Be TICACats Club, Mons, Belgium, November 17-18, 2007

                Saturday                         Sunday         
        Kurt Vlach            AB        Kurt Vlach            AB
        Judy Chappetta        AB        Judy Chappetta        AB
        Marie-France Dendauw  AB        Marie-France Dendauw  AB
        Kurt Vlach            AB        Kurt Vlach            AB
        Marie-France Dendauw  AB        Marie-France Dendauw  AB
        Franziska Gagern      SP        Judy Chappetta        AB
        Irene van Belzen      SP        Franziska Gagern      SP
                                        Irene van Belzen      SP

KITTENS                                  KV JCMFDMFD FGIVB KV JCMFD KV FGIVB
Pampa Mojito Night Fever             AB   1  3  1  1 2S 5S  2  4  1  1 2S 1S
Catzanova Corto Maltese              SO   6  4  4  3 1L 1L  5  3  3  7 1L 1L
Juniatas Nikolai I Lobachevsky       MC      1  9  8 2L 4L  8  1  4  8 2L 3L
Parti Wai Magic Touch of Maranello   PS   3  2       7L 3L  1  2     2 3L 2L
Thecatslove Come Back                BO  10  8  5  4 3S     9  7  7    3S 7S
Hilltopbengals Da Vinci              BG      7  7  5 1S 2S     5  5    1S 2S
Newtajmahal 2Pac of Mahadevishakti   SX   4     2  2        6     9  5      
Escorial E-Scaramouche               ES         8  7    4S  7     6       5S
Newtajmahal Jerommeke                SX      6       5S 1S     6       4S 3S
C'Koh-I Nor de Chatterley            BI         6    3L     3        4 4L   
Babybest Cat Calamity Jane           PS                     4    10  3 7L 4L
Coco Chanel Matsuri                  OS                    10  8  2    5S 8S
Ragmagic Lil Miss Fancypants         RD   7     3  6 4L                     
Colorado Spring des Grands Moghols   BI   9             5L    10          8L
Henrijette The Snowprincess of Batu  MC      5         10L          1010L   
Yakimo of Shaggy-Coons               MC   2          9L 2L                  
Newexoticat's California Dream       ES           10 4S                   4S
Felibo's Beautiful Bluebell          BS   8             6S                6S
Ragmagic Iman Ewok of Calaquendi     RD     10       8L                5L   
Batifoleurs Radja                    BG   5                          9      
Compasure of Blue Galaxy             PD                        9     6      
Chemicoons Billy Idol of Mainewalk   MC              6L                6L 7L
Starlicius Curly Dakota Indiana      SR        10  9                        
Fin* Dunderkattens Pricken           NF              5L 7L                  
Chanidolls Nenah of Pacificats       RD                 6L                6L
Luka von Luanda                      BS              6S                6S   
Caesar of The Catplanet              MC                 8L                9L
Newtajmahal C'Mimzy                  SX                           8         
Eeyaa Tukaringa                      TG      9                              
Charles de la Foret d'Avalon         DR                 3S                  
Curls Fantasy's Kenaya               AL                                   5L
Chatandoll Blue Ridge Mountin Feliz  RD                                8L   
Pajocoons Jack Sparrow               MC                 9L                  
O'Neill vom Kiebitzmoor              BI                                9L   
Single Impression                    PS             10L                     
CJ de l'Ecrin Vert                   MC                                  10L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     49 47 45 38 26 26 47 48 48 47 25 25
                     Shorthair Count                 21 21             21 23

CATS                                     KV JCMFD KV FGIVB KV JCMFDMFD FGIVB
Melody's Arkansas                    HI   3  6  1  1 6L 8L  3  4  3  3 5L 9L
Cattycats Lord Kobori Enshu          OS   8  2  8  3        2  3  6  4 3S 4S
Williamina Genji of Wistariantale    MC   2     7  4 3L 3L  1     4  5 2L 4L
Kokopellirex Everett                 CR   4     2  6 5S     6     2  1 5S   
Thecatslove Billy Boy                BO   6  4  4  7        9  5  5       5S
Vador du Prince de la Nuit           PS   1        2 1L 1L  4          1L 1L
Parti Wai Ooh La La of Maranello     PS   7  1     5 5L     5  1       4L   
Chester de la Vallee du Lys          BS      7     9 3S 1S  7  7       4S 1S
Crumble Bleu du Leman Bleu           BI   9  8       4L 5L    10       3L 5L
Pointocurl Erast Fandorin Junior     AL         3 10 8L 6L             7L 6L
Blues Man de Shiraz                  PS        10       2L       10  7    3L
Artaban's Gigi                       SI              1S 2S     9       2S 2S
Woodpile London of Cattycats         MC         5       7L        7  6   10L
Elamante Baal of Ladifference        AB     10       2S 3S             1S 3S
Congocoons White Feather             MC      5          4L     6          7L
Ragmagic Lil Miss Fancypants         RD                           1  2    2L
Newtajmahal Jadore                   SX      3          5S     2            
Bad Boy du Miaou's Club              MC         9                 8  8      
Catberry Kingdom's Catching Sun      SX   5                10       10      
Ragmagic Heaven Help My Heart        RD      9                 8       6L   
Azov Kochka Mariinskaya              SB            810L               10L   
Aghtamar Mahokeni Eznik Van          TV  10            10L             9L   
Circee d'Anoratha                    BI                           9  9      
Tekno Valley Oakley of Spice         NF              7L                8L   
Sint Agatha's Soraya                 BI              9L                   8L
Eeyaa Dark N Handsome                TG         6                           
Pointocurl's Afrodita                AL                     8               
Chatandolls Rafle of Rasasayangrags  RD              2L                     
Admiral von Dobschuetz               BG              4S                     
De La Commanderie des Joncs Babelut  BS                 4S                  
Bluegrasrags Blue Ridge Mountin Boy  RD                 9L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     60 59 60 56 39 40 56 56 56 50 34 34
                     Shorthair Count                 20 20             19 20

ALTERS                                   KV JCMFD KV FGIVB KV JCMFD JC FGIVB
Newtajmahal Dhana Jeera              SX   4  2  3  4 3S 1S  3  4     1 5S 1S
Salatana Hector                      SI   1     1  1    4S  1  8  4    1S 2S
Mainewalk Jelena                     MC   2  3     2    2L  2  1     2    1L
Spice Ollinyx                        BG   5  4  2    2S 5S  8     7  3 4S 5S
Pointocurl Erast Fandorin            AL   3        5 4L 1L  5     5  7 3L 2L
Wintergarden Rumpleteaser/ID         ES   6  5  6  3 1S 2S  4          2S 3S
Urartu Zaheb of Aghtamar/ID          TV      1          3L     2  1  4 5L 3L
Valentine Thecatslove                BU                 3S  6  3  2  6 3S   
Corcats Hello Dolly                  RD              3L 4L  7          4L 4L
Thorbjornpus Tempest                 NF              1L              8 2L 5L
Roxolana Anja/ID                     HI         4              7  6         
Raphia du Mogwai                     DR         5    4S           8         
Adagio Sink de Chatterley            BI                        5     5      
Allix des Lutins d'Iris              BI                 5L        3         
Mahabodhi's Uriel                    BI              2L                1L   
Selia Odin of Calaquendi             RD                        6            
Pacificats Youve Got Magic To Do     RD            6                        
Tuxon Lilas Gold                     BS                                   4S
Cooncity Socrates                    MC              5L                     
Brockenmoor Buffy                    BG              5S                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     21 20 21 21 12 12 23 23 23 23 12 12
                     Shorthair Count                  7  9             11 11

Phaithai Singhala Som Jai Rak        TH   1  1  1  1 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1      
                     Shorthair Count                  1  1

NEW TRAITS                               KV JCMFDMFD FGIVB KV JCMFD KV FGIVB
Zidaya's Hannibal                    BL                     1     1  1 1L   
Chagal du Puits Des Elfes            BL              1L 1L     1          1L
Yuta Lilac Muezzi                    BL      1  1                           
Blue's Lover Aramis                  BL   1                                 
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  3  3     3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count                                        
This report was prepared by David Thomas (