Coontica, Godmanchester, UK, June 9-10, 2007 Saturday Sunday Connie Webb AB Connie Webb AB Geneviève Basquine AB Geneviève Basquine AB Kurt Vlach AB Kurt Vlach AB Lisa Dickie AB Lisa Dickie AB Irene van Belzen SP Irene van Belzen SP KITTENS CW GB KV LD IB CW GB KV LD IB Riverfern Diable Pinot Noir AB 4 1 1 2 2S 5 1 2 1 3S Thickthorn Lotus Blossom OC 1 2 5 3S 1 5 1 5 1S Glitterglam Clarence BG 5 3 8 1S 6 3 3 6 2S Woodycoon Littlefox Noco MC 6 5 3 4L 2 7 8 3L Ruskita Mr Bo Jangles MC 4 3L 10 6 6 1L Balgor Ambassador of Riverfern PS 8 5 10 8 10 4L Dotcom Valetta MC 3 8 7 3 10 Alnakeed Nocoaton Thriller SX 2 4 9 6 4S Sarikakings Tiggly Wriggly SL 9 3 1 1L Reannker Benablue SI 6 9 5 2 Noynarock Krissle NF 9 5L 9 9 2L Chichi Carabella DR 8 7 4 5S Kiskasiberians Gem SB 7 7 10 7 Noracoon Herculina Poirot MC 6 2 4 Lelaurier Coldfeet BS 8 3 4S Barelydressed Candy Sugar Delight SX 10 5S 9 Starwindsuk Smokin Aces BG 7 4 Ramilypan Baldesque A Pade SX 2 6S Alexandrite Beonin SB 7 2L Lelaurier Bronzedancer SR 8 9 Coontessential Freedom MC 4 Rexiru Devonwears Prada DR 4 Koonikki Jo Dimaggio MC 10 Poshpaws Vanilla Ice Queen BG 10 Woodycoon Littlefox Ori MC 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 30 30 30 30 14 34 34 34 34 13 Shorthair Count 16 21 CATS CW GB KV LD IB CW GB KV LD IB Riverfern Rosa Rugosa AB 6 7 1 4 4S 7 3 1 3 4S Riascatz Copacabana PS 9 2 1L 6 8 4 1 1L Sunstone Heatwave of Salatana OC 5 1 2S 5 6 2 1S Goldlay Worth Thewait SG 4 9 8 8S 3 7 5 7S Ramilypan Ray of Sunshine SX 7 3 2 5 2 Sucette Icecold Inalex BI 1 5 7 9 4L Riascatz X Factor PS 1 3L 1 8 4L Tollcross Deeply Dippy SR 9 6 1S 8 2S Dotcom Verily On High MC 2 8L 2 9 6L Dotcom Cherokee Belle MC 8 2L 1 2L Wildroads Vanilla I Scream SO 5 10 7 8 Catbalu Chianti Classico BS 3 10 410S Junglefrost Milady Dwinter BG 3 7S 4 9S Corcats Nice One Cyril RD 5L 9 4 3L Tribal Mountain Grown OC 10 6S 9 5S Ruskita Tia Maria MC 8 9L 3 Catbalu Indiana/Gc SR 10 5S 9 Ruskita Kadacoons Katsina MC 2 5 Glitterglam Michaelangelo BG 2 5 Grizabella Raphaella DR 3 3S Dazzledots Bnner Headline BG 7 6 Bastetsphynx Kallgat of Nudedudes SX 4 10 Ramilypan Willie Nelson SX 9S 3S Angelur Viking SB 6L 5L Trappistini Jan Teijo NF 10L 10 Landsker Ymer NF 4 Lelaurier Miniequinox BS 6 Alexandrite Azazeal SB 6 Korshki Fantasy Art BG 6 Finegold Silent Dove PB 10S 8S Softspot X Factor BG 8 Mikisanukis Ms Lee of Nudedudes SX 7 Poshfelines Sas BS 10 Noracoon Baked Alaska MC 10 Dixylan Stripeit Chocolate BS 6S Jandouglen Fergus Mylaird BI 7L Jandouglen Torranach BI 7L Jandouglen Tamara BI 8L Allbreed/Longhair Count 71 71 73 70 30 60 58 60 60 23 Shorthair Count 43 37 ALTERS CW GB KV LD IB CW GB KV LD IB Salatana Hector SI 6 1 3 3 1S 4 2 1 3 1S Corcats Hello Dolly RD 2 4 2 6 5L 1 4 3 5 1L Solstans Shishio of Thickthorn JB 3 1 1 6 1 2 1 2S Bald N Beautiful Jen-Isis SX 7 2 4 3S 5 3 5 9 Gradena Golden Nugget BG 8 7 4 5S 7 2 5S Samantha D'Abelia of Trappistini NF 6 7L 8 7 7 3L Britard Topaz BS 4 5 8 2S Coontessential Neo MC 6L 5 4 4L Fiordiliso Centopercento SI 10 4 8 3S Budletts Lionking Mufasa MC 3 3 8 Sucette Midnight Cowboy BI 1 8 9 Orabill Grizelda DR 10 10 10 4S Goldlay Star Gazer BI 9 5 4L Catreba Sigizmund SB 8 9 3L Woodycoon Red Butler MC 1L 2L Sodachicats Flora Flower ES 9 7 Thorjornpus Tempest NF 7 9 Ragtastic Blue Diamond RD 10 8 Koonikki Johnny Suede MC 2 Woodycoon Denver MC 2 Piena Sydneynotaspot OS 5 Silversafari Valentino BG 5 Woodycoon Kitterymaine Attraction MC 6 Noracoon Cherry Bakewell MC 6 Koonikk Vulcan MC 6 Bastian Talvji of Trappistini NF 6 Panjandrum The Likely Lad BI 2L Nudedudes Relax Dont Do It SX 7 Woodycoon Casper MC 9 Tiggytwilight Lucky Rune BG 9 Chichi Mortimer SX 4S Wotmore Tinker Tagora BG 10 Ramilypan Beaulah Boo SX 10 Coppedhall Paintbrush BS 10 Lelaurier Artisticstyle SL 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 36 36 36 36 22 26 25 26 27 15 Shorthair Count 14 11 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS CW GB KV LD IB CW GB KV LD IB Autumn 1 1 1 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 HOUSEHOLD PETS CW GB KV LD IB CW GB KV LD IB Jordan 1 2 1 5 2L 2 4 2 1 2L Alfie Chinacat 4 4 4 4S 3 3 1 5 2S Jessica 3 3 2 1S 4 1 2 1S Rosie Shelton 5 1 3L 1 2 3 3 1L Marbella 5 1 2 3 2S Ben 3 5S 4 4 4S Cleo 5 5 5S Lillibet 5 3S 3S Jemima 4 5 Meow-Meow 2 Weasley 1L Allbreed/Longhair Count 12 12 11 12 3 8 9 9 8 2 Shorthair Count 8 6 NEW TRAITS CW GB KV LD IB CW GB KV LD IB Lus Viugh Ny Manninee MX 1 1 1S 1 1 1 1 1S Silverglam Blueberry Crush BG 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 2 1 -- This report was prepared by Martin Wood (