T-Town Katz, Tulsa, OK, October 13-14, 2007

              Saturday                      Sunday        
        Hisako Yamada      AB        Don Caruthers      AB
        Nancy Parkinson    AB        Richard Bailey     AB
        Vicki Jo Harrison  AB        Robin Sessler      AB
        Toni Jones         AB        Bill Lee           AB
        D'Ann Kovic        SP        Hisako Yamada      SP
        Robin Sessler      SP        Susan Lee          SP

KITTENS                                  HY NPVJH TJ DK RS DC RB RS BL HY SL
Hillstblues Blazing Orange Cloud     SO      1  1  2 1L 1L  5     1  1 7L 1L
JCV Humphrey Bogart                  PS   1  8  9  1 2L 7L  4  2     3 1L   
Marleevo Sunflower                   ES      6     7 1S 8S  8  8  7  9 8S 8S
Sarcenet Stunning Silver             AL     10  7  4 8L 3L     5  3    6L 8L
Pawsabilitys Gumball                 SF   4  3  8  3    3S           5 2S 9S
MTNest Mary Magdalene of Bluemania   MC   7          6L 2L  3  6  2    3L 5L
R-C Paper Mate                       HI   5  4         10L  6  1     4 4L10L
Lostwoods Cyra of Forestkatz         NF      2  6    3L 9L  1 10       8L 2L
Qttonks Southern Belle of Sazikatz   TO   9    10  5 4S 5S  7          4S 2S
Pawsabilitys Little Bit of Brit      BS   2          3S 1S        6    1S 3S
Cajunragdolls Cherokee Pow Wow       RD   3          4L 4L        5  8 2L   
Ranchcats Krystal of Catz-Of-Clas    OS         3  8 5S     2  3            
Bumblebe Everafter                   BI  10        6 7L 8L        8    5L 9L
Crossj Lady Star                     BG   6       10                 2 5S 4S
Redearth Rising Sun                  BG         5    7S 7S  9          3S   
Ranchcats Lilly Marie                SI         4  9                   6S 5S
Bayouash Lil Brown Jug of Greystoke  AS                 6S     7       7S 1S
Kurlipurrz Maestro                   SL   8         10L             10 9L   
Soonerstate Oscakhan Kuznetskalatua  SB         2    9L        9            
Bo-Kitty's Seka II                   AB              8S 4S             9S 6S
Kurlipurrz Delilah                   SL                 5L        9       7L
Alamolegends Addison                 PB                 2S        4         
Inkblotz Sophie                      BS                    10  4            
Bayouash Cajun Queen of Crossj       AS      9                   10         
Starwatchers Zvezda                  SB      7                            6L
Jujukat Hollywood Knight             BG              2S                   7S
Regency Rags Delightfully Brilliant  RD      5                              
Ranchcats Pandora                    OS                              6      
Sarcenet Gorgeous Gold               AL                              7      
Blossom Sunflower Sugar Cookie       RD                                   3L
Marleevo Astronomical                PS                                   4L
Aledo Fantacy                        TV              5L                     
Pudifoote Sir Gawaine                MC                 6L                  
Angelbear's Azami of Strayinc        JB              6S                     
Kotchera Belche of Solacefarm        SB                               10L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     51 51 51 51 28 28 51 51 51 51 27 27
                     Shorthair Count                 23 23             24 24

CATS                                     HY NPVJH TJ DK RS DC RB RS BL HY SL
Kabelkim M And M Mars of Branbarrel  CY   1  1  6  4 1L 3L  9  3  1  2 1L   
Sarcenet Shiloh                      AL   8  2  7  5 3L     6  6  9 10 3L   
Marleevo Take It Up A Notch          ES      8  2  6 1S 3S  7  4     1      
Sazikatz Ring Leader                 TO   4  3     1 7S 6S     1       3S 3S
R-C Amore                            HI         3  2        1  9     4    3L
Ohmy Butterfly Dreams                AB   5  6 10       2S        7    5S   
Cazpurr Cowboy Heaven of Texasstar   BG   2                    2 10    1S 4S
Creole Easter Lily                   CR   9     8    2S 1S             7S 6S
Odesseycatz Cassiopeia               TO   7     4       4S        6    4S   
Bagheera Godiva Ripple of Ohmy       BG            8 4S 5S        4       1S
Greystoke Wildfire                   AS                     5  5     7 6S 7S
Ranchcats Ozymandias Rex             MC      4          5L  4             1L
Hojpoj Marina                        OS                     3  8     9    2S
Bluemania Golden Arches              MC            7 4L 2L        3         
Bluegrassrags Southern Signature     RD   3 10                       8 2L   
Kayserai Fauzi                       TV  10             1L        2    4L   
Bridlewood Highstyle of Redearth     BG      5  1           2               
Regencyrags Aristocratic Ring        RD            3    4L        8       5L
Bumblebe Dore                        BI         5          10 10            
Mimesis Sigfrid                      BS   6          5S                2S   
Cattrekker Flying Fox                AB           10                 5    5S
Palacedolls Serafina                 RD              2L     8             4L
Solacefarm Timosha Yuriovich         SB                        7  5         
Ranchcats Sam                        MC                              6    2L
Aledo Kartopu                        TV      7       5L                     
Wizardgate Venus Denudo              SX         9    6S                     
Ohmy Kuma Star of Bo-Kitty's         AB              3S 7S                  
Paragonbengals Xtravagancze          BG                              3      
Jeridi Marmalade of Vonbleibchens    PS      9                              
Skylers Ivory Laci                   SX            9                        
Tribalcoons Sir Milky Mustachio      MC                                5L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     42 42 42 41 20 19 39 41 40 40 18 18
                     Shorthair Count                 22 22             22 22

ALTERS                                   HY NPVJH TJ DK RS DC RB RS BL HY SL
Forestkatz Treat                     NF   6  3  5  5 3L 1L  5  1  1  3 3L 3L
Cooncreole Misha Terebova            SB   1  1  6  8 1L 4L  4  9  7  5 1L 4L
CSA Moolatte of Caterrific           SI   4  2  1  1 4S     7  5     1 2S 3S
Mirrikat Hawkeye                     AB   9  5     2 1S 3S  1  7  2 10 5S 1S
Siddhis Oe Kavanaugh Rinn            HB   8     4  3 2S     3 10  4  8 3S 4S
Kapulo All The Hard Ways             PS      4  2  7 2L 2L  2  2     4    2L
Tanblebox's All Tricked Out          HI   5  6  3    4L 5L     4 10    4L 5L
Radiance Domino                      OS      8     4    4S  6  3  8  2      
Inkblotz Lunr Eclipse of Starghatts  BS   2 10  9 10    1S        5    1S   
Sunsoar Nothing But Blueskies        ES      7          5S  8     6  9 4S 2S
Youre My Belle of Starghatts         BI  10             3L  9  6          1L
Luvpurrs Polar Razz of Mixologies    TO            6 3S    10  8          5S
Mackscats Nubbin                     MK              5S 2S        3         
Creole Shiloh                        CR      9  7                    6      
Coonunnski Gillian of Cattycoons     MC         8    5L                5L   
Dollhouse Lil Boy Blue               RD   3                            2L   
Gulfcats Lollypop                    JB   7                                 
Koontyme Jus A Lil Maine-Iac         MC                              7      
Hamptons Fast And Furious            BG            9                        
Prattmandu Mishti Dil                BG                           9         
Fullapurr Godiva of Strayinc         HB        10                           
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     29 29 29 29 11 11 25 25 25 25 10 10
                     Shorthair Count                 18 18             15 15

Pawsabilitys Tigris                       3  1  2  1 1S 1S  1  1  1  1 1S 1S
Ay Chihuahua of Txnkats                   5  3  1  2 1L 1L  2  2  2  2 1L 1L
Little Big Man of Strayinc                4  2  3  3 3S 3S  5  4  3  3 3S 2S
Lady Elektra                              2  4  4  4 2S 2S  4  5  4  4 2S 3S
Peek A Boo Eye See You of Txnkats         1  5  5  5 2L 2L  3  3  5  5 2L 2L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      5  5  5  5  2  2  5  5  5  5  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                  3  3              3  3

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           HY NPVJH TJ DK RS DC RB RS BL HY SL
Mommas Lil Loverboy                       5  3  2  1 2L 1L  1  3  2  4 1L 2L
Butterscotch                                 1  3  2 1S 1S  4  4  1  1 4S 2S
Yur Mama Dont Dance of Txnkats               5  5    1L 3L  3  5  4  2 2L 1L
Dallas                                    4  4  1  4 3S 4S        3  3 3S 4S
Sir Licks-A-Lot                           2  2  4    2S 2S  5  1       1S 1S
French Manicure of Txnkats                3        5 5L 2L        5    3L 4L
Princey                                   1          4L 5L           5 4L 3L
Phoebe (SC)                                                 2  2       2S 3S
Cocoa Pebbles of Siddhis                           3 4S 3S             5S 5S
Smidgen Man                                          3L 4L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      9  9  9  9  5  5  9  9  9  9  4  4
                     Shorthair Count                  4  4              5  5

Bijou In Gold                        SV   1  1  1  1 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1      
                     Shorthair Count                  1  1
This report was prepared by Dorothy Seils (branbarrel@earthlink.net).