Crystal Cat Club, Moscow, Russia, September 20-21, 2008 Saturday Sunday Kurt Vlach AB Kurt Vlach AB Francine Hicks AB Francine Hicks AB Vlada Beninya SP Vlada Beninya SP Irene Van Belzen SP Irene Van Belzen SP KITTENS KV FH VBIVB KV FH VBIVB Okonor Laki SI 1 1 1S 7S 1 1 7S10S Brockenmoor Lord Jungle BG 6 5 3S 4S 3 6 1S 8S Pointocurl Fiorentina AL 2 4 1L 2L 2 8 1L Abysue AB 7 3 10S 3 4S 3S Super-Aby Carletta of Bluecourage AB 8 2S 3S 10 8S 6S Belocoon's A'Casimir MC 4 2L 1L 3L 2L Vanamein Floriya SF 3 3L 9 1L 4L Diamant Grand Sphynx SX 610S 6S 7 7S Pointocurl Aston Villa AC 7S 2S 5 2S Samurai Russicats Golden Claw MC 2 2 4L Isida V Queen SX 9 8S 8 9 Diamond Toy Lollipop MK 10 5S 4 10S Charmingcurl Iolay AC 6 4 2S Kisompa's Giacomo SO 8 4L 5L 5L Naomi Lakki of Sofi AB 5 4S 7 Nevaslegend Holly SB 5L 2L 3L Private Collection Forward SI 1S 1S Russicats Goldenclam Star Octava MC 10 5 Murmurcat Russicats Clyde MC 3L 10 Civic of Orange Pekoe BS 5S 4S Isida Cherubino SX 6S 5S Rumfold Tahu SF 8S 9S Murkla Animashka Curl AC 7 Amayalynx Janosh MC 9 Vandvis Whimsy Whamsy SX 3S Kubera AB 5S Mainefield's Egalite of Bajuncat MC 4L Van Hellsing AB 6S Gemma Gerda Astra Polaris'ua NF 5L Rubl' For Legeartis AS 9S Murkla Arthur James Hastings AC 9S Baileys The Blaze Braver Masan BS 9S Allbreed/Longhair Count 49 47 15 18 47 47 17 17 Shorthair Count 31 31 32 32 CATS KV FH VBIVB KV FH VBIVB Top Coon Rhapsodie MC 6 2 1L 8L 10 2 6L 5L L'Amour De La Vie Enrique of Albedo PS 1 1 1 1 Ocalicos Matador PS 3 1L 3 5L 2L Rossity Kamysh SB 10 3L 6L 8 4L 8L Cat As Trophe Des Fusains AB 5 4 3S 2S Barlandrus Harley ES 2 7S 6S 2 Argo's Legend Curly Velvet SR 10 10S 7 1S 9S Leonardo Clivia BS 7 1S 2S 1S Hannibal's Ivory of Rusfairytail MC 9 4L 6 3L Silvan Rinna OS 2S 1S 3 Biscuit Crems Freestyle BS 8S 8S 9 2S Stagelight's Huggy Bear BU 4 9S 9 Be Mine Butterfly ES 5 4S 6S Orange Marmalad Graffiti AB 3S 3S 7S Zeus Lvinoe Serdtse SB 2L 3L 1L Charmingcurl Simba AC 4S 5S 5S Curlinglight's Je'Mapelle Lila AL 4L 7 7L Gemma of Preciuos Stone BU 9S 5S 3S Pinupcats Paper Moon SX 9 5 Stoun Black Gold SF 6S 7S 8S Primecurl Gem Choco Light AL 7L 3L 6L Barsa Russiancoon*ru MC 8 2L Berkana Coon Kezar MC 5L 6 Volgafold's Alabaster of Filand SF 5 9S Krasa Egipta Altares Vtoroy SX 5S 4S Murkla Emmanuel of Magician ML 9L 9L 7L Rumfold Dolphin of Mio MIo SS 8 10L Solarian Nilo AB 3 Happy Chance Darrem Casus/id MC 9L 1L Opium Orange Marmelad*Rus AB 4 Bluecourage Caprice AB 4 Burkeben Shelby of Wildfireshine BG 6 Akbars Adam Best BS 7 Tidgi Fantastic Red Fox CR 8 Toy Tricksy Gloria PS 5L 10L Spotagious Ladybee BG 10S 10S Cedar Rose Barnabas of Barlandrus PS 7L 9L Russicats Kira Super Spot BG 10 Olecoon's Kalina MC 2L Des Entrechats Calie AB 4S Malevitch Fancy Free Forseti RB 6S Barlandrus Domino PS 4L Stedam Blue Monday of Rumfold AS 7S Langstteich's Simply The Best MC 6L Ameli Adam Best BS 8S Timaracoon's Montana MC 8L Tiffani Peppercats BS 10S Tsarevich Iz Odissei SB 8L Milania Sunny Fairies ML 10L Africats Tafiti SO 10L Allbreed/Longhair Count 96 97 33 33 82 86 30 27 Shorthair Count 57 61 54 48 ALTERS KV FH VBIVB KV FH VBIVB Bigcat Russicats Albert MC 2 5 1L 1L 1 2 3L 2L Silvan Rock'n'Roll OS 1 1S 1S 1 3S 1S Atas Shulay Star BS 2 2S 2S 5 3S Russicurl's Cranberry Ice AL 3 2L 2L 4 4 Rumfold Frozen Moon SF 4 4S 3S 5 2S Pointocurl Ganimed of Charmingcurl AL 3 3L 5L 3 1L 1L Shtourman's Amymone SX 5 5S 3 4S 5S Katrins Egor BS 1 2 1S Tidgi Bettina Black CR 4S 2S 4S Unit Peppercats BS 4 5S Rexylada Chandan CR 3S 5S Russicats Pupa ML 5L 2L 3L Isbor Avsen SB 4L 4L Ivanushka Avsen SB 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 16 16 6 7 13 12 3 3 Shorthair Count 10 10 9 8 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS KV FH VBIVB KV FH VBIVB Pizza of Tidgi 1 1 2S 1S 1 1 1S 2S Jollycat's Benedikt McKorbin 4 3 2L 1L 3 2 1L 1L Vanko 2 4 1S 2S 2 4 2S 1S Jollycat's Marisabell McConon 3 2 1L 2L 4 3 2L 2L Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 Shorthair Count 2 2 2 2 HOUSEHOLD PETS KV FH VBIVB KV FH VBIVB Yuriy 4 3 1L 2L 2 3 2L 1L Nyshka 5 1 3S 1S 1 1 1S 1S Hansen 1 4 2S 2S 4 2S 3S Vadik 2 5 1S 3S 3 3S 2S Liolick 3 2L 1L 4 1L 2L Nobel-Benjamin 2 3L 3L 2 4L 3L Timofey Margaritovich 4L 4L 5 5 3L 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 7 7 4 4 7 7 4 4 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 3 PRELIMINARY NEW BREEDS KV FH VBIVB KV FH VBIVB Mysterious Island Barhah KL 1 1S 1 1S Lel' Kroshka Flak KL 1 1L Eros Kunashir KL 1 Dominik Iz Sada Radujnih Hrizantem KB 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 14 14 13 13 12 Shorthair Count 14 14 14 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS KV FH VBIVB KV FH VBIVB Chause Orange Marmelad CU 1 1 1S 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 NEW TRAITS KV FH VBIVB KV FH VBIVB Peppermountz Mamba MC 1 1 1L 1L 1 1 1L 1L Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Gerry Smith (