Québec Feline Association, Montréal, Québec, November 25-26, 2006 Saturday Sunday Aline Noel-Garel AB Hélène Guillaume SP Pascale Portelas AB Francine Hicks AB Pascal Remy SP Odette Lamoureux AB Francine Hicks AB Pascal Remy SP KITTENS AN PP PR FH HG FH OL PR Beauchador Tom Girl AS 1 1 1S 2 1S 2 2 1S Anouchka Dalila PS 3 3 1L 4 1L 3 1 1L Broadsway Annika of Coonificent MC 4 2 3L 1 1 3 2L Opusone Geisha SX 2 4 3S 5 2S 2S Mythmakers Maia of Caranna SX 5 5S 3S 4 3S Fullmoon Balloon de France HI 5 2L 3L 3L Bluebaerz Chanel BS 2S 5S 5 4S Maincloon Bonemine MC 5L 2L 4L Maincloon Capt Henry Morgan MC 4L 4 La Chatouillerie Joan MK 4S 5S Fullmoon Blue Dream of Catpuccino HI 5L 5L Mythmakers Finley of Caranna SX 3 La Chatouillerie Thombas MK 5 Opusone Hope SX 4S Joylinear Fabienne SO 4L Allbreed/Longhair Count 19 19 9 19 9 18 18 10 Shorthair Count 10 9 9 CATS AN PP PR FH HG FH OL PR Oldestage Miss Taylor Hiss MC 3 3 1L 1 1L 1 1 1L Anouchka Princess Lea PS 2 2L 3 5L 2 2 2L Beauchador Impreza AW 10 1 2S 9 4 7 1S Felineexpress General Thao/Opusone SG 6 7 5S 8 2S 7 3S Classical Cats Nephra of Oshkosh SX 9 2 1S 5 4 Bridlepath Portobello of Chatouille RD 5 4L 4 8 3L Bemisu Tahonie SX 4 4 5S 3 Mythmakers Bongo of Opusone SX 1 3S 6 4S Little Angel Alisa of Royal Plush BS 9 1S 3S 2S Mainelyclassic Fitz of Coonificent MC 3L 6 8 5L Cloistercoon Leah of Mainelyclassic MC 5 7 9 Beauchador Sir Lancelot AW 7 6 4S Cedar Rose Kurt Russell of Boucle MC 4L 3 4L Casago Tritan of Mightmagic SO 10 3L 5 Cyrus Royal Plush BS 2 10 La Chatouillerie Paseo ML 8 2L Farsllon Motown Popstar ES 8 9 Parminous Anaksounamon PD 10 10 Metichat Creme Caramel BS 4S 5S Beauchador Dame Kaira AS 5 Newtajmahal Mecky of Opusone SX 6 Lypercha Divine Providence MC 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 30 31 13 30 11 30 30 11 Shorthair Count 18 11 11 ALTERS AN PP PR FH HG FH OL PR Beauchador Valentin AS 1 2 1S 3 1S 2 1 1S Bemisu Otis SX 3 3 2S 2 2S 1 2 2S Ridgecreek Ryder RD 2 1 1L 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 1 3 2 2 Shorthair Count 2 2 2 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS AN PP PR FH HG FH OL PR Junior 1 1 1S 1 1S 1 1 1S Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count 1 1 1 HOUSEHOLD PETS AN PP PR FH HG FH OL PR Lucille of Caranna 1 4 1S 2 2S 3 1 1S Ultra Stella of Metichat 2 5 1L 1 1L 1 2 1L Charlot 3 2 3S 4 1S 2 4 3S Xena Warrior Princess 5 3 2S 3 3S 4 5 2S Princess Athena 4 1 2L 5 2L 5 3 2L Douce Emily 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 6 6 2 6 2 5 5 2 Shorthair Count 4 3 3 -- This report was prepared by Donna Gonyea (oriental@maine.rr.com).