Memphis International Cat Enthusiasts, Memphis TN, September 30, 2006

              AM Show                    PM Show      
        Nancy Parkinson  AB        Robby Whyte      AB
        Connie Webb      AB        Debbie Lopeman   AB
        Lynn Sherer      SP        Nancy Parkinson  SP
        Penny Garrett    SP        Connie Webb      SP

KITTENS                                  NP CW LS PG RW DL NP CW
Whozz Oreo DBL Stuff of Himiehaven   PS   3  3 1L     1  4 1L 1L
Manor Redman                         OS   1  1 7S 1S     1 1S 1S
Riterags Lydia                       RD   4  5 3L     6  3 2L 3L
Alexy Carmen Miranda                 AB   5    1S 4S  5  5 4S 3S
Wizardgate Chunky Monkey             SX   7    2S 3S  4  2 3S 7S
Karissimakat Tallulah of Caligula    HI   6 10 4L 1L  3    3L   
Dixiekatz Savannah River             MC   8    5L 3L  7  9 4L   
Manor Fire And Ice                   SI  10  8 5S 5S       6S 5S
Coupari Tux With Tail of Holyfold    SF   9    4S 7S     7 5S   
Alexy Lady In Red                    AB      2             8S 2S
Inkblotz Outoftheblue of Juliehill   BS           6S  2       8S
Dixiekatz Miss Kitty                 MC      6             5L 4L
Las Vegas Ki Ki                      BG      7 6S             4S
Manor Second Hand Rose               OS           2S  9       6S
Catkinwood Bushken Balto             NF      9 2L             5L
Gateway Jamil of Asaalah             BG   2                2S   
Holyfold Tarnished Tinsel            SS      4                2L
Sholine Heidi                        BA           5L    10      
Musiccitykittys My Caramel Chica     BG        8S     8         
Kylakebengals Katiya Treasuretrove   BG                  6      
Gateway Cover Girl                   BG                  8      
Catkinwoods Bushken Bebe             NF           2L            
Caitria's Lexus Shaye                MX        3S               
Caitria's Duncan O'Toole             MX              10         
Irishcottage Eugenie of Pidepipurr   RD           4L            
Purrfound Mimosa of Manor            PD                    7S   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     35 36 13 13 36 36 13 13
                     Shorthair Count           23 22       23 23

CATS                                     NP CW LS PG RW DL NP CW
Wizardgate Daddy's Girl              SX   5  3 1S 2S  2  1 3S 5S
Alexy Swiss Miss                     AB   1  1 3S 1S  5  4 1S 6S
Mainelyclassic White Star of JH      MC   2  6 2L 2L  6  5 1L   
Riterags Diva Doll                   RD   8  2 1L 1L  4    2L 1L
Anointed4him Living Hallelujah       HI   6 10 3L 3L  1    3L 4L
Odesseycatz Blaze O Glory            TO      4    3S  7    4S 1S
Pidepipurr von Ritter                RD   3              6 4L 2L
Saroko Princess Grace                SI      9 2S 5S  3         
Injoi Ba Ba Ba Bambi                 OS      8           2    4S
Kjareligkatt van Helsing Marinacats  NF        5L 4L     9    5L
Lilla B Quincy Jones of Pengar       SI                  3 5S 3S
McCoons Shannonriver of Kixiekatz    MC      5    5L          3L
Russeller Playful Possum             AS   7          10    6S   
Kaibengals Arctic Cowboy             BG   4                2S   
Baileyspride Alotta Colada           BG      7                2S
Calicoon Lacey of Tanstaafl          MC               8  8      
Murrznpurrz Seraphina of Russellers  AS        4S        7      
Legacie High Voltage                 BG   9           9         
Snowtracks Premiere Issue            BG        5S       10      
Gerlingcat Obie Wan Koonobee         MC        4L          5L   
Legacie Heart Breaker                BG           4S            
Kremlincats Fuzzy Feliks Furwentski  PD  10                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     32 32 12 12 34 34 13 12
                     Shorthair Count           20 18       21 21

ALTERS                                   NP CW LS PG RW DL NP CW
Soft Paws Just Dandy                 ES   2  1 1S 1S  1  1 2S 2S
Rockymeountains Painted Magic        BG   4  4 2S 2S  5  5 3S 3S
Calicoon Kit Marlowe                 MC   3  3    2L  3  2 1L 3L
Luvpurrs Snowbunny of Dixiekatz      TO   5  5 3S 4S     3 4S 1S
Titania's Rory Shay of Caitria       MX   1    5S 3S  2    1S 5S
Xercats Diamond Jim of Sebucats      NF      2 1L 1L     4 4L 2L
Dorwill Darcy of Calicoon            MC               4    2L 1L
Kaibengals Drakkar                   BG        4S          5S 4S
Calicoon B. W.                       MC                    3L 4L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      7  7  1  2  9  9  4  4
                     Shorthair Count            5  4        5  5

Drop Off The Key Lee of Careycats         1  3 1S 2S  1  2 1S 2S
Casey of Wizardgate                       2  1 5S 1S  2  1 2S 1S
Dont Need 2 Be Coy Roy of Careycats       4  5 2S 4S  7  3 4S 5S
Slip Out The Back Jack of Careycats       7  4 4S 3S  3  4 7S 4S
Charlie Brown                             5  2 7S 7S  5  6 5S 3S
Hadrian's Wall of Hobbitcats              3  9 6S 9S  4  7 3S 9S
Tititi Hoochoo                            6 10 3S 8S  6  5 6S 7S
Blue Velvet                               8  8 8S 5S  9  8 8S 6S
Tinkerbell of Shortncurly                    7 9S 6S  8  9 9S 8S
Riff Raff The Lambkin of Dwarfcats       10  6 1L    10 10 1L 1L
Hop On The Bus Gus of Careycats           9       1L            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     11 10  1  1 10 10  1  1
                     Shorthair Count            9  9        9  9

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           NP CW LS PG RW DL NP CW
Lynzie of Marinacats                      1  1 3S 2S  3  3 1S 1S
Barney                                    2  3 2S 1S  2  2 2S 2S
Count Vladimir of Careycats               3  2 1L 1L  1  1 1L 1L
Tiger Garfield Lee                        4  4 1S 3S            
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  1  1  3  3  1  1
                     Shorthair Count            3  3        2  2
This report was prepared by Jan Chambers (