Southern Alberta Calgary Cat Fanciers, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April 19-20, 2008

               Saturday                       Sunday        
        Yvonne Patrick      AB        Ellen Crockett      AB
        Lindajean Grillo    AB        Massimo Picardello  AB
        Edith-Mary Smith    AB        Pascale Portelas    AB
        Lynn Judge          AB        Alexey Shchukin     AB
        Massimo Picardello  AB        Elektra Hammond     AB
        Richard Bailey      AB        Nancy Parkinson     AB
        Alexey Shchukin     AB        Bill Lee            AB

KITTENS                                  YP LGEMS LJ MP RB AS EC MP PP AS EH NP BL
Zeedaz Lords Princess                OS      1     1  7  2  6  1  2  6  7  8  6  1
Judge's Choice Simply Star Tot       CR   3  6  1    10  6  8  7  6  5  4 10  1   
Wallycats Splendippity               PS   4  2  2  2  9     3  5 10  7  3     3   
Beauchador Silver Spoon              AS   1 10  3  3     3  5  2     4  5     2   
Zeedaz Tic Talks Angel               OS   6  9  4     3  1     6  4           5  7
Capilano Princess Buttercup          DR   9           5  5  1     7 10  1  2      
Sunpearl Shining Star                SG         9     1 10  2     1  1  2         
Talismaine Cyclone of Bluethunder    MC         6  7  8       10  9  8     7     6
Splendid Resonance                   SF            8  2           8  3 10  9     5
Wildcharm Titans Moons               BG   2           6           5  9     3     3
Cashmererags Yu Ki                   RD   7  4           7     3        8        4
Bigskykatz Taigias Gold              SB               4    10     3  2     5    10
Pishi Henry Logan                    HI  10        9     9  9              1     8
Wildforest Entourage                 BG      7     5     8     8        9     9   
Ragalong Bronc Buster                RD         5  4        4           6    10   
Rowanridge Eli of Hookedoncoons      MC                  4  7  9              7   
Arrowlakes Cascading Lights          PS   5  3                 4                  
Majesticpride Magic Formula          BG           10                          4  9
Beauchador Blanchette Aumont         AW      5  7                                 
Gogees Tamika of Junglejem           BG         8                          6      
Nightrox Some Like It Hot            SO   8    10                                 
#67                                                                              2
Cashmererags Stiletto                RD                                    4      
Casa de Amor Ellan Echo              BI            6                              
Majesticpride Wild Expresso          BG      8                                    
Majesticpride Sterling of Wildcharm  BG                                       8   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     31 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
                     Shorthair Count                                              

CATS                                     YP LGEMS LJ MP RB AS EC MP PP AS EH NP BL
Balimoor Snowstorm                   OL   2  7  2  1 10  2  6  8  7  2  8  2  9  4
Elamante Annhu                       AB   3  1  1     2  5  2 10  3  5  3  4     1
Zeedaz Nikila                        SI      4  5     1  1  9  3  1  3  9     3  5
Kelloggs Love Echoes On              AS   5  2  6  2     7     2 10  8     3  7   
Purrsonality Art In Motion           BG   1  3        5 10  3  9  6     4  6      
Echoglen Sampson of Catnip           RD               9  3  1  1  4  6  2  7      
Kaloofa Downunda Bloke               BS      8     7  4  4        9  9        5  2
Marvonack Rags To Riches             ES                        4  5  1  1     2  7
Raincoast Pacific Storm              MC         9  3     9  7  7        5        3
Arrowlakes Chasing A Dream           PS      5        7  8           7     5     6
Junglejem Sasha                      BG         4  5        4        4  7         
Ragalong Prince Valiant              RD   4     3     8     5                   10
Nightmist Razzle M And Dazzle M      AB   8        4  6                       6   
Felinexpress Neela of Sunpearl       SG  10 10    10                       8     9
Mikasu Elegance                      BI   7     8        6                   10   
Purryderoc Frosty Morn of Aderondak  MC               3           2           8   
Blackice Saturday Night Sinner       PS            9                       9  4   
Palacedolls Caesar of Cupids         RD                                    1  1   
Wind Voices                          TA                        5    10    10      
Dreamscape Frosty Friday             AS            6                             8
Wallycats Fireball                   PS      9                 6                  
Beauchador Red Hot Chili Peppers     PS        10                       6         
Splendid Avalanche                   SF         7          10                     
Zzpaws Esmarelda of Casa de Amor     BI      6                                    
Angelkisses Miss Independent         PS   6                                       
Bengal Exotic FX Leontyne            BG                     8                     
Anudedude Ego Maniac                 SX                           8               
Angel Eyes Cool Prince Charming      BI            8                              
Zeedaz Lydia of Balimoor             SI   9                                       
Puppycats Blue Prints William        RD                                10         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     40 42 41 40 41 43 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41
                     Shorthair Count                                              

ALTERS                                   YP LGEMS LJ MP RB AS EC MP PP AS EH NP BL
Prairiedawn Kiya of Pishi            DR   6  2     3  2  4  1  2  1  8  1  7  5   
Javacats Dyna Glide of Mymains       MC   1  1  1  1  1  6  2  3  2  2  3         
Balimoor Mendo Tate                  OL      3  6  8        4 10  8  4  8  5  1  2
Ragalong Jack Sparrow                RD   9  8  7 10 10  2  5  7        2  8  9  8
Kenkat Jelly Bean of Wallycats       PS   2  6  3        7  6  1     1  7        5
Myrlyn Fancybluwrapper of Samphire   SI   4  5  8  2     8 10  4 10        9     9
Grandbois Augustus                   CX         9        9  9  6     5  6  2  6  3
Cumaras Final Edition                BS   8  7  4  7  4        5  5        4      
Purryderoc Eric The Red              MC               6  1  8  9  6     5     3   
Too Tall Sterling                    PS   5        9     5          10     3  4   
Chaparral Gnat of Sagewind           SG   7                 3           4     7  4
Casa de Amor Elvis                   BI   3     5        3                       6
Winteridge Black Forest              NF            5  7           4  6            
Casa de Amor Bouquet of Bojobirmans  BI      4     6        7        9            
Hopscotch On The Fly                 AB               3 10        3          10   
Bigskykatz Cheyenne                  SB      9 10     9        8                  
Anudedude Blueberrys And Cream       SX  10                          7        2   
Bengal Exotic FX Alabaster Chamber   BG               5           7           8   
Dracoonfly Finbar Conneff            MC         2                                1
Whozz Purrsia of Smith Avenue        PS                           9     9        7
Raincoast Harambee                   MC            4                 3            
Smokeycoons Vito Corleone            MC     10                         10       10
Antarcin Rylee                       MC                                    1      
Bojobirmans Dixie Chick              BI                                    6      
Purriwinkle Paxton                   RD               8                           
Casa de Amor Daiquiri of Tinytales   BI                                   10      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     28 28 27 29 28 27 29 29 29 30 28 30 30 30
                     Shorthair Count                                              

Dharma of Entrechaton                     1  1  4  1  1  1  3  1  1  2     1  1  1
Miss Koko                                    2  1  2     3  5  2     4  3  4  4  2
Simba                                        4        4  4  1     2  1  2  5  2   
Kaytee                                    2  3     4           4     3  5  3     4
Mango                                     3                 2  3     5  1  2      
Robert                                          3  3     5  4           4        3
Sir Azure                                 5     5     3           3               
Jacqueline of Entrechaton                    5     5                          3  5
Lady Purrl Grey                                       2        5  5           5   
Princess Pepper Anne                                     2        4               
Stubby                                          2     5                           
Bethanie                                  4                                       
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     11 12 13 13 12 12 13  9 10 10 10  9 10 10
                     Shorthair Count                                              
This report was prepared by Jan Dell (