S 2S 4 5S 1S Thickthorn Lotusblossom OC 8 3S 4S 7 3S 4S Coonflakesuk Ace of Spades MC 4 4L 1 5L 2L Shimmerclaw Moontyger BS 10 2S 5S 2S 5S Spookipawz Squiggletoo SG 1S 1S 1S 2S Riascatz Dream Lover PS 1 3L 2 Corcats Prince Purple Reign RD 6 5 4L Taurus Goloubckick SB 1L 2L 1L Coonflakesuk Ti Amo MC 2L 10 2L Sybarit Leo of Zendique PS 3L 9 3L Owlsdene Malibu Sunrise BG 5S 4S 3S Owlsdene Mr Darcy BG 3 6 Shadycombe Captjacksparrow TV 5 5L Herrafaresias Eternity of Riverfern PS 9 8 Makeitso Uhura SO 5L 5L Suntouched Carolos BG 3S Namrib Beautilious BI 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 29 18 18 29 18 18 Shorthair Count 11 11 11 11 ALTERS MCIVB BB MCIVB BB Pippastro Magik Flute OL 2 4L 4L 3 4L 1L Jayuzuri Diamond Starlight BG 4 2S 5S 5 2S 4S Sarikakings Amilynd-Frizb SL 1L 2L 1L 4L Corcats Nice One Cyril RD 2L 3L 3L 2L Coontastic Dancing Brave MC 3 1L 1 Mabalakat Wolfman Jack MC 3L 5L 2L 3L Corcats Hello Dolly RD 1 2 Zendique Readbtweena Lines ES 5 1S 1S Gobstopper of Ribald SX 4S 2S 3S 3S Vegas Othello of Wildroads ES 5S 3S 5S 2S Leopardspots Diamond Moonlight BG 1S 4S 1S Solargem Branston BG 3S 4S 5S Princess Annalina of Trappistini NF 4 Zydeco Ruffnreddy MC 5L Goldlay Star Gazer BI 5L Navarri Reachfur Thesky MC 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 19 13 13 17 12 12 Shorthair Count 6 6 6 6 HOUSEHOLD PETS MCIVB BB MCIVB BB Tiggy 1 2S 3S 1 1S 3S Zephiepayne Harmony 3 1S 1S 4 2S 2S Alfiechinacat 2 3S 2S 3 3S 1S Kimi 4 1L 1L 2 1L 1L Sweetpeony 5 2L 2L 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 5 2 2 4 2 1 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 3 NEW TRAITS MCIVB BB MCIVB BB Mymystic Mischa of Pamplecat TO 1 1S 1S 1 1S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 1 -- This report was prepared by Gerry Smith (gerry806@ukonline.co.uk).