SoCal ExoTICA Cat Club, Cabazon, CA, March 1-2, 2008 Saturday Sunday Vickie Shields SP Vickie Shields AB Fate Mays AB Vickie Fisher AB Vickie Fisher SP Anne Ritzinger AB Sandi Mattingly AB Sandi Mattingly SP Harley Devilbiss AB Kay Devilbiss SP Alex Chisholm SP Candy Jacobsen SP KITTENS VS FM VF SM HD AC VS VF AR SM KD CJ Mistyridge Odd-Eye-See PS 2L 8 3L 1 1L 10 4 1 1L 2L 3L Abymanor Sabra of Spiritcat AB 5S 10 6S 7 9 5S 6 8 10 6S 7S Mausrus Sabiha Tarifa of Arietta EM 3S 610S 3 2S 1 8 9S 7S 6S Sehnsational Dewa BA 1L 5 2L 10 7 4L 4 10 4L 3L 1L Specialagent Gunnie PB 9S 2 5S 410S 9 6 9 5S Dudesurfbobs Little Surfer Dude BB 4L 1L 9 8 2L 1 6 5L 4L 2L Chisholmtrail Firebrand of Therealms OC 10S 7 7S 5 5 3S 6S 1S Chemicoons Sin City Sue of LAPD MC 3L 3 5L 4 2 3L 3L 4L Exoticrose Pinball Wizard BG 4S 6 6 5 2S 2S Calimaine Lucca MC 9 4L 3 3 2L 1L 5L Exoticrose Roshan of Sehnsational BG 7S 1S 4S 2 8S10S Summermist Ringmaster BG 1 9S 7 3S 4S Chisholmtrail Fire Storm OC 2 4 5S 5S Therealms Raphael BG 4 8 1S 7S Absolutely Category Five BG 6S 6S 8 2 Lakemountain Sierra Blanca BG 2S 9S 3 4S Judge's Choice Scamper CR 510S 9S 2S Eeyaa Tiger Stripes TG 1S 3 10S Legacie Pawsitive Energy BG 4S 7 9 Lakemountain Spirit Dancer TG 10 7S 1S Magestic Pride Magic Formula BG 8S 1 9S Bangles Louis Cyphire BG 2 1S Wildwestbengals Jacksons Destany BG 3S 7 Kalanikats Lunar Eclipse BG 3S 8S Barsadolls Dancing In My Dreams RD 5L 5L 5L Dreamland Jasper BG 8S 8S Belphoebe Raja BG 5 Beechwood Artemisia of Asianexotics BG 2S Lakemountain Winters Mist TG 3S Chisholmtrail Brianna of Spiritcat CR 4S Millwood Lucille of Goldmountain BG 8S Allbreed/Longhair Count 6 33 6 33 33 6 36 36 36 6 6 6 Shorthair Count 27 27 27 30 30 30 CATS VS FM VF SM HD AC VS VF AR SM KD CJ Cooncreole Zhivago SB 3L 6 1L 2 3L 5 3 6 1L 1L 3L LAPD Sex Pistol MC 2 5L 4 2 5L 5 3L 2L Purrkatz Mocha Latae of Cairo PS 6L 1 2L 5 4L 2 4 Cherrybirdie Setnstone of Pawsitive HI 5 3 6 1L 3 2L Mainstreet Fleet Foot Mac BG 7 1 2S 3S 1S 3S Arietta Shaitani Ahbab EM 1S 810S 4S 2 8S 2S Specialagent Covert Operative PB 8S 3S 5S 6 9 6S 7S 9S Therealms Purrl Ice BG 10S 4 1S 3S 1 5S Sarsenstone Songran SI 6S 8 4 7S 2S 10S Winsomebh DJ of Royalbg BG 2S 3 8 2S Jungletrax Just Rewards BG 3S 2S 7 5 Chisholmtrail Bridin OC 1 5S 5S 1S Dazzeldots Social Success BG 1 2 1S Misty Ridge No Biz Like Show Biz PS 3L 4 4L 1L Mainstreet Baroqueheat BG 4S 8 1S 4S Taiyo's Pachinko JB 5S 9S 9 7S 6S Wildgold Artemis BG 5S 7S 8S 10 6S Mistyridge Ringofire of Furrdreams PS 5L 6 7 5L Nudawnz Snografitti BB 6L 2L 7 4L Overlandtrl Wild Bill of Calirags RD 2L 6L 10 5L Arohanui BC Tiponi LP 1L 4 5L Dixiemunchkins Picalow ML 10 10 3L Wildvision Glacier BG 6S 9S 6S 9S Sehnsational Dominique OS 1 9S10S Riterags Jordanstar of Amorusangels RD 4L 9 4L Finerpoints Sealed With A Kiss RD 9 3 Simplysimes Katdillac of Kalanikats BG 5 4S Wildgold Malu Lani BG 7 3S Finerpoints Zac Jr RD 4L 6 Goldenmagi Uriel of Silveredrose BG 4S 8 Sunfox Cinnamonspice of Featherland SO 9 2L Eeyaa Rusty Nails TG 10S 8S 7S Dreamland Velvet BG 7S 9 Beechwood Artemisia of Asianexotics BG 3 Sunshineabys Reba of Equistice AB 9S 8S Parti Wai Fallenangel of Furrdreams PS 7 Wildwestbengals Jacksons Reaction BG 8 Jungletrax Street Cred BG 10 Taiyo's Shiro JL 10 Asianbambo Hana Ko BG 4S Therealms Matisse of Lamancha BG 8S Equistice Nala of Calirags AB 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 21 56 21 53 54 21 54 53 55 20 20 16 Shorthair Count 32 32 34 36 37 36 ALTERS VS FM VF SM HD AC VS VF AR SM KD CJ Wildgold Nanuk BG 4S 5 1S 1 5 5 1 1 1S 4S Kokopellies Polar Express BB 2L 1 1L 4 1L 2 3 1L 1L 1L Mirrikat Sundown of Thai's Star AB 2S 2 3S 3 3 2 5S 1S Ritz-O-Cats Wildfire of Gatoamarosa ES 5S 4 3 2 4S 3S 1S HMS Fuzzy Licks of Gattobello BS 2S 2 3S 3 2S 2S 2S Sehnsational Kiet Carson SI 5S 4 5 4 3S 5S Metastar Ready Torumble BG 3S 5 5S 4 4S 3S Crayola Cats Magical Mr Mistoffeles PS 1L 4L 3L 1 5 3L 3L 3L Elvessas Khalil Greene TO 1S 1S 2 5S Echoglen Ajaxthebrave RD 4L 3 2L 4L 2L 4L 4L Taiyo's Stuart Little JB 4S 2S 4 4S Barsadolls Therapy Trotting Jasper RD 3L 3L 2L 4L 2L 2L Holyfold Pugnacious Puddy Tat SF 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 14 4 14 14 4 13 13 13 4 4 4 Shorthair Count 10 10 10 9 9 9 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS VS FM VF SM HD AC VS VF AR SM KD CJ Chimeracats Sampson of Marblerose 1S 2 1S 2 1 1S 2 1 1 1S 1S 1S Last Straw of Specialagent 1L 1 1L 1 3 1L 1 2 2 1L 1L 1L Halestone Hot Fuge Sundae 2S 3 2S 3 2 2S 3 3 3 2S 2S 2S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 2 2 2 2 2 2 HOUSEHOLD PETS VS FM VF SM HD AC VS VF AR SM KD CJ Ms Mocha Topaz 1S 1 3S 2 5S 1 4 2 2S 1S 4S Maverick 2L 3 1L 4 1L 2 1 3L 2L 1L Uncle Albert of Tbear 2S 1S 1 4 1S 2 4 1S 4S 1S Miss Pixie2magic 5S 2S 1 3S 3 3 5 3S 2S 2S Cocoa Marbles of Marbleglen 1L 2 5L 5L 4 1 5L 4L 4L Elfin Magic of Dzrtnite 3L 2L 5 2 4L 5 4L 3L 5L Dusty Miller 3S 5 4S 4S 5 3 4S 5S 3S Miss Lacey 4L 4 4L 5 3L 2L 1L 3L Morgana 5L 3L 3 2L 1L 5L 2L Blackjack N Spades 4S 5S 3 2S 5S 3S 5S Allbreed/Longhair Count 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 Shorthair Count 5 5 5 5 5 5 PRELIMINARY NEW BREEDS VS FM VF SM HD AC VS VF AR SM KD CJ Sarsenstone Antoni Gaudi TH 1 1S 1S 1 1S Halestone Da Brat SV 1S 1 1 1S Gattobello Guiliani SV 1 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 4 4 1 3 4 Shorthair Count 4 4 4 4 4 4 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS VS FM VF SM HD AC VS VF AR SM KD CJ Halestone Xanth CU 1S 1 1S 1 1 1S 1 1 1 1S 1S 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- SoCal Exotica Cat Club - Mild & Wild, Adult Female, Spotted/Spotted & While, Adult Male Congresses MILD & WILD CONGRESS Saturday - Fate Mays Winsomebh DJ of Royalbg BG 1 Jungletrax Street Cred BG 2 Wildvision Glacier BG 3 Finerpointrags Sealed With A Kiss RD 4 Tatsu Giselle of Gypsylane BG 5 Finerpointsrags Zac Jr RD 6 Celestrail Sebastian RD 7 Wildgold Artemis BG 8 Simplysimes Katdillac of Kalanikats BG 9 Jungletrax Just Rewards BG 10 Count 28 ADULT FEMALE CONGRESS Saturday - Harley DeVilbiss Wildgold Artemis BG 1 Dzrtnite Echo In Blue BI 2 Parti Wai Fallenangel of Furrdreams PS 3 Finerpointrags Sealed With A Kiss RD 4 Shimiji Shady Sadie of Equistice AB 5 Count 20 SPOTTED/SPOTTED & WHITE CONGRESS Sunday - Vickie Shields Jungletrax Just Rewards BG 1 Beechwood Artemisia of Asianexotics BG 2 Mainstreet Fleet Foot Mac BG 3 Wildgold Artemis BG 4 Wildvision Glacier BG 5 Simplysimes Katdillac of Kalanikats BG 6 Jungletrax Street Cred BG 7 Wildgold Malu Lani BG 8 Therealms Matisse of Lamancha BG 9 Sehnsational Dominique OS 10 Count 26 ADULT MALE CONGRESS Sunday - Vickie Fisher Jungletrax Just Rewards BG 1 Purrkats Mocha Latae of Cairo PS 2 Misty Ridge No Biz Like Show Biz PS 3 Riterags Jordanstar of Amorusangels RD 4 Goldenmagi Uriel of Silveredrose BG 5 Nudawnz Snografitti BB 6 Specialagent Cover Operative PB 7 Therealms Matisse of Lamancha BG 8 Overlandtrl Wild Bill of Calirags RD 9 Mistyridge Ringofire of Furrdreams PS 10 Count 26 -- This report was prepared by Jeane Camarena (