South Central Annual Team (TICA Annual), Arlington, TX, August 30-31, 2008

            Yukimasa Hattori   AB
            Dewane Barnes      AB
            Alberto Leal       AB
            Barbara Ray        AB
            Fate Mays          AB
            Adriana Kajon      AB
            Richard Bailey     AB
            Odette Lamoureaux  AB
            Alexy Shchukin     AB
            Laura Cunningham   AB
            Laurie Schiff      SP
            Harley Devilbiss   SP

KITTENS                                  YH DB AL BR FM AK RB OL AS LC LS HD
LAPD Kid Rock                        MC      1  4     1  7  2  4     2 3L 1L
Valnika Marko Ramius of Inkblotz     RB         1     5  3  1        1 5S 5S
Fultonblue Strike Up The Band        PS   2  9     1  4     7        4    2L
Elamante Hathon Eben Rashid          AB   7  5  3           5     9    2S   
Zeedaz Ashlee                        OS   6  2        9 10  3               
Adobe Santa Fe Sam of Klazeekats     SI      6        2     9        6    2S
Tohearts Ub Too Hot                  BG      4           6  8  8         10S
Batifoleurs Wild Magic               BG   3     6                 8    9S   
Furreal Yasmine                      RD         9  9 10       10            
Kelloggs Whole Lotta Love            AS      3  2                 4         
Pending 26                           PS               8           5    6L 6L
Valnika Jasper                       RB            5              3       1S
Fultonblue Unchained Melody          PS   9     8                 2         
Whatatrill Verdugo                   MC               3           1    9L   
Radiance Dream Girl                  OS            2                 3    9S
Cowgirlcats Katy of Creole           CR                  4        6       6S
Kitti Kat's Chrysoberyl of Bangles   SR      7                       7 7S   
Adorabledolls Marciano               RD  10                      10    5L   
Lesplushes Dilettante                CX                  1           5      
Synergy Blue Spruce                  OL                  8             7L 3L
Quinsigamond Viveka                  NF            7           7            
Therealms Amorosa                    BG               7              8      
Mainette Layla                       MC            3                   4L   
Vicketales Dcaf                      PS                        6       2L   
Adorabledolls Sayda                  RD     10           9                  
Moonmajik Ghetto Fabulous            SX                  5                8S
Sazikatz Bearbie Girl                TO            4                  10S   
Mirrikat Matsuri of Tinklemew        AB           10                      4S
Plaidplus George Gordon of Kirembo   BS                              9 6S   
Katsnjazz Silver Streak              TA      8                         8L   
Regencyrags Adonis of Burst          RD   1                                 
Pawsabilitys Classico                SF                        1            
(N) Attack's Design of Oya           OS                        2            
Pikespeak Plum Loco                  OC                  2                  
Nudels Whos Your Daddy               SX                        3            
Pawsabilitys Mr Mac                  SF   4                                 
Bluegrasrags Tommy of Adorablerags   RD                     4               
Norcat Love On The Rocks             MC   5                                 
Kuan Jin Maggie Mae                  OS         5                           
Alexy Raise The Roof                 AB                        5            
Zzpaws Freedarun of Purrdocz         BI                     6               
Creole Slick Willy of Strayinc       CR               6                     
Jungletrax Bold Face Type            BG            6                        
Birmnsrus Have Faith                 BI                           7         
Kuan Jin Fannychannel                SI         7                           
Placer's Piping Hot of Bluepau       AS   8                                 
Alexy Walking On Sunshine            SI            8                        
Hoofnpaws Kumo Ashi                  JB                        9            
Kalanikats Winter Wonder             BG                                1S   
Vecchio Mulino Ratatouille           SX        10                           
Sazikatz Huggy Bear                  TO                    10               
Chamanou Sara                        ES                             10      
Felicitykits Sugar N Stripes         AS                                3S   
Kalanikats Winter Whisper            BG                                   3S
Rockcreek Cadreamin of Adorablerag   RD                                1L   
Alexy Chocolat Au Lait               AB                                4S   
Lostwoods Ariane of Winteridge       NF                                   4L
Pawsabilitys Ashton                  SF                                   7S
Triumphtgz Orion of Primaeval        TG                                8S   
LAPD Iron II Oxide of Chemicoons     MC                                   5L
Sibano Burligh Beryx                 SB                                   7L
Starghatts Fine Design               BI                                   8L
Balimoor Moonshine                   BA                                   9L
Kokopellies Czar Nicholas            SB                               10L   
Celestrail Lincoln Orion             RD                                  10L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count    125117125118123116124117127116 47 43
                     Shorthair Count                                   78 73

