Great Lakes Friends of Felines, St. Francis, WI, October 27-28, 2007

              Saturday                     Sunday       
        Debbie Lopeman    AB        Hisako Yamada     AB
        Elektra Hammond   AB        Barbara Ray       AB
        Mike Hammond      AB        Richard Bailey    AB
        Bill Lee          AB        Robin Sessler     AB
        Susan Lee         SP        Bill Lee          SP

KITTENS                                  DL EH MH BL SL HY BR RB RS BL
Kokopellirex Lucas of Kingsransom    CR   3  2  2  1    10  6  3  5 1S
Woodlyn Foxglove                     PS      5     2 1L  3  1  7  8 1L
Elamante Abdul Amir                  AB   1     6  9 1S  2  2  6    2S
Sibano Sienna Snap                   SB   2  9       3L  5     9  3 4L
Kabelkim Put                         CY   6  8  5    2L  4 10       3L
Rockinblues Houses of The Holy       RD         8    4L  1     1  1 5L
Ginchika With A Little Luck          JB  10        6 4S     7     2 4S
Karissimakat Celine Dion             PS         9  3     6  3  8      
Coonyham Gold Mine of Velvetjewels   MC   4          5L     4  2  9   
Galaxyrags Triton of Bluestone       RD   8  1              5  5      
Karissimakat Give Charity            HI                  7     4  4 2L
Karissimakat Cameron                 HI      7  4  5        9         
Vindouro Aclawna                     BU   5  3  7                     
Kittyhaven Chip Off The Ole Block    RD   7        8              6   
Rockinashi Viva Pinata               JB      6           9       10   
Carriekatz Ralph                     ES            4 5S             3S
Bluemania Hot Buttered Rum           MC      4  1                     
Spotsnglitz Drum Roll                BG        10 10 3S               
Stonehenge La Madeleine of Anjali    BG                  8  8         
Dadaelis Palu of Leopardfuzz         BG              2S             5S
Windrifter Sir Raja of Heavnsent     SB         3                     
Celstrail Ranger of Angelheart       RD            7                  
JCV Greta Garbo                      PS                           7   
Spotsnglitz Whiley Coyote            BG   9                           
Mewseeum's Charlotte                 BG     10                        
Vindouro Aclawna                     BU                       10      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     29 29 29 29 16 28 27 27 28 19
                     Shorthair Count                 12              9

CATS                                     DL EH MH BL SL HY BR RB RS BL
Odesseycatz Delilah                  TO   6  5  9 10 1S  9  5  5  2 4S
Kabelkim Gerald R Ford               CY   3  6  4  4 1L  1  9  3    5L
Rippurs Rockette of JCV              HI         5  2 2L  8  3  2  5 4L
Pyramid Sedaka of Turkhaven          EM   5  7  2    4S  3  2 10    5S
Finnfarm Amber Glory of Purrdocz     BI            6 3L     1  4  7 3L
Rockinashi Shojo No Aneette          JB      3 10    3S     4  8  6   
Wildlove Super Nova                  BG   7     1  3        7       2S
Zendada Mojo Risin of Leospride      BG            1 2S        6  8 1S
Marisol of Kingsransom               SX   2  2              8    10   
Pidepipurr Tia of Bluestone          RD   4     8        4  6         
Vindouro Albee                       BU   1  9  6    5S               
Wrinklesoflove Diva                  SX      8           6     9  4   
Top Coon Fiji of Raydusoleil         MC  10        9           1    1L
Ridgecreek Gone With The Wind        RD            8 5L  2        9   
Glorydolls Diamond Reflections       RD     10       4L           3 2L
Ginchika Ronin Gin Tora Daxter       JB   9        5    10          3S
Myapogee Dorian                      BI   8  1             10         
Top Coon Hopi of Raydusoleil         MC         3        7            
Bluegrasrags Northern Thunder of GL  RD            7           7      
Calcatta Otto of Mewseeum            BG                           1   
Gogees Fleur de Lis of Anjali        BG      4                        
Bengalscape Tutankhamun              BG                  5            
Leopardfuzz Sonador                  BG         7                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     28 28 28 28 11 28 28 27 28 11
                     Shorthair Count                 17             16

ALTERS                                   DL EH MH BL SL HY BR RB RS BL
Hojpoj Lonestar Legend of Tombar     OS   8  7  8  2 3S  7  2  6    1S
Kabelkim Shem                        CY   3  2  6  4 3L     6  2    4L
Arietta Zafir Asad of Turkhaven      EM   2  3  2  8     5  1       5S
Elamante Ramsey Amir                 AB   1        3 2S     5  1    2S
Gumdropmt Latte                      HB  10  5  7           3  4  6   
Rocknrolldolls Blueberry Hill        RD      8 10        1     3  1   
Kittyhaven Sweet Suzy Q              RD            7 2L  4        3 2L
Ginchika R U Ready For Jak           JB   9        5 4S        5    3S
Spotsnglitz Lil Bit O Moonshine      BG   5          1S  3        4   
Wyndchymes Sweet Baby James          JB     10  1    5S  6            
Kauffman Hunter of Angelheart        RD   4       10        4       5L
Purrdocz Aint I The One              BI            6        7     7 3L
Khafre King Tootenhoot of Ringapurr  AB         4        2        2   
Stormytown Sebastienne T'Ritz        MC            1 1L             1L
Mysticrds Rhianna                    RD      4  5                 5   
Bengaland Charming Kato              BG      1                 8    4S
Jedidiah's Elliot Andre Aamodt       NF   6  9  9                     
Ymir Rak My Soul                     NF            9     8     7      
Purrdocz Crynoutloud                 BI         3    4L               
My Apogee Vulpecula                  BI   7  6                        
Koontyme Mister Williams Jr.         MC              5L     8         
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     25 25 25 25 15 23 23 23 22 13
                     Shorthair Count                 10             10

Maximilian                                1  2  3  1 1S  4  3  1  1 3S
Kallipso                                  3  3  2  2 3S  1  5  3  5 1S
Peashot                                   4  4  4  3 2S  3  2  4  3 2S
Touched By An Angel                       2  1  1  4 1L  5  6  2  4 3L
Montero                                   5  5  5  5 4S  7  7  7  7 4S
Lulu                                                     2  1  5  6 2L
Zola                                                     6  4  6  2 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      5  5  5  5  1  7  7  7  7  3
                     Shorthair Count                  4              4

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           DL EH MH BL SL HY BR RB RS BL
Thing One of Last Resort                  1  1     3 2S  1  2  1  3 1S
Kristas Lily Oddball                      2     1  1 2L     5  2  2 1L
Prince Phillip                               3  2  2 4S  4  3  4    3S
Chip                                      5  4           3     3  1 2L
Einstein                                     2  4  5 1L     4       3L
Splatatoon                                3     3  4                  
Tsunami                                                  2        4 2S
Skylar                                               4L  5     5      
Kodak                                        5       3S             5S
Loki The Trickster                                   3L     1         
Isabella                                                          5 4L
Bella Donna                                     5    5S               
Durango                                   4                           
Sammy Jo                                             5L             5L
Jasmine                                              1S               
CMDR Sela La Femme N Kitty                                          4S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     14 14 14 14  7 12 12 12 12  7
                     Shorthair Count                  7              5
This report was prepared by Mike Vasquez (