Shadow & Light, Gagny, France, June 30 - July 1, 2007

              Saturday                      Sunday        
        Odette Lamoureux   AB        Aline Garel-Noel   AB
        Kurt Vlach         AB        Kurt Vlach         AB
        Catherine Bastide  AB        Helene Guillaume   SP
        Jean-Marc Lagarde  SP        Jean-Marc Lagarde  SP

KITTENS                                  OL KV CBJMLAGN KV HGJML
Dances With Wolves Nashville         MC   4  6  2 1L  3  6 1L 1L
Riterags Victor                      RD      2  5 3L  5  1 4L 2L
Newtajmahal B Kaori                  SX   3  3  3     4  3    3S
Batifoleurs Solo Mio                 BG   2     4 1S  1    5S 1S
Stringapurrs Vitruvian               AB   5  1    2S     2    2S
Zabokou Qupidon                      PD      7  7    10  4 1S   
Circee D'Anoratha                    BI   7     1        9    4L
Difference's Cicciolina              AB         6     6  8 3S   
Bubble Gum de Laf                    BS   8  9 10          2S   
Ceridwen Du Charme Des Runes         NF           4L  8    6L 6L
Eeyaa Dark N Handsome                TG           5S  2       5S
Ortalion Curly Blue Lagoon           AC   1           7         
Yamassee of El Dorado                MC      4           5      
New Exoticats Calypsa                ES   6  8                  
Bouglione Du Chene Celeste           PS           2L       2L   
Capirossi Du Moulin de Crecy         MC      5                5L
Cyane de La Symphoriane              SG         8 4S            
Aghtamar Ghaplan van                 TV   9                5L   
Calys de L'Eden Des Felins D'Or      BG     10             4S   
C'Rose In Blue Du Forget Me Not      HI                  7      
Actarus Bastian                      MC                    3L   
Casper de Tara Land                  HI                       3L
Olrun Azadah                         NB               9         
Oceanicor Hush Hush Darling          ES           3S            
Specialagent Spit Fire               PB         9               
Twintorp Jack Daniel's               BO                 10      
Eeyaa Scarlet                        TG  10                     
Baktra de Viazie                     OS                       4S
Chalimar de Saint Paer               TA           5L            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     31 31 31 16 36 36 21 21
                     Shorthair Count              16       15 14

CATS                                     OL KV CBJMLAGN KV HGJML
Vador Du Prince de La Nuit           PS   3  2  9 5L  3  1 5L 6L
Melody's Arkansas                    HI   1  1    1L  1  2 3L 2L
Bonito Du Lagon Bleu                 ES   8  7  1 6S  6    1S 6S
Elamante Baal                        AB   2 10        8  5 3S 8S
Because I Am Red Fleursdelilas       BI      6    3L  9  9 2L 3L
Batifoleurs Wild Illusion            BG      3    4S  4  8 2S   
Kokopellirex Everett                 CR           2S  2  3 7S 1S
Ww'Langstteich'n'san Francisco       MC         3        6 1L 1L
Jater Tiger Lily of SoSBengals       BG   5     2 1S          2S
Artabans Gigi                        SI         7 3S     4    3S
Biche O Ma Biche Des Doux Coeurs     SS      5    4L       9L 7L
Baia de La Symphoriane               SG         4     7       4S
Catberry Kingdom's Catching Sun      SX      4    7S  5         
Thecatslove Billy Boy                BO      8    8S       5S 5S
Al Capone de Shiraz                  PS   6       6L          5L
Celebris Av Karitzy                  BA         5 8L         10L
Bad Boy Du Miaou's Club              MC           2L      10L 4L
Blue Dream Blanches Pattounes        BI        10          6L 8L
Bradigann Du Miaou's Club            MC   4       7L            
Divinus Sweet Biscuit                SX      9          10      
Aghtamar Mahokeni Caroun van         TV           9L       8L 9L
Specialagent Socrates                PB         8             7S
Ai Me D'Ago Du Val de Chennevieres   SI         6          9S   
Cattycats Kai Muk                    OS  10               10S   
Dynastithai Uno                      SG           9S       4S   
Alibi Du Mistouflon                  BS           5S          9S
Larix's Armani                       HI   7                     
Spice Oregano                        BG                  7      
Bakin Du Clans Des Otori             SX   9                     
Amadeus de Paleodia                  MC              10         
Pointocurl Afrodita                  AL                    4L   
Bartabas Des Shags of Saskatoon      MC                    7L   
Magiccarpet Je M'Appelle Jolie       SX                    6S   
Nevskaya Jemchuzhina Evrika          PD                    8S   
Shantou Du Bois D'Atalante           NF          10L            
Bonita Des Abyssins de Roan          AB          10S            
Golden Cat's Ungaro                  ES                      10S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     69 67 69 36 68 68 40 38
                     Shorthair Count              30       28 28

ALTERS                                   OL KV CBJMLAGN KV HGJML
Newtajmahal Dhana Jeera              SX      3  1 3S  3  1 3S 1S
Mahabodhi's Uriel                    BI   5     5 2L  1  3 2L 1L
Wintergarden Rumpleteaser            ES   1  4    2S  4    4S 3S
Urartu Zaheb of Aghtamar             TV      5  3 1L     2 3L 2L
Brockenmoor Buffy                    BG   2       4S  5  4 2S 5S
Valentinethecatslove                 BU   4           2  5 1S 4S
Divinus Junior Aster                 SX      2  2 5S            
Alhambra Africa Du Joyau Saharien    HI   3       3L       1L 3L
Velvet Paws Des Fleurs de Lilas      BI      1    5L            
Newtajmahal B Mojo                   SX         4          5S   
Ultimatom Taille de La Fontaine      BO           1S          2S
Armani de Mi-Ange Mi-Demon           SS           4L       4L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     11 11 11  5  9  9  4  3
                     Shorthair Count               7        5  6

HOUSEHOLD PETS                          JML
Oliver                                   1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count       
                     Shorthair Count      1

Tasurt Banguii of Coeur Sauvage      CU   1  1 1S 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1      
                     Shorthair Count            1  1

NEW TRAITS                              AGN KV HGJML
Calice de La Passion Divine          BL   1  1 1L 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                
This report was prepared by Pascal Remy (