Spoticat, Wolverhampton, UK, August 11-12, 2007

               Saturday                      Sunday
        Kurt Vlach           AB      Kurt Vlach           AB
        Connie Webb          AB      Connie Webb          AB
        Francine Hicks       AB      Francine Hicks       AB
        Bill Lee             AB      Bill Lee             AB
        Brigitte Berthelon   SP      Brigitte Berthelon   SP
        Susan Lee            SP      Susan Lee            SP

KITTENS                                  KV CW FH WL BB SL KV CW FH WL BB SL
Sarikakings Next Generation          SR   4  4  5  1 9S 6S  2  6     1 8S 5S
Thorbjornpus Nyda Morth Sith         NF   9  5  6  5 3L 1L     4  2  7 1L 3L
Guyus Alphamale                      BG   5  6     2 3S 5S  8  7     2 7S 2S
Ramilypan Intoitall of Wrynkleskyns  SX   2  3  3  3    3S 10     3  8    4S
Sensay Sauron                        SI   6  2     6    9S  6  2     9    9S
Ruskita Mr Bo Jangles                MC   1  1       2L 4L  1  1       4L   
Alexandrite Beonin                   SB   8  8       1L 2L  4    10    2L 2L
Beaconhill Snow Lotus                SI         4 10 5S 7S        9    4S 1S
Coonaria Namrib Mississippi          MC         1  4              1  6    4L
Alnakeed Valentino Rossi             SX   3          6S 8S     3      10S 3S
Goldlay Lovingsecret                 BU      9     8           8     4    7S
Riascatz Razzle Dazzle               PS                     7 10     5 3L 1L
Noracoon Violet Elizabeth            MC   7          4L 5L  9          5L 5L
Windjammer Shesasoftie of Ticatbalu  BS                     5        3 2S 6S
Glitterglam Clarence                 BG                     3  5    10      
Abychat Missteak                     AB                        9  8    5S10S
Lebreton Diamond Geezer              MC         7       3L        6         
Sarikakings Amilynd Flossy           SR         9  9    2S                  
Hallmark Long John Silver            BG         2                 5         
Ramilypan Imyours                    SX        10    8S                6S   
Poshpaws Vanilla Ice Queen           BG              1S                1S   
Guyus Sensation of Hallmark          BG      7     7                        
Thorbjornpus Chase                   NF         8                 7         
Forestgems Jaz of Bengal Charm       BG                 1S                8S
Silverglam Fionn Mcaul               BG                           4         
Sarikakings Amilynd Spring           SR              2S                     
Catbalu Ace of Spades                SR                                3S   
Magnetique Upsy Daisy                SR              4S                     
Junglecubz Tribal Dancer             BG                 4S                  
Starwindsuk Careless Whisper         BG  10                                 
Chataya Decorus Noctuya              BG     10                              
Balgor Ambassador of Riverfern       PS              5L                     
Magnetique Hope Is Mine              SR              7S                     
Belladonnakatz Zuco                  BG                                9S   
Purebliss Glacier                    BG             10S                     
Nocoaton Eternal Flame               SX                10S                  
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      44 44 39 43 11 11 42 41 41 41  7  7
                    Shorthair Count                  32 31             30 30

CATS                                     KV CW FH WL BB SL KV CW FH WL BB SL
Cattycats Lord Kobori Enshu          OS   2  6  2  1 2S     3  5  1  1 2S 5S
Sunstone Heatwave of Salatana        OC   3  2  1  9 7S 3S  2  2  4  3    4S
Noracoon General Custer              MC   5  5  3  7 3L 2L 10  1  6  5 5L 1L
Riascatz Copacabana                  PS   1  1  6  4 2L 1L  1  6     4 1L 2L
Riverfern Rosa Rugosa                AB   6  3  9  8 5S 1S  9  3  8  8    1S
Niroke Stormin Ateacup               HI   4  4     2 1L 3L  4  4     2 2L 3L
Xclusive X Factor of Suntouched      BG  10  7       9S     7  8     6 4S   
Goldlay Worththewait                 SG   7  8      10S 4S  8             6S
Procurlharem Pocurlhontis            AL                     5  9  5    3L 4L
Laska Onix Gloria of Musrafy         SB         7  5              7  7      
Catbalu Indiana                      SR                     6        9 1S 9S
Trappistini Jan Teijo                NF           10 6L             10 6L10L
Alnakeed Nocoaton Thriller           SX                 7S        3       2S
Mikisanukis Ina Pickle of Nudedudes  SX   8          3S                3S   
Radzimierz Roseanna                  SB      9       9L 7L             9L   
Yenizicgi Cankaya                    TA     10 10      10L                  
Xclusive Pussycat Doll               BG                           2    6S   
Alexandrite Azazeal                  SB              4L                4L 6L
Xclusive Rock Star                   BG            3    5S                  
Finegold Silent Dove                 PB         8      10S             9S   
Nordiquestar Aurora Rising           BG                 2S                3S
Reannker Benablue                    SI                        7       5S   
Poshefline Sas                       BS              8S                7S10S
Dovepeak Paintedlaydi                DR   9             8S                  
Springmeadow Rebel Rebel             BG                          10       8S
Springmeadow Golden Melody           BG                 6S             8S   
Coontessential Trinity               MC                 5L                7L
Ramilypan Willie Nelson              SX         4                           
jhardufae Zorfia Bluelady            NF              5L 8L                  
Tailwinds Uproar of Nordiquestar     BG         5                           
Miraclelove Tuscany                  SX            6                        
Noracoon Herculina Poirot            MC              8L                7L   
GbTropicats Aztec Gold               TG                 9S            10S   
Althalus Augustus Tank               BS              1S                     
Miki Sanukis Ms Lee of Nudedudes     SX                           9         
Bald'n'Beautiful Felicity            SX                       10            
Sarikakings Tiggly Wiggly            SL                               10L 8L
Springmeadow Arcticdream             BG              4S                     
Jhardufae Duellingbanjos             NF                 4L                  
Lexifers Agatha Christie             DR              6S                     
Wizardgate Chunky Monkey             SX                                   7S
Woodycoon Littlefox Noco             MC                                   5L
Dotcom Moonshadow Gracie             MC                 6L                  
Palchinno Love Me Tender             PS              7L                     
Shanlivle Wanda                      NF                                8L   
Kiskasiberians Gem                   SB                 9L                  
Novacoon Poughkeepsie                MC                                   9L
Beardwood Anastasia                  MC             10L                     
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      73 72 73 73 27 27 74 73 73 73 25 25
                    Shorthair Count                  46 46             49 49

ALTERS                                   KV CW FH WL BB SL KV CW FH WL BB SL
Salatana Hector                      SI   1  1  1  1 3S     1  2  1  2 2S 3S
Noracoon Cherry Bakewell             MC   7        2 5L 4L  7  7  9  4 2L 1L
Kaleido Onetwothree Oleary           SS   3  2  7    1L 5L  2  3    10 1L   
Norvin Sherekhan                     BI   8     4  3    2L     4  7  1    4L
Bald N Beautiful Jen-Isis            SX   5  4  6    1S     6  5  8    1S   
Amazolou Rikki Tikki Tavi            SL        10  7 2L 1L     6 10  8 5L 3L
Fiordiliso Centopercento             SI   4  5  3       4S  3     3       5S
Samantha d'Abella of Trappistini     NF   9     2    3L     4     2    3L   
Teapot Laratee                       BU  10 10  8  8        8 10     6      
Britard Topaz                        BS   2  7  9  9 2S 1S                  
Lexifers Tigerfeet                   DR                           6  3 5S 1S
Lebreton California Dreaming         OS                        9  4  9 3S   
Kynobi Darth Sidious                 BI      3              9  1            
Gradena Golden Nugget                BG            5       10        7      
Bastian Talvji of Trappistini        NF                 3L           5    2L
Moonmoor Romancandle                 BG              6S        8       4S   
Thorbjornpus Chewbacca               NF      8     6                        
Tiggy Twilight Lucky Rune            BG              4S     5               
Sucette Midnight Cowboy              BI   6  9                              
Pippastro Peterman                   OL      6       4L                     
Lebreton Atticus Catticus            OS           10 5S                     
Tarkusha Armanie                     BI                                4L 5L
Ramilypan Beaulah Boo                SX            4                        
Nordiquestar Sidewinder              BG         5                           
Silversafari Valentino               BG                           5         
Nordiquestar Supersonic              BG                                   2S
Wotmore Tinker Tagora                BG                 2S                  
Leilu Temujin Khan                   BG                 3S                  
Fiordiliso Cherchill                 OS                                   4S
Chichi Papillon                      DR                 5S                  
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      32 33 33 33 12 12 30 30 30 30 12 12
                    Shorthair Count                  21 19             19 19

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           KV CW FH WL BB SL KV CW FH WL BB SL
Teddy                                     4  1     3 3L 2L  3  1     4 3L 1L
Jessica                                   2        1 5S     1  5  2  1    3S
Jordan                                    1        4 5L 1L     3  1  3 1L 4L
Alfiechinacat                                   4    2S 4S  2  4  3    1S 5S
Marbella                                  5  3  1           5  2       3S 2S
Rosie Shelton                                2  2    2L 4L        4    2L 2L
Stormdancer                                        2 3S 1S           2 2S 4S
Cleo                                               5 1S           5  5      
Zeus                                         5  5    4L 3L             5L 3L
Tiggy                                     3  4          2S             5S   
Ben                                                     3S  4             1S
Fluffy                                               1L 5L             4L 5L
Crystal                                              4S 5S                  
Maximillian Bonnieslegacy                       3                           
Couldn't Possibly Comment                                              4S   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      16 16 16 16  5  5 14 14 15 14  5  5
                    Shorthair Count                  11 11              8  8

Mandingo Treasure                    SE   1  1  1  1     1                  
Mandingo Bwana                       SE               1                     
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  2                        
                    Shorthair Count                   2  2                  

NEW TRAITS                               KV CW FH WL BB SL KV CW FH WL BB SL
Purebliss Blue of Casvegas           BG   1  1  1  1  1  1     1     1  1   
Niteo Balthazar                      BG                     1     1        1
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1        2  2  2  2      
                    Shorthair Count                   1  1              2  2
This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (