Westchester Feline Club, White Plains, NY, November 17-18, 2007

            Saturday                 Sunday     
        L. Grillo     AB        B. Ray        AB
        F. Hicks      AB        C. Webb       AB
        D. Gonyea     AB        S. Mattingly  AB
        H. Roberts    SP        P. Harding    SP
        J. Roberts    SP        F. Mays       SP
        B. Kissinger  SP        M. Anderson   SP

KITTENS                                  LG FH DG HR JR BK BR CW SM PH FM MA
Majorus Druantia                     AB         6 6S 2S     4  3  8 2S 3S 5S
Whozz Show Divine of Purrsession     PS   7  6  5    6L 2L  9       1L 7L 2L
Caricatures John Henry               BO   9  8    1S 5S 6S     9  1    9S 2S
Classicalcats Fiero                  SX   3  9    3S    3S     5  6 4S 1S   
Glor-ee Shining Star                 OS   4       5S 7S 9S  6  4   10S 2S 1S
Cascats Braveheart of Aristicats     BG      4  8 7S 8S     8     5 7S 7S 3S
Whozz Show Time of Purrsession       PS   2  1       3L 5L        3    1L 6L
Preciosas Pot O Gold of Berryhille   ES   8       8S 1S 5S  5       8S 4S10S
Planet Funk Blue Tanis               NF         9 1L 1L 8L     8       4L10L
Coonificent Odie Colonie             MC   6     7   10L        7    9L 3L   
Jungletrax Just Rewards              BG   1       4S    1S          1S    6S
Kasseldolls Nikolai                  RD  10             3L 10  1    7L      
Pawly Newman of Plaidplus            BS           2S 6S 8S        2       9S
Citizenkat Ami of Safram             SX         3           3       6S    7S
Berryhille High Hope of Tinaz        PS           4L        2       6L 2L   
Bellapalazzo Juliette                RD      7    3L    7L                1L
Quinsigamond Gustav                  NF     10  2                   5L 9L   
Pengar Sophisticated Lady of Glor-e  SI           9S        1          5S 8S
Cukkla Osiris                        BG      2  1                           
Coonyham Tamalpais Tom of Fogcity    MC         4    7L             3L      
Glor-ee Stars Brother                SI   5                         3S 6S   
Wildfx Starglow                      TG          10S    2S          5S 8S   
Coonificent Saving Grace Slick       MC              2L 4L                4L
Mckimmey T.N.P.                      MC      3                    4         
Noracoon Violet Elizabeth            MC           5L 4L            10L    9L
Riterags Soleil Lune of Brightstone  RD                          10 2L    8L
Radzacatz Pixel Dust                 HI           8L              9 4L      
Rockcreekranch Thank My Lucky Stars  RD              5L                6L 5L
Creators Lil Boy To The Max          ML              8L10L            10L 7L
Mythmakers Azizah                    SX        10   10S 4S                  
Wrinklesoflove Montegue 1            SX              3S               10S 4S
Laziblues Sassy Sidney               BS              9S           7 9S      
Dracoonfly Kachina Doll of Mainevu   MC                 1L                3L
Radzacatz Calliope                   PS           6L           6            
Broadsway Cascapedia of Dracoonfly   MC           2L                   5L   
Kurisumasu Anya of Vanderpawz        JL                       10       8L   
Avalonia Lady of The Lake            BG              4S 7S                  
Jungletrax Street Cred               BG                        2            
Quilts N Queens Margene              MC      5                              
Purrsessions Dark Star of Le Soir    PS          10L    6L                  
Hisstoricats Toffee                  PS              9L             8L      
Mainlyclassic High Jinxs             MC                     7               
Jasper                               RD           7L                        
T. Renns Thyme After Thyme           HI                 9L                  
Koerncoon Mad Max of Dragginslair    MC           9L                        
Eeyaa Sea Tomahawk                   TG                10S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     59 59 59 31 31 31 61 58 60 32 32 32
                     Shorthair Count              28 28 28          29 29 29

CATS                                     LG FH DG HR JR BK BR CW SM PH FM MA
Blazin Arrow Comanche                MC   6  1  1    1L 2L     9  5 4L 2L 1L
Quinsigamond Johan                   NF      8  2 4L 4L 4L     2  8 7L 1L 4L
Berryhille Darby                     ES   2    10 6S10S 8S  7  4  9 1S 2S   
Luvez Knight Ryder of Donnasdollys   RD   5       1L 6L 6L     3  6 2L 6L 3L
Aradia Unleash The Magik of Khamsin  AB   1     5 2S 2S 7S     5    2S 4S   
Jasperridge It Aint Me Babe          SB      5  9 7L 9L 1L     1    3L 4L 7L
Shaynacats Soars Like N Eagle Scout  PS   3  3    3L           8    1L 5L 2L
Anouchka Dalila                      PS           2L 5L 7L  2     4 5L 3L   
Therealms Try Me Now of Jungletime   BG      4  3 3S              1    9S 7S
Wrinklesoflove Diva                  SX   9                 4  6  7 4S    8S
Arietta Tosca                        SG   4          6S 6S       10 5S    5S
Misty Cove Sweet Jamesofcozycountry  BG      2       1S     5          6S   
Arietta Shaitani Ahbab               EM   7       8S 3S                   3S
Marzac Knoll Maggie May of Abyroad   AB      7              1             4S
Tailsoluv Vinny                      OS                    10  7   10S10S10S
Bellesandbeaux O My Goodness         SN     10       8S 4S             3S   
Drinkwater Ladies Man of Jazzle      BG                 5S        3       1S
Majorus Luck of The Draw             SO                     3 10          5L
Wildfx Starbuck                      TG           7S 7S 3S          8S      
Mainelyclassic Maxie of Calimar      MC         7    7L     6               
Majorus Malachy                      SO         6 6L 2L                     
Khamsin Dahshur                      AB                 2S             5S 2S
Chanson Bleu Beautiful Dreamer       CX           5S   10S          6S    6S
Jungletales Beau Thai                BG                 1S  8       7S      
Vanderpawz Frankie                   JB      6       4S                7S   
Artur Planet of Alcmena/FI           BS           9S    9S        2         
Cukkla Grande Illusions              BG         4 4S                        
Aluren Gabriel of Pleasant Pond      BG  10                            1S   
Codycats Madeline of Mainetales      MC   8          3L                     
Willowtreerags Apollo Amadeo         RD           5L    9L          6L      
Dragginslair N.W.                    MC      9          5L                  
Kosheckarus French Connection        SL              8L 8L             8L   
Arietta Namira Isis                  EM                     9       9S      
Camelotte Saphyra of Touchgold       SO                 3L             7L   
Tailsoluv Allure of Suemc            SI                             3S    9S
Glensragdolls Kashi Cascadian        RD           8L                      6L
Speakeasy Calamity Jane              BG              9S                8S   
Dracoonfly Miramichi Special         MC                             8L    8L
Miradelove Samar of Hostahaven       SX           1S                        
Chamagoura Blue Boy of Show Felines  PS         8                           
Hostahaven Seychelle                 SX              5S                     
Cozy Country Platinum Design         BG          10S                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     60 61 60 23 24 24 55 56 53 23 23 23
                     Shorthair Count              37 37 35          31 33 33

ALTERS                                   LG FH DG HR JR BK BR CW SM PH FM MA
Terracoon Summit                     MC      5  5 1L 5L 1L        2 3L 3L 2L
Metastar Ready To Rumble             BG   1  8    4S           1  1 1S    4S
WIzardgate Carolina Lily             SX         4 5S 4S 3S     2    4S    3S
Elcarim Blue Boy of Misty Folds      BS         8 3S    4S  9     4 2S    1S
Purrsession Harley of Cristalcats    PS         6       3L  7  4  8 2L      
Boxerhaven Felicia of Intowishin     NF   7  1       4L 4L     8  7         
Jorene Haltran of Alimarie           SI   8  7       2S           3 3S    2S
Bellesandbeaux Once Upon A Dream     SN   9     9       2S  4  7       1S   
Burmusic Solo Mio of Valor           BU   3  2  2           1               
Vanderpaws Omi                       JB  10  3  1          10  6            
Ritz-o-cats Maskaraid of Marbleglen  ES   5                 5  5    5S 2S   
Makinzy Katz "Mo" Millions           ES   4       2S 5S           9    4S   
Dracoonfly Finbar Conneff            MC           5L 2L     6          1L 4L
Bellapalazzo Isaac                   RD         3    1L        3    4L      
Creators Mr Biggsbigalow             ML      4    2L                5L    3L
Aradia Temptressofthetalisman        AB           1S 1S 5S             3S   
Dinunzios Dolls Sobe                 RD      6              2             1L
Playwickeys Sunny Delight            HI      9                10    1L    5L
Diamond Dust II/CF                   DR     10                   10    5S 5S
Joedean Lurline                      HI   2    10                      4L   
Klassykittens S Bitsy Girl           ML   6          3L                5L   
Radzacatz Tiny Tim of Hisstoricats   HI           3L    5L        6         
Kitty Charm Champagnes Encore        ES                 1S        5         
Abyroad Dushara Court And Spark      SO                     3  9            
Joedean Vanity Fair                  HI                     8          2L   
Brightstone Baron Duke Delamer       RD           4L    2L                  
Bengaland Charming Kato              BG         7                           
Bengal Lair Humma Kavula             BG              3S                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     32 33 34 16 16 16 30 30 32 15 16 15
                     Shorthair Count              17 17 16          14 14 13

Spencer                                   1  4  6 1S 4S 2S  2  1  3 3S 4S 3S
Dadys Lil Memory of Marbleglen            2  1  2 5S 2S 5S  1 10 10 5S 1S 4S
Miss Vivian                               7  3  1 4S 1S 3S  4  8  5 7S 5S 1S
Drops O Jupiter of Cristalcats            3  5  8 2L 1L 1L  3  3  1 1L 2L 1L
Red Rocket Express                        4 10  5 7S 3S 4S  5  2  7 1S 3S 5S
Saber                                     9  6  4 2S 5S 1S  6  6    4S 2S 6S
Taffy                                     8  2 10 3L 3L 3L  8  4  6 4L 1L 4L
Furla                                        8  3 1L 2L 2L 10  7  2 2L 3L 2L
Menolly Miracle                           5  7  7 4L 4L 4L  7  9  8 3L 4L 3L
James                                     6  9  9 6S 7S 6S  9     9 2S 7S 7S
Tsunami                                  10       3S 6S 7S     5  4 6S 6S 2S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     11 11 11  4  4  4 11 11 11  4  4  4
                     Shorthair Count               7  7  7           7  7  7

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           LG FH DG HR JR BK BR CW SM PH FM MA
Dahlia                                    2  1    1L 1L 1L  1     1 1L 1L 3L
Oliver Twist                              1  5  5    5S        1    5S 4S 2S
Gummi Bear                                   4  3 1S 1S 1S          4S 2S 3S
Oops Eye Did It Again                        2       4L     2  3    4L 3L 4L
Birchpaw                                  5  3       3S 2S  3             1S
The Wind Mariah of Alimarie                       4L 5L 2L  4  4  4       2L
Phantom Menace                                  1 5S        5       2S    4S
Cpt Benjamin Sisko                                2S 4S 3S     2    1S      
Tiger Lily of Klassykittens               4       3L 3L 3L             5L 1L
Cpt Kassidy Yates                               4 4S    4S        3    5S   
Jennys Buddy                                      3S 2S 5S          3S 3S   
One Eyed Callie of Marbleglen                        2L 5L        5 3L    5L
Cocoa Marbles of Marbleglen               3       2L                2L 2L   
Benjamin of Le Soir                             2 5L    4L                  
Mis Chief Misha of Foxlair                                        2       5S
Roxy                                                                5L 4L   
Heidi                                                          5            
Lela Dax                                                               1S   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     19 18 19  8  8  8 20 20 20  8  8  8
                     Shorthair Count              11 11 11          12 12 12

A1 Savannahs Bijou In Gold           SV   1     1 1S 1S        1  1 1S 1S 1S
A1savannahs Kadur Nikudot            SV      1          1S  1               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  2  2           1  1  1         
                     Shorthair Count               2  2  2           1  1  1

NEW TRAITS                               LG FH DG HR JR BK BR CW SM PH FM MA
Petteycats Ima Keeper Too            MC   1     1       1L     1    1L      
Kilo                                 BL           1L                   1L 1L
Coonplay P. Linkin of Quiltsnqueens  MC      1                    1         
Petteycats Ynot Raven                MC              1L     1               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  6  6  6  6  3  6  6  6  6  6
                     Shorthair Count                                        
This report was prepared by Phil Berger (pberger454@aol.com).