CATS                                     YH DB AL BR FM AK RB OL AS LC LS HD
MTNest Dark Side O The Moon          MC   1  1  1  1  2  9  1  5  2  1 5L 2L
Whozz Hiram Walker                   PS      7     6  1     4        3 2L 1L
Valnika Silverstone                  RB            8     1     2  3  9 4S 1S
Wildfx Star Seeker                   TG      3  6     3 10     7     410S   
Planet Funk Blue Tanis               NF         2 10  5        9  8  7    7L
Branbarrel Red Headed Stranger       CY      8        9  3  2          1L 4L
Bonsikatz Amazed of Hojpoj           OS   3        2  7     5          2S   
Rainingrexes Paisley                 DR               8  5  9     1  5      
Luvpurrs Time Lord                   TO      6     5           3       6S 9S
Kingofhearts Royalqueen of Kelloggs  AS         5        4  3     5         
Hilltopbengals Da Vinci              BG   7     7  7        6               
Zeedaz Lords Princess                OS   8     9        8     6            
L'Amour de La Vie Enrique of Albedo  PS   2                    1          6L
Sehnsational Dewa                    BA     10                       8 6L10L
Forestkatz Mr Wickett of Ksnorskatt  NF  10                 7     6         
Arietta Nasran Aziz                  EM        10              8       1S   
Vicketales Ginger of Woodlyn         PS         8     4                7L   
Felichaun Finnian of Pengar          OS      2                         3S 8S
Katydolls Paul Newman of Celestrail  RD   6                       4   10L   
Cooncreole Zhivago                   SB         3                      3L 8L
Minusdetails Stand Back              MX         4        2                  
Alibris Twisted Ribbon               BG   9                          2      
Rockinashi Shojo No Annette          JB                        4       9S10S
Bonsikatz Rodeo of Ranchcats         SI            4        8               
Khamsin Moon Shadow of Pentaclecats  AB      4                            2S
Pampa Mojito Night Fever             AB   4                       9         
Sundancenbare Le Beau of Bebare      SX                  7          10      
Karissimakat Bacall of Caligula      HI      9     9                        
Alexy de Lovely                      SI      5                         5S   
Kayserai Jacey                       TV                  6             8L   
Moulindebusset Calypso               BI                              6 9L   
Crossj Rising Star                   BG              10                   5S
Balimoor Snowstorm                   OL                       10          5L
Bleujeanne Chatelaine                CX            3                        
Meowacres Ivory of Skyshasphynx      SX   5                                 
Broadsway Redcorvette of Cascademtn  MC               6                     
Cedarwood Shilow of Ohmy             AB                           7         
Bumblebe Eclaire'                    BI                    10               
Tuscaloosa Kildare of Wistariantale  MC                          10         
Saroko Gypsyblue                     SI                                   3S
Vecchiomulino Black Mamba            SX                                   4S
Forestkatz Faith                     NF                                   3L
Autumsun Rocky Top                   BB                                4L   
Bayouash Peaux Boy                   AW                                   6S
Ambersnow Zach of Pawsabilitys       SF                                   7S
Qt-Tonks Southern Belle of Sazikatz  TO                                7S   
Sundancenbare Cookie Cutter          SX                                8S   
Palacedolls Serafina                 RD                                   9L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     91100 90 94 87 94 90 99 87 96 46 39
                     Shorthair Count                                   51 54

ALTERS                                   YH DB AL BR FM AK RB OL AS LC LS HD
Toriland Passion of Chaparral        BO   2     1     1  1  2     1  2 1S 1S
Sarcenet Legend                      AL            2  8  2  4  1 10       8L
Forestkatz Treat                     NF      3  6  1  4     3          9L 3L
Starberian Kodiak of Bewitched       SB      6  2     2  6        8    2L 4L
Ciara Vol Au Vent of Samphire        CX  10  5           5  1        110S   
Bluegrasrags Southern Pride          RD      2              7  7  2    1L 7L
Talisker The Doctor                  RB   5  7  3     7                9S 3S
Purrsession Oscar of Cristalcats     PS   8    10  3           5     5      
Kapulo All The Hard Ways             PS   1                 5  2  4         
Kabelkim Shem                        CY      9     6        9        7    1L
Pentaclecats Ring O'Fire             AB         9    10        6  7 10      
Coonpanion Champagne of Cozycoons    MC   9     4           6  4         10L
Stedam's American Beauty Rose        AS           10     3  8        6      
Hojpoj Diablo Rojo                   OS   4        8           9            
Inkblotz Maverick of Radiance        BS      4                 3       7S   
HMs Fuzzy Licks of Gattobello        BS   7     5                      2S   
Kingsransom Isabel                   SX                           3  8    4S
Bumblebe Ethan Allen of Crossj       BI         7     6    10               
Kokopellies Polar Express            BB                        8     3 7L   
Soft Paws Lucy Lu Who                ES               3           6         
Silkywonders Nightingale of Hvfaith  CR         8        4                  
Dracoonfly Finbar Conneff            MC               9              4      
Wildgold Nanuk                       BG     10        5                     
Tassam Blue Angel of St Valentine    BA   6                          9      
Vindouro Lincoln of Kingsransom      BO                           5       5S
Munchkinlane Blair Wench of Creole   MK                  8    10            
Sehnsational Crescendo               BA      1                         8L   
Rockymeountains Painted Magic        BG            9                      2S
Vindouro Barefoot Bubbly of Fejuko   BU                  9             3S   
Saroko Tribble                       SI      8                            8S
Chemicoons Gunner Blue               MC                                4L 2L
Bangles Louis Cyphre                 BG                           9    8S   
Bellesandbeaux Charity               SN                 10                9S
Inkblotz Texas Blush of Valnika      BS   3                                 
Inkblotz Mikey                       BS            4                        
Bleujeanne Le Corsaire               CX            5                        
Lostwoods Majestic of Foresttales    NF                                5L 9L
Susitnaladys Gwendolyn Rose          HB                  7                  
Smokeycoons Chaparral                MC            7                        
LNCats Amirs Roxanne of Acatranch    SX                                4S   
Arohanui BC Silver Edition           LP                                3L   
Sarsenstone Jet Teausson             SI                                5S   
Fullapurr Godiva of Strayinc         HB                                6S   
Angelbear Azami of Strayinc          JB                                   6S
Chanlokmeow Oberon of KLM            BA                                   5L
Mackscats Nubbin                     MK                                   7S
Kayserai Jasper                      TV                                6L   
Balimoor Mendo Tate                  OL                                   6L
Paneis Eye of The Storm/Cf           ES                                  10S
R-C Midnight Cowboy                  PS                               10L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     75 75 73 76 77 79 75 75 75 77 28 28
                     Shorthair Count                                   47 47

Silver Dude                               7  1  2  3  8  4  3  3  2  3 6S 1S
Ziggy                                     1  3  1  6  9  2  2     1  1 2S 4S
Philadelphia Freedom                      2  5  7  8  6  1     2  4  5 2L 3L
Handsome Red                             10  8  5 10  2  6  7  6  7  6 7S 7S
Aspen                                     5  2     1        5  4  6  8 1S 2S
Tara                                      9  7  4     5  5     5  8    4S 3S
Molly                                        4     2     9  8  1     7 9S 6S
Dark Vader                                8        4 10  7     7     2 1L 4L
Fiona The Rescued Princess                6  6 10  7  7 10             3S 8S
Vincent van Gogh of Bayoukrew                   8  9        4  8  9  4 6L 1L
Isis                                        10  6     3  8    10 10    4L 2L
Henry                                     4     9        3  9        9 8S 5S
Bayou Silver Shimmer                      3           4     1     3    3L   
Bayou Shady                                     3     1     6     5    5L   
Grace Beth McKinzie                                5       10  9    10 5S 9S
Bear Bear                                    9                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     15 13 15 13 15 15 15 13 15 13  6  4
                     Shorthair Count                                    9  9

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           YH DB AL BR FM AK RB OL AS LC LS HD
Ay Chihuahua of Txnkats                      4  1     1     2  3  5  1 3L 2L
Drops O Jupiter of Cristalcats            2  2  3        2  8  1  1  7    5L
Dharma of Entrechaton                     4        8  2     3        2 3S 3S
Dahlia                                    6     2  1  6           4    4L 1L
Silvr Nugget of Luvpurrs                  8     7     7 10     2  3    7S   
Dont Take Your Love To Town                  5     2     1     6     8 1L   
Filthy McNasty of Txnkats                          6     5  5  8  8  3      
Splatatoon                                   7     4  5     9        5 6S   
Miss Pixie2magic                          5       10     7       10  6    2S
Black Embers And Fire                        8        4           7    1S 1S
Baron McNasty of Txnkats                    10           6  1  7  9         
Rowdy                                     1              9     4     4      
Isabella Tigress of Howlingcoyote               8     3     4          5S   
Hillary Kitten of Hellokitty                 6     7        7        9      
Im Not A Tonkabob of Luvpurrs                3 10          10          2S   
Olyve Oyle of Strayinc                          9  5  8                   4S
Sir Licks-A-Lot                                 6        3     9            
Seebastyawn                              10     5                 6         
Daredevil Denali of Careycats                               6          2L 3L
Hambone                                   3              4                  
Gabrielle With Clouds                        9                    2         
Purrhiss Hilton                                    3                   5L   
Its Time To Fly Aka Tedd                                       5       4S   
Red Rocket Express                                 9     8                  
Shakia Latasha                            7                               5S
Lonely Hearts Sgt Pepper                  9          10                     
Philadelphia Freedom                         1                              
Legolas of Luvpurrs                             4                           
Ellie Mae of Unicorner                                9                     
Blazing Grace of Careycats                                    10            
Dallas                                                              10      
The Wind Mariah of Alimarie                                               4L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     38 37 37 34 39 36 38 36 36 35 15 14
                     Shorthair Count                                   22 20

Orchidbobs Czar von Uri of Tzarkhan  KB         1              1  1    1L   
Evinea's Soldier Named Bachus        TH            1  1                     
Sam Greenlane Scion of Cloudcity     TH   1                 1               
Sarsenstone Diophantine              TH                  1                1S
Blackfootriver Mountain Bluebell     TH                              1      
Lasjoyasthai Joyalina                TH      1                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      8  6  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  6  8   
                     Shorthair Count                                       8

Tasurt Tor of Sarsenstone            CU         1     1  1  1  1  1    1S 1S
Summerwood Coolio of Kasbah          SV   1  1                              
A1savannahs Blondie of Hvsavannahs   SV            1                        
Jasirisana Chache Kimo               SV                              1      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6      
                     Shorthair Count                                    6  6
This report was prepared by Dorothy Seils (