The New Culture Club, Portland, OR, August 26-27, 2006

              Saturday                     Sunday       
        Nancy Parkinson   AB        Aline Noel        AB
        Laura Cunningham  AB        Alice Rhea        AB
        Linda Kay Ashley  AB        Ellen Crockett    AB
        Lynn Judge        AB        Juliana Slater    AB
        Jeff Roberts      SP        Francine Hicks    AB
        Heather Roberts   SP        Bill Lee          AB

KITTENS                                  NP LC LA LJ JR HR AN AR EC JS FH BL
Furrdreams Buffer Zone               PS   3  1  1    2L 2L     1  7  5  4  1
BojoBirmans DenimBear of Chittagong  BI  10  6  8  6 6L 4L  7  6 10  7      
Faerietail Coors Light               MX      8     8 2S 8S  9 10  5  8     9
Tassam Shasta of Stegra              SI      2     7 3S 1S  6  3           6
Woodpile Tumbleweed                  SG   8 10  4    4S 3S     5           7
Broadgate Prince William             BS         6    7S        8  6  4     4
Seahorse Sprite                      AS   9          5S 4S     7    10  9   
Ranchcats Dallas of Catajam          OS         7                 1  9     2
Coondalay Victor Hugo                MC   7                 3     3    10   
Excalibur Banzai BoomBoom            BS   4        4    5S  4               
Coonpanion Champagne of Cozycoons    MC         3    1L 3L                 5
McInkats Tasajara                    OS              1S 2S     4        7   
Fantcfur Capone of Barebeauty        SX      5  2    6S    10               
Woodpile Kookaburra of Chaparral     SG                     1     2  3      
Snopride Fudge D Lite                BG                     2     4  1      
WHF Shadows Curl                     SL              8L 6L  8              3
Susitna Ladys Pussnboots             HB   5    10    9S                   10
Pinecoon Verdana                     MC           10                 2  5   
Bewitched Red Heat                   SB         5    4L 9L        9         
CascadeMtn Indianapolis 500          MC      4       5L        2            
Shamira Ceri                         PD   6         10S     5               
Wildlove Fear Factor of Dreamquest   BG            3                    2   
Snopride Special Vision              BG         9  9    6S                  
Jater Sprinkle of Dreamquest         BG              8S        9           8
Cheetahsden Some Like It Hot         BG   1  7                              
Pinecoon Wild Card of Woodpile       MC            5                 6      
Woodpile Kaleidoscope                MC            2 7L                     
Catajam Blue Dynasty of NWWedgies    SI   2             9S                  
SmokeyCoons Panzer                   MC      9       3L                     
Pinecoon Arial                       MC            1                        
Touch O Katz Goddess Nut             EM                                 1   
CascadeMtn Daytona Speedway          MC      3                              
Catajam Dynasty Blue                 SI                                 3   
Shammicats Elegant Ebony             SX                                 6   
Mojoscathouse Hanna of Seattlesbest  PB                                 8   
Gentlegift Tsunami of Shoalwater     KT                           8         
Pinecoon Helvetica                   MC                 1L                  
Pinecoon Lucida                      MC                 5L                  
Cheetahsden Head Over Heels          BG                 7S                  
Coonyham Prada of Whatatrill         MC                 7L                  
Island Angel Angelica of Wallycats   PS                 8L                  
NWWedgies Dante                      PD                10S                  
Legendtales Armani                   PL              9L                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     60 59 57 59 24 24 57 55 55 56 56 57
                     Shorthair Count                 35 36                  

CATS                                     NP LC LA LJ JR HR AN AR EC JS FH BL
Capilano Lambchop of Faerietail      DR   8  3  3  1 1S 6S  1  7  1  2  4   
Wallycats Fabulous Baker Boy         PS   3  6  6  4 4L 5L  3     4  4  7  4
Zeedaz Morgan Girl                   OS      2  1  3 5S 2S 10  8     8  3  3
Coonbitzky Frost Fire of Woodpile    MC   4  4  4  2 2L 3L  2  2  9 10      
Desentrechats Apple of Winteridge    AB   5  8              5 10  3  6  1  8
Griffindor Prof Albus Dumbledore     BS            6 3S 4S     5  6  1  9  9
Expresivepixie Butch Cassidy         PB                     6  1  2  5  2  1
Zeedaz Samantha                      BA     10       5L 1L           9  5  2
Mercuryhold Stepan of Shamira        PD   1     5    9S10S  4     7         
KalaniKats Winter                    BG   2  1       2S 3S                  
Saris Tasha of Junglejem             BG      7     5    1S     4            
Sehnsational Sonata                  BA   6     2  7              8         
Havacat Sabrina of Susitna           HB            8           9           5
Bel Canto Rebel Yell of Catajam      SI   7    10    8S 8S                  
Sundancenbare Razzel Dazzel          SX  10                    3          10
Echoglen Natalie of Ragtimeblues     RD                 4L       10  3      
Purrdocz Cookezncrem of Zzpaws       BI   9          1L 2L                  
Judge's Choice Hidarling A Blk Droz  CR                     9  6            
DistinctivelyNW Too F'ing Cute       PL      5       3L                     
Coonpanion Topaz                     MC                           5    10   
Katzpaw Austin-Healey                BG         9                       6   
Bareangels Ame of Fantcfur           SX         7    4S                     
Expresiveopixie Country Girl         PB      9       6S                     
Expresivepixie Brooks                PB            9    7S                  
Nightmists MoodyBlue of Phoenixabys  AB             10S 5S                  
Angelsark Lisa Skinnelli             SX              7S 9S                  
Coonyham Jamaica                     MC                                    6
Bearcrkbengals J Silverheels         BG                              7      
Cora Blue Vernissage                 BS                     7               
Berrycurl Blackjack of Ragtimecurl   SL                                    7
Victorian Winnie the Blue            RD                                 8   
Shammicats Vanilla Ice               SX                     8               
Chittagong Chad                      BI         8                           
RK Gems Mason Malachite              SF           10                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     37 42 38 42 13 12 41 43 39 41 42 40
                     Shorthair Count                 28 27                  

ALTERS                                   NP LