The Bengal Cat Club of Great Britain, Rugby, Warwickshire, UK, October 14, 2006

        Vickie Shields      AB
        Massimo Picardello  SP
        Adriana Kajon       AB
        Thomas Andersen     SP

KITTENS                                  VS MP AK TA   
Curlu Delanna                        SR   110S  1 4S   
Ammelij Marika of Trappistini        NF   5 3L  7 3L   
Salatana Hector                      SI   9 1S  810S   
Dotcom Leonardo                      MC     2L  2 4L   
Dotcom Moonshadow Gracie             MC     4L  4 5L   
Wildsidebengals Blissnmore Echo      BG   2    10   
Advish Bipasha River                 BG   7       2S   
Chrisjay Baracus                     BG     3S    3S   
Riverfern Light My Fire              AB     2S    5S   
Ramily Pan Bendigo                   SX         6 7S   
Ramilypan Beaulah Boo                SX     7S    1S   
Dotcom Cool Dude                     MC     1L    2L   
Springmeadow Rebelrebel              BG     5S    6S   
Nudedudes Veni Vedi Veci             SX   3         
Chrisjay Badacious                   BG         3   
Pinemartin Junko Tabei               BS     8S    8S   
Kititas Storm                        MC   4         
Shreelasol Walnut Glitter Whip       BG         5   
Hallmark Silverdream Machine         BG   6         
Bengad Silver Bullet                 BG   8         
Woodycoon Kittermaine Attraction     MC           1L   
Dotcom Verily on High                MC         9   
Springmeadow Rasptyn                 BG     4S      
Owlsdene Oakgrove Tallulah           BG  10         
Firefantasy Nocoaton Blaze           SX     6S      
Sheephouse Sugar Plum Fairy          SS     5L      
Glitterclam Rivierasunset            BG           9S   
Solargem Kushiel-Joscelin            BG     9S      
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      49 10 48 10   
                    Shorthair Count         39    40   

CATS                                     VS MP AK TA   
Wildroads Apollo                     SO   6 1L  6 4L   
Adtresh Golden Dreamer               BG   4 2S    4S   
Nudedudes Patience                   SX     6S  1 3S   
Woodycoon Amenti                     MC   2 2L  8   
Kaleido Tina's Special D Liv Eary    SS   3     9 1L   
Starwindsuk Painted Tapestry         BG     3S  4 6S   
Angelur Viking                       SB     4L  3 5L   
Lelaurier Abstractart                SL     5L  7 3L   
Llandar Sabu                         BG   5       1S   
Amberwood Hot Wired of Junglefire    BG   9 8S    7S   
Risingmoon Eye Candy                 PS         2 2L   
Barelydressed Romany Charm           SX   1 7S      
Nocoaton Moveover Darling            SX   8 1S      
Thickthorn Molly Molasses            OC     9S 1010S   
Barelydressed Storm                  SX     4S    5S   
Wildsidebengals Jadis of Junglefire  BG   7       8S   
Tishkabar Maitai Madness             BS  10       9S   
Musrafy Asya                         SB         5   
Silverglitz Shadow                   BG           2S   
Nudedudes Picos Blue                 SX     5S      
Insider Alwin of Sarikakings         SL     3L      
Silversafari Son of Khan of Riviera  BG    10S      
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      37  8 37  8   
                    Shorthair Count         29    28   

ALTERS                                   VS MP AK TA   
Fiordiliso Centopercento             SI   7 2S  7 3S   
Shandatal Queenofhearts              BI   4     1 1L   
Zehnders Stella By Starlight         AB   3 1S  5   
Curlu Bodor                          SL     1L  2 4L   
Adcinsh Keva                         EM   8     4 5S   
Peribrook Snowdrop                   DR   2 5S      
Lamor First Impression               RD     2L  6   
Sheephouse Mummy's Boy               BS     3S    1S   
Corcats Hello Dolly                  RD     4L    2L   
Rockoon Silver Dollar                MC  10     8   
Silversafari Valentino               BG     4S    2S   
Koonikki Vulcan                      MC     5L    5L   
Samantha D'Abelia of Trappistini     NF   1         
Volsung Wellington Boot              NF         3   
Trappistini Taxine                   MC   5         
Bald N Beautiful Jen-Isis            SX   6         
Rumtumtugger Yhudi Mainuin           MC     3L      
Bastian Talvji of Trappistini        NF           3L   
Solargem Khan                        BG         9   
Piena Sydneynotaspot                 OS   9         
Lebreton Prince Akanosh              OS        10   
Leilu Temujin Khan                   BG           4S   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      31 17 33 17   
                    Shorthair Count         15    16   

HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS                    VS MP AK TA   
Marbella                                  1 1S  1 1S   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       1     1   
                    Shorthair Count          1     1   

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           VS MP AK TA   
Storm Chaser                              1 1L  1 1L   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1   
                    Shorthair Count                    

NEW TRAITS                               VS MP AK TA   
Purebliss Blueprint                  BG   1  1     1   
Indykatz Sarikakings Lola            BG         1   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       2     2      
                    Shorthair Count          2     2   
This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (