America's Finest Felines, Arcadia, CA, November 18-19, 2006

              Saturday                     Sunday       
        Anne Ritzinger    SP        Vickie Shields    AB
        Kirri Ruttan      SP        Judy Chappetta    AB
        Alex Chisholm     SP        Pascale Portelas  AB
        Karen Stinson     SP        Sandi Mattingly   AB
        Anne Ritzinger    AB        Marylou Anderson  AB
        Kitti Ruttan      AB                            
        Heather Roberts   SP                            
        Jay Bangle        SP                            

KITTENS                                  AR KR AC KS AR KR HR JB VS JC PP SM MA
Kingofhearts Prince Nishan           AS  1S 1S 1S 3S  1  1 1S 1S 10  6  3  3  4
Kissables Montana Sky of Alizara     PS  2L 1L 4L 1L  4  2 2L 1L        2  5  3
Whatatrill Dance C Firecracker       MC  1L    1L 3L       3L 2L  3  8  5  7  6
LAPD Twisted Sister                  MC     2L        2  4 5L        2  1  2  7
Purrkats Seymour My Habb             PS  3L 3L 3L     9  5 1L 3L     5  4      
Hillstblues Steele Magnolia          AB  4S 2S 3S 1S     3 2S     2  7         
Woodpile Kookaburra of Chaparral     SG                           1  1  7  4  2
Regencyrags Aristocratic Ring        RD                  6 4L     6  4        1
Rarebreed Creme Brulee of Purrkats   ES  3S    5S     5       5S        6  8   
Riterags Kiss Me Kate of Rockcreek   RD     4L    4L  3  8    5L          10   
Millwood Golden Nugget               BG  2S 3S    2S  6  7                     
Regencyrags Coquettish Delight       RD           5L  7           9        6 10
Specialagent Incognito               PB  5S    4S    10    4S                 9
Lovenblues Violet                    NB  4L           8             10  8      
Kitnsmitn Dreams Do Come Blue        RD        2L 2L          4L       10      
Therealms Arielle                    BG     4S    4S       5S                 5
Specialagent Jamie Bond              PB           5S    10    4S               
Wildlove Quatro Diablo               BG                           4     9      
Attitudeacres Buck Stopshere         BB                           5           8
Chisholmtrail Silver Charm           OC                              9     9   
Therealms Intrepid of Pensaquitos    BG        2S             3S               
Asianbamboo Kin Ichi                 BG                    3S 2S               
Dawnstar Chimaera                    BG     5S           9                     
Finerpointsrags Desert Rose          RD     5L 5L                              
Obobtor Tsunami of Therealms         BG                                    1   
Sonoranbengals Keepsake of Alize     BG                              3         
Royalbg Princess Isabella            BG                           7            
Razldazldolls Samantha               RD                           8            
Regencyrags Bright Spot Number Two   RD  5L                                    
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     18 20 20 19 34 34 20 20 40 40 40 40 39
                     Shorthair Count     16 16 17 16       16 16               

CATS                                     AR KR AC KS AR KR HR JB VS JC PP SM MA
HMS Prescott of Chaucer              BS  1S 1S 3S 1S  2  2 1S 1S     1  1  1  7
Dreamharts Miss Chiff of Ahura       PS  2L    4L 1L  1  1 2L 3L     5  5  7  3
Forevermore's Zaza of Kazzakatz      BI  4L 2L 7L 3L  8  3 4L 6L     4        5
Cooncreole Zhivago                   SB        3L 9L  9  9 9L 5L  4    10  3  8
Summermist Command Purrrformance     BG  3S    2S 4S  3       2S  5     7  6   
Attitudeacres E Ticketride           BB  7L 1L 1L 6L 10       4L    10     9  2
Degoonacoons Zakari                  MC  8L 4L    5L     5 5L 1L        2      
Riterags Myblueheaven of Rockcreek   RD     3L    4L     6 3L           4  4   
Azkatz Toki Wartooth                 SX  6S 6S 1S 2S       2S 6S        3      
Taiyo's Pachinko                     JB  7S 4S    5S     7    4S     8       10
Degoonacoons Indy                    MC  1L 5L10L     4                    2   
Specialagent Reconnaissance          PB     2S 5S        4 4S        9         
LAPD Arrest Me Red                   MC  9L    5L          7L        3        4
Razldazldolls Deja Vu                RD  3L       2L  6              2         
Echoglen Sophia of Finerpointrags    RD     6L          10 6L 2L              6
Exoticrose Topaz of Dreamland        BG                    3S 3S  2  6         
Joylincar's Mandisa of Hillstblues   SO  6L    9L 8L       1L     9            
Ritz-O-Cats Firefly                  ES     7S    6S          5S          10   
Simplysimes A Touchofmink            BG        4S                10     6      
Millwood Yottabyte of Purrbodies     BG  2S       3S  7                        
Pawsitive Moon Walker                PS     9L                          9  8   
Chisholmtrail Tierney                OC                                 8  5   
Coolspots Blizzard of Tatsubengals   BG                    5S                 1
Chezchat Mosel                       SI  4S    6S             7S               
Chisholmtrail Fiero                  OC                           8           9
Specialagent Covert Operative        PB  5S           5                        
Palacedolls Prince Gallaway          RD  5L    8L          8L                  
Coolspots Crystal Snow               BG     3S           8                     
Overlandtrl Wild Bill                RD     7L                    7            
Celticragdolls Pantera               RD     8L 6L         10L                  
Sednas Sweetheart                    RD                           1            
Bratskats Southern Red Neck          MC                           3            
Sweetheaven Blueberry Pie            RD                           6            
Kokopellies Bear Claw                BH                              7         
Overlandtrl Kit Carson of Stardolls  RD        2L                              
Coolspots Ground Zero                BG     5S                                 
Simplysimes Icsno of Thespottedpelt  BG                    6S                  
Joylincar's Akisa of Hillstblues     SO           7L                           
Silvergene Firewire                  BG        7S                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     24 24 25 24 47 47 25 21 57 55 54 55 57
                     Shorthair Count     22 22 22 21       21 22               

ALTERS                                   AR KR AC KS AR KR HR JB VS JC PP SM MA
Degoonacoons Keeyan Bay              MC  2L 4L 4L 2L  3  5 3L 2L  1     2  2  4
Sableze Cameo                        BU  1S 1S 2S 1S  1  2 1S 1S        3  4   
Kazzakatz Carmen By Bizet            BI  1L 1L 2L 1L  2  1 1L 1L  5  2     3   
Quinsigamond Henrik Fisker           NF  4L 3L 1L 5L  4       3L  2     4  1  1
Kokopellies Polar Express            BB  3L 2L 3L 4L     3 2L 4L     4  5      
McInkats Calamity Jane of Dreamland  OS  3S 5S    2S          2S     5         
Taiyo's Stuart Little                JB     3S 3S 4S       2S 5S               
Equistice Bruce Wayne                AB  5S       3S       5S           1      
Bengalxpress Leon of Huntersexotic   BG     2S 4S        4 4S                  
Chisholmtrail Riordan                OC                           3  3        5
Sehnsational Lucky Luciano           SI        1S          3S                 2
LAPD Shooter                         MC                           4  1         
Tagalong Ozwin                       RD                                    5  3
Ciara Winterfire                     SI  2S           5                        
Ragdollangels Sundance Sonny Delite  RD        5L 3L       5L 5L               
Dreamland Tracker                    BG  4S 4S                                 
Dawnstar Rude Awakening              BG           5S          3S               
Attitudeacres Mighty Mouse           BH        5S             4S               
Bratskats Two Dollar Bill            MC  5L 5L             4L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  6  6 17 17  6  5 19 19 18 19 19
                     Shorthair Count     11 10 11 11       11  9               

Lilly Louise of Gatoamarosa              1L 1L 1L 1L  1  1 1L 1L  2  2  1  1  1
Dick van Dyke                            2L 2L 2L 2L  3  2 2L 2L  1  1  3  3  2
Delana                                   1S 1S 1S 1S  2  3 1S 1S  3  3  2  2  3
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  2  2  2  3  3  2  2  3  3  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count      1  1  1  1        1  1               

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           AR KR AC KS AR KR HR JB VS JC PP SM MA
Hiawatha Frosty Heels                    2S 1S 4S     4  2 2S 2S  3  3  1  2   
Maverick                                 2L 1L 3L 2L  1  1 3L 2L        2  5   
Gabrielle With Clouds                    4L 2L 1L 1L     3 1L 1L  1           2
Ms Mocha Topaz                           1S    5S 2S  2    5S     2           1
Dusty Miller                             3S 2S    3S  3  5        5  4         
Finnigan                                 4S 4S 2S          1S 3S     2        3
Sir Timothy of Camelottaspots            1L 4L 2L 4L  5    2L 4L  4     4      
Ob Cleveland                             3L 3L 4L 3L       4L 3L     5     4  5
Jumpin Jack Flash From Tucson                  1S 1S     4 4S 5S     1         
Penelope                                 5S 3S    5S       3S 4S        5      
Lucy of Gatoamarosa                         5S 3S 4S                       3  4
Buster Cleveland                                              1S        3  1   
Delco                                    5L 5L 5L 5L       5L 5L               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      5  5  5  5 14 14  5  5 14 14 14 14 14
                     Shorthair Count      9  9 10  5        9  9               

Camelottaspots Charmed Knight        SV  1S 1S 1S 1S  1  1 1S 1S  1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count                  2  2        3  3  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count      1  1  1  1        2  2               

ADVANCED NEW BREEDS                      VS JC PP SM MA
Reedcat Dingo                        CU      1        1
Eeyaa Geisha                         TG         1      
Eeyaa Obwand                         TG   1            
Eeyaa Tar Tar                        TG            1   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      5  5  5  5  4
                     Shorthair Count                   

NEW TRAITS                               VS JC PP SM MA
Royalbg Blue Knight                  BG   1  1  1  1  1
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                   
This report was prepared by Jeane Camarena (