San Gabriel Valley CF, Arcadia, CA, September 23-24, 2006 Saturday Sunday Frances Yow AB Anne Ritzinger For Joe Edwards AB Barbara Ray AB Fate Mays AB Anne Ritzinger AB Connie Webb AB Laurie Schiff AB Melissa Parsley AB Alex Chisholm SP Elaine Weitz SP KITTENS FY BR AR LS AC AR FM CW MP EW Kingofhearts Prince Nishan AS 1 7 5S 1 10 3 2S Kissables Montana Sky of Alizara PS 9 10 2 9L 4 2 1 Quinsigamond Henrick Fisker NF 2 5 2L 9 9 7 3L Woodpile Tumbleweed SG 7 1 8S 3 9 5 6S Millwood Yottabyte of Purrbodies BG 1 2 8 4 10 9S No Name For Now SX 8 3 2S 6 5 3S Susitna Ladys Biskitten HB 1 6 8 5 7S 9 Cooncreole Zhivago SB 7 1L 5 7 1L Coonpanion Champagne of Cozycoons MC 4L 3 2 2L Coonpanion Chili Pepper MC 4 10 1 6L Ahura Make Your Point SR 6 1S 310S Wildgold Nanuk BG 6 3 2 Coolspots Ground Zero BG 4 7 6 Finerpoints Hershey Bar HI 7L 5 2 LAPD Arrest Me Red MC 1 4 Celticragdolls Gratia of Barsadolls RD 9 5L 8 Attitudeacres E Ticketride BB 3L 7 5L Shimijis Kizmet of Spiritcat AB 8 9S 1S Echoglen Sophia of Finerpoints RD 3 6 Featherland's Fizzled Schemes SL 7 1010L Chisholmtrail Fiero OC 4 5S Razldazldolls Deja Vu RD 6 4L Degoonacoons Zakari MC 4 7L Pinyon Pride Snow Princess BG 9 4S Casago's Misty Dawn of Hillstblues SO 5 8L LAPD Twisted Sister MC 8 6L Cedarwood Carignane of Zinfelmax AB 8 8S Cree's Rough & Ready MC 5 10L Sarsenstone Aquilegia SI 10 7S Obobtors Tsunami of Therealms BG 10S 8 Coonbitzky Isotope of Chemicoons MC 2 Highgaitpaws Beaujolais AB 3 Kingsmark Silver Chalice BG 4 Ginchika Veni Vidi Vici Featherland JB 6 Rarebreed Cremebrulee of Purrkats ES 9 Ritz-O-Cats Dusty Rose ES 10 Specialagent Jamie Bond PB 10 Mainstreet Steely Dan BG 3S Simplysimes Icsno of Thespottedpelt BG 4S Sarsenstone Jalandhara SI 6S Riterags Kiss Me Kate of Rockcreek RD 8L Razldazldolls Rose Za of Barsadolls RD 9L Allbreed/Longhair Count 64 64 64 63 27 66 66 65 65 26 Shorthair Count 37 40 CATS FY BR AR LS AC AR FM CW MP EW HMS Prescott of Chaucer BS 3 1 1 3 1S 2 2 1 3 1S Starberian Braveheart of Bewitched SB 4 5 4 4L 4 6 2 2 5L Pawsitive Moon Walker PS 2 7 9 6 4 3 4 Desentrechats Apple of Winteridge AB 1 8 2S 3 4 3S Dreamharts Miss Chiff of Ahura PS 2 2 1 3L 1 Wildwalker Wonder MC 2 1L 1 5 2L Fairydust Krogan of Sarsenstone SI 8 7 6 10 5S Degoonacoons Indy MC 5 4 8 6 Bridlewood Ink On Mink BG 10 5 8 1 Gogees Calypso of Encore BG 6 3 9 4S Furrdreams Buffer Zone PS 10 7 9 1L Palacedolls Prince Gallaway RD 7 10 7 Zzpaws Chiquita BI 9 5 4L Jamen Tiana La Prise of Angeltree SG 7 9 9 Taiyo's Pachinko JB 10 4 7S Kokopellies Bear Claw BH 8 9 6S Coolspots Dillinger BG 3 5 Wildwestbengals Jackson Reaction BG 3 2S Overlandtrl Wild Bill RD 6 3L Riterags My Blue Heaven of Rockcreek RD 10 6 Celticragdolls Pantera RD 2L 8 Iamcats Jayjay of Hillstblues AB 6 6S Snowangels Lady Quinnevere SN 7S 9 Sunshineabys Reba of Equistice AB 5 Calicoon Blue Chip of Saintclouds MC 5 Sehnsational Sunbeam BG 7 Coonyham Prada of Whatatrill MC 7 Joylincar's Akisa of Hillstblues SO 8 Monstercat Skylla Graffiti BB 8 Summermist Command Purrrformance BG 3S Nattaja Ronitis of Pawkavenue ES 10 Kalanikats Winter BG 10 Stonehenge Vindicator of Sierragold BG 4S Specialagent Covert Operative PB 5S Overlandtrl Kit Carson of Stardolls RD 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 39 40 41 39 19 39 41 40 40 19 Shorthair Count 22 22 ALTERS FY BR AR LS AC AR FM CW MP EW Kazzakatz Carmen By Bizet BI 7 1 7 1 1L 2 3 9 4L Reigningcats Jamaican Sunset SL 4 5 5L 10 3 6 2 2L Trucolours Chicken Little SG 5 8 6 4S 7 9 5 5S LAPD Shooter MC 1 7 2 1 2 1L Kokopellies Polar Express BB 6 4 3 3L 7 5 3L Sableze Cameo BU 2 2 1 4 7 8 Chisholmtrail Ares of Spiritcat CR 3 7 3 3 8 1 Exoticrose Lord Tobias of Royalbg BG 8 3 4 2S 9 2S McInkats Calamity Jane of Dreamland OS 6 8 3S 6 3 Chisholmtrail Riordan OC 5 8 4 1S Winteridge Tulip of Bewitched NF 8 5 8 10 Minusdetails Stubbin of Natsugoro CY 5 10 6 5L Furrdream Victory Lea PS 4 2L 4 Equistice Bruce Wayne AB 1 1S 3S Degoonacoon Keeyan Bay MC 2 4L 7 Ritz-O-Cats Maskaraid ES 10 1 Ciara Winterfire SI 5 6 Chamois Job of Marblerose SX 5S 4 Purrkats Doby Blue ES 6 4S Woodpile Americium of Chemicoons MC 2 Ragdollangels Sundance Sonny Delite RD 9 Allbreed/Longhair Count 23 23 23 23 11 25 25 25 25 11 Shorthair Count 12 14 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS FY BR AR LS AC AR FM CW MP EW Lilly Louise of Gatoamarosa 1 1 1 4 1L 1 3 2 1 2L Raisa 3 8 4 1 2L 3 2 1 3 1L Dewey of Pixiemagic 6 7 7 3 4L 5 1 6 2 3L Goldenmagic Domino 2 4 5 5 1S 6 6 3 7 3S Sanskrit 5 6 6 2 3S 2 4 7 5 2S Speeder 4 2 2 2S 7 5 5 4 1S Marley 7 5 8 7 5L 4 7 4 6 4L Cross Roads of Bratskats 3 3 6 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 7 8 8 7 5 7 7 7 7 4 Shorthair Count 3 3 HOUSEHOLD PETS FY BR AR LS AC AR FM CW MP EW Lulu Belle 3 3 2 1 2S 1 1 3 4S Maverick 2 1 3 1L 5 2 2 4 2L Ms Mocha Topaz 2 1 2 3 3 Hiawatha Frosty Heels 5 5 5 5 5 3S Ob Cleveland 3 2L 4 4 1 1L Dusty Miller 4 4 5S 2 Peanut of Kokopellies 1S 5 3 2S Buster Cleveland 4 2 1S M.A.D.G.I.K. Ratman 4 1 5S Lucy of Gatoamarosa 4 5 Penelope 1 3S Badger of Snowangels 4S Chelsea 3L 3L Allbreed/Longhair Count 12 14 14 13 3 14 14 14 15 3 Shorthair Count 10 11 -- This report was prepared by Jeane Camarena (