The Evergreen Cat Fanciers, Seattle, WA, October 21-22, 2006 Saturday Sunday Yvonne Patrick AB Ellen Crockett AB Pamela Barrett AB Nancy Parkinson AB Alberto Leal AB Alice Rhea AB Lynn Judge AB Melissa Parsley AB Karen Stinson SP Alberto Leal SP Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz SP Monika Dany SP KITTENS YP PB AL LJ KSEHW EC NP AR MP AL MD Ladifference Bimbo At The Disco AB 7 2 2 1S 8 2 1S 6S Wallycats Sweet Dreams PS 4 6 5 7L 2L 3 6 4L 6L Woodpile Tumbleweed SG 5 9 6S 7S 2 7 2 9S Facehuggers Lambsie D'Ivy DR 3 7S 6S 7 5 3S 3S Bojobirmans Denimbear of Chittagong BI 6 8 1L 5L 5 9 5L Ragalong Emma 1S RD 6 9 6L 10 10 7L 4L Tinytales Rhosyn of Broadgate BS 8 1S 5 9 1010S Kelloggs Iron Maiden AS 1 1 5S 2S 5S Pinecoon Wild Card of Woodpile MC 7 1L 3 5 3L Cazzpurr Jazz Wurthy of Snopride BG 2 2S 8 2S 2S Kenipurr's Mato of Kurisumasu JB 5 9 10 8S 3S 7S LAPD Arrest Me Red MC 3 1 6L 1L Jater Sprinkle of Dreamquest BG 3 4 4S 6S Cascademtn Daytona Speedway MC 7 1 1 Levi Silver Tab MC 5L 4L 3 2L Tinytales Anwen of Cumaras BS 8 9S 6 7S Judge's Choice Bulletstot Squirt CR 3S 5S 6 9S Cheetahsden Some Like It Hot BG 3 4 8S Kaperkats The Great Catsby PL 5 8L 8L 2L Woodpile Kaleidoscope MC 2 2L 3L Faerietail Black Butte Porter MX 10 1 8S Fantcfur Alpin of Sundancenbare SX 8S 6 1S Kenipurr's Shimi of Kurisumasu JB 4 1 Winteridge Lucy In The Sky NF 7 9L 7 Kaperkats Jasper PB 10 4S 4S Wallycats Zuma PS 4L 7L 7 Kaperkats Kramer PL 8 3 Pinecoon Helvetica MC 2 3L Chipmunk Dyson of Foresthunter PD 6 10S 10S Marvonack The Minstrel ES 4 4S Shammicat Delta Dawn SX 9S 1 Zeedaz Jozica SI 10 8 Cascademtn Indianapolis 500 MC 9 10 Chittagong Dolly BI 4 7L Snowyspots Tsakura BG 8 5S Pinecoon Arial MC 6L 1L Starstrutter Missmolly of Kitzspa BU 4 Snopride Fudge D Lite BG 4 Pinecoon Verdana MC 8L 5L Seahorse Sprite AS 9 Ranchcats Dallas of Catajam OS 9 Bellezza Il Dolce Violetta SO 10L 8L Zeedaz Opal of Jai Mar Bali BA 9L10L Jaimar's Mi Duchess Blu OL 3L Nightmist Diamond In The Ruff AB 10S Allbreed/Longhair Count 67 68 68 68 26 26 63 64 62 63 23 23 Shorthair Count 40 42 40 41 CATS YP PB AL LJ KSEHW EC NP AR MP AL MD Ragalong Bandit 1S RD 5 7 3 4 4L 1L 6 7 1L 2L Snopride Half A Chance BG 1 3 1 1 8S 1 2S 3S Wallycats Fabulous Baker Boy PS 6 7 5 1L 5L 5 1 3L 1L Capilano's Lambchop of Faerietail DR 2 9 4 3 1S 2 8 3S Starberian Braveheart of Bewitched SB 7 5 7 2L 2 6 2L 3L Kingofhearts Royalqueen of Kelloggs AS 3 1 2 7S 4 5 1S Coonbitzky Frost Fire of Woodpile MC 4 8 2 3L 3 4L 4L Susitna Double Delight of Purfur HB 8 3S 2S 10 10 2 7S Expresivepixie Butch Cassidy PB 4 6 2S 3 7 4S Griffindor Prof Albus Dumbledore BS 10 3S 5 3 5S10S Nightmist Darkside Ofthemoon AB 8 10 7S 9 2 10S Windwalker Wonder MC 10 2 6 2L 7 Singsing Jazzpurr of Katzalano SG 9 5 9S 4 Rainbow Love of Bagilis BU 8 9 10 6S Sundancenbare Destinysfire SX 5S 1 6 Wildlove Fear Factor of Dreamquest BG 6S 1S 1 Chittagong Chai BI 9 9 5L 5L Distinctivelynw Too F Ing Cute PL 3L 4L 4 RK Gems Mason Malachite SF 8 5S 4S Pattnchat Willow of Rainingrexes DR 9S 7 8 Mojoscathouse Alki of Foresthunter PB 9 3 Bareangels Frankly My Dear SX 10S 9S 1S Zeedaz Samantha BA 5L 4 Fagervoll Cheela S of Katzalano SG 9 5S Judge's Choice Hidarling A BLK Droz CR 10 8S Snopride Special Vision BG 6S 8S Shammicats Vanilla Ice SX 5 Lil Minx Quendi of Cherricreek KT 10S 7S Cashmererags Stetson RD 6 Cheetahsden Head Over Heels BG 6 Shammicats Georgie Girl SX 2S Zeedaz Morgan Girl OS 8 Snowyspots Tsumire BG 4S Touch O Katz Goddess Nut EM 4S Ocilac Arielle of Cedarmuse SO 10 Expresivepixie Country Girl PB 6S Tinytales Jester CR 8S Del Iris Pharoah of Purrfound PD 9S Allbreed/Longhair Count 46 47 46 48 14 14 49 48 47 48 13 14 Shorthair Count 33 32 35 33 ALTERS YP PB AL LJ KSEHW EC NP AR MP AL MD Ciara Volauvent of Samphire CX 1 2 2 2 1S 1S 1 4 7 3 1S 2S Kabelkim Seamus Ruidh of Dramatails MX 2 6 10 10 3S 2S 8 7 6 1 1S Ragalong Majestic Micetro RD 5 1 6 2L 1L 6 8 2 1L 1L Cumaras Final Edition BS 3 5 5S 5S 4 2 3 2 2S 5S Expresivepixie Dunn of Purfur PB 4 1 6 9 4S 3S 2 1 10 3S Murteza Asmara AB 9 4 7 4 7 8 4S Myrlyn Fancybluwrapper of Samphire SI 8 10 8 7 4S 9 5 Mymains Nimrodel MC 7 3 1 3L 3L 5L Ahwannacoon Magic Bullet MC 6 4 3 3 2L Coonpanion Champagne of Cozycoons MC 7 4L 10 9 4 2L Smokeycoons Mario Puzo MC 3 1L 1 5 Joleigh Moedee Black Gold Texas Tea PS 8 9 7 3L 4L Whozz Johnny B Good of Tinytales PS 3 4L 5L 8 Zeedaz Trakker Boy SI 8 2S 6 4S Minusdetails Stubbin of Natsugoro CY 9 5 10 Kenkat Chilipepper of Wallycats PS 10 5 10 Woodpile In Cahoots MC 9 4L 3L McCoons Lucky Charm MC 2L 6 Shammicats Penelope SX 5 5S Ankhamun Sharp Undressed Man SX 9 3S Chittagong Crazy Sushi BI 5L 5L Gunsmoke's Rebel Yell SO 4 Victorian Romeo RD 5 Allbreed/Longhair Count 27 28 29 26 18 18 28 28 29 27 18 17 Shorthair Count 10 11 11 11 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS YP PB AL LJ KSEHW EC NP AR MP AL MD Lady Coco Pumpkin 4 1 3 1 1S 2S 1 2 2 1 1S 2S Once Upon A Snowdrift of Cozycoons 3 2 1 2 1L 1L 2 3 1 2 1L 1L Texas Tom 1 4 4 4 3S 1S 4 4 3 4 3S 1S O'Malley 2 3 2 3 2S 3S 3 1 3 2S 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 3 4 1 1 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 3 HOUSEHOLD PETS YP PB AL LJ KSEHW EC NP AR MP AL MD Percephone Superstar 1 2 1 1L 3L 4 3 2 2 1L 3L Dewey of Pixiemagic 4 4 3 2L 5L 1 4 3 2L 2L Charlie Brown of Alleykatz 1 2 5 1 1 1 1S 4S Majestik Merlin 3 3 4 1S 1S 5 2S 1S Victorian Cayenne 2 4L 2L 3 2 5 4L 4L Jussi 5 3 5 3 3L 1L Olaf 5 5L 1L 4 Haru No Kuro Toshiya 3S 2S 4 3S 2S Caliente Goad'x 5 4 5S 4S Pixies Miloh 4S 2 4S 3S Git-R-Dun Dallas 2 5S 5S 5S Percy 1 5L Beauty 5 5L Mr. Mollie 3L 4L Flyer 2S 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 15 15 15 15 8 8 12 12 12 12 7 7 Shorthair Count 7 7 5 5 NEW TRAITS YP PB AL LJ KSEHW EC NP AR MP AL MD Cheetahsden Malibu BG 1 1 1 1 1L 1L 1 1 1 1 1L 1L Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Jan Dell (