Silver Cats, Reno, NV, September 9-10, 2006

             Saturday                     Sunday
       Bobbie Tullo      AB        Lindajean Grillo  AB
       Karen McInchak    AB        Carol Barton      AB
       Kitti Ruttan      AB        Juliana Slater    AB
       Mary Arnold       AB        Vickie Shields    AB
       Heather Roberts   SP        Adriana Kajon     AB
       Jeff Roberts      SP        Laura Cunningham  AB

KITTENS                                  BT KM KR MA HR JR LG CB JS VS AK LC
Broadgate Prince William             BS   4     1  7 1S 5S  3  2  5  5  6  8
Shamira Ceri                         PD   8  9  5  8 3S 2S     5     8  7   
Degoonacoons Zakari                  MC   1  1  6  6 3L     7     7         
Seahorse Sprite                      AS   6 10  7 10 2S 3S    10  4         
Chaparral Putri Chandana             SG                     8  4  1  7  8  3
Apsarashouse Guan Yin                OS   2  7       6S 1S  1        4      
Cooncreole Zhivago of Americanbobs   SB   9  8     5 1L 4L           6    10
Alshar Wurth It All of Nitewindes    BG   5  4             10     8    10  9
Cascademtn Daytona Speedway          MC            4        2  3           2
Echoglen Sophia of Finerpoint Rags   RD      2  2       3L                 1
McInkats Tehachapi                   OS                     6  1  9     5   
Rocknrags Maggie Mae of Furreal      RD        10  9                 1  4   
Coonpanion Chili Pepper              MC      3  3    2L 2L                  
Riterags Milagro of Furreal          RD   3  5       5L     5               
Pinyonpride Jettefire of Starbengal  BG         4  1    8S     9            
Cedarwood Carignane of Zinfelmax     AB         9       6S           3     6
McInkats Chokata                     OS                        8  2     2   
Morningstarbg Kitten                 BG              8S              2  3   
Highgaitpaws Beaujolais              AB              4S     9     3         
Cascademtn Indianapolis 500          MC                 5L     6           5
Lightdancers Longjohn Silver         AB            2        4               
Highgaitpaws Viognier of Zinfelmax   AB  10          9S        7            
McInkats Tasajara                    OS                          10        4
Mtnspring Raggety Andy               RD                 1L                 7
Wildgold Nanuk                       BG   7          5S                     
Simplysimes A Touchofmink            BG                                 1   
Mme Butterfly All That Jazz          BU                 9S              9   
Echoglen Sweetie Pie of Furreal      RD            3                        
Furreal Soft As Silk                 RD                           6         
Mme Butterfly Juliet                 BU      6                              
Echoglen Sabrina of Adorabledolls    RD         8                           
Tabbypatch Floofy of Zinfelmax       MC                              9      
Starbengal Rolling Thunder           BG                             10      
Starbengal String of Pearls          BG                 4S                  
Riterags Wyatt of Adorabledolls      RD              4L                     
Attitudeacres Mighty Mouse           BH                 7S                  
Sierragold Sweet Fusion              BG              7S                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     41 41 41 40 17 17 49 49 49 48 48 49
                     Shorthair Count                 24 24                  

CATS                                     BT KM KR MA HR JR LG CB JS VS AK LC
Griffindor Prof. Albus Dumbledore    BS   3  8  1  9 5S 7S  2  5  2 10 10  7
Iamcats Jayjay of Hillstblues        AB   7          3S 5S  6  2  4  3  1  2
Joylincar Akisa of Hillstblues       SO   9  7     3 1L 1L  4  3     6  8 10
Singsing Jazzpurr of Katzalano       SG   5     8    7S        4  5  1  5  5
Desentrechats Apple of Winteridge    AB   2  2  2  2 4S        1            
Degoonacoons Indy                    MC   8  5  3           9  9  1        9
Snopride Wild Vision of Alshar       BG   1        4 1S 3S        3        6
Dalpat Remington of Sundancenbare    SX      9          1S  5  8  8        4
Kalanikats Winter                    BG   6             4S           2  3  1
Taiyo Pachinko                       JB     10     8 9S 9S     7  7  5      
Coonyham Prada of Whatatrill         MC   4        6 2L 3L  3           9   
Sundancenbare Destinysfire           SX  10        1 6S 6S           7  4   
Katsnjazz Adam of Mme Butterfly      BU      6              8     6  8      
Kokopellies Bear Claw                BH      1  4       2S                  
Sundancenbare Razzel Dazzel          SX      4                       4  6   
Gogees Calypso of Encore             BG        10              6        2   
Mme Butterfly Princess Ausie         BU         9 10   10S                 8
Kattitude Talisman of Nitewindes     BG      3                10 10         
The Spotted Pelt Jungle Fever        BG         5   10S    10               
Snopride Wurthy Vision of Alshar     BG              2S     1               
Sehnsational Sunbeam                 BG            7                       3
Furreal Versachi of Adorabledolls    RD         7    4L 4L                  
Sundancenbare Cielo of Bareangel     SX            5        7               
Crystalskye Climbing Ivy             SX         6    8S                     
Adorabledolls Sweet Mercedes         RD              5L                 7   
Mercuryhold Stepan of Shamira        PD                 8S           9      
Coonyham Jamaica                     MC              3L 5L                  
Simplysimes Katshaleen               BG                           9         
Designerrags Kyra of Designerdolls   RD                 2L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     33 33 33 31  8  8 34 33 34 34 34 34
                     Shorthair Count                 25 25                  

ALTERS                                   BT KM KR MA HR JR LG CB JS VS AK LC
Cumaras Final Edition                BS   1  3  1  2 2S 1S  1  1  1  8 10  6
Expresivepixie Dunn of Purfur        PB   3     4  1 5S 4S  9     2  6  1  1
Tassam Lone Ranger of St Valentine   BA      1  5  8 2L 4L 10  3  4     4  2
Truecolours Chicken Little           SG   4  6       3S 5S  6  7  3        3
Minusdetails Bear Market             MX   7  7  2  3        8  8     4  9   
Kokopellies Polar Express            BB   2  2  3  4 1L 1L     9            
Angelminds Hana of Hapi K            MC      5 10 10 5L 5L  7  6     1      
Slider                               RD              3L 2L        8  2  3  4
Sehnsational Lucky Luciano           SI      8  7    4S        5 10     6   
Chisholmtrail Ares of Spiritcat      CR                     2 10     3  2  8
Mymaines Odiddlyodalin               MC  10          4L 3L        5     5 10
Bruce Wayne                          AB   8  4     5              6        9
Taiyo's Stuart Little                JB         9  7 1S 3S     2            
Hensleek Khensu Hapi                 OS   6                 3        7  7   
Swanfalls Tavi                       BU            6    2S  4     7         
Mistyridge Its Kizmet                PS                        4  9 10     5
Bengalxpress Leon of Hunters Exotic  BG   9     8  9                 5      
Minusdetails Stubbin of Natsugoro    CY     10  6                           
Claggetts Amit Rajat Chatura         BG      9                             7
Bangles Okavango                     BG                              9  8   
Ciara Winterfire                     SI   5                                 
Bangles Mystique                     BG                     5               
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     25 25 25 25  8  8 25 25 25 25 25 25
                     Shorthair Count                 17 17                  

Jumpin Jack Flash from Tucson             1  1  1  1 1S 1S  1  1  1  2  2  1
Leia of TBear                             2  2  2  2 1L 1L  2  2  2  1  1  3
Thin Lizzy of TBear                       3  3  3  3 2S 2S  3  3  3  3  3  2
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  3  3  3  1  1  3  3  3  3  3  3
                     Shorthair Count                  2  2                  

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           BT KM KR MA HR JR LG CB JS VS AK LC
Gabrielle With Clouds                     1  1  2  3 1L 1L  1        4  1  5
Uncle Albert of Tbear                     2     1  4 1S 3S  5  2  1     5  1
Penelope                                           2 3S 2S  4  5  2  1  4   
Maverick                                  5  2  4    2L 4L     1           2
Lulu Belle                                                  2  3     5  3  4
Yudachi Storm                                4       2S 4S        4        3
Morgana                                         5  1    5L  3               
Rude                                      4  3     5 4S                     
Gummi Bear                                   5  3    5L 3L                  
Gypsy Blue                                3                       5  3      
Jean-Clawed Van Cat                                  4L        4     2      
Domino                                                            3     2   
TGM Talisan                                          3L 2L                  
TRT Sasquash of Loriders                             5S 5S                  
Gracie                                                  1S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     17 17 16 15  9 10 16 16 16 17 16 16
                     Shorthair Count                  6  7                  
This report was prepared by Arthur Still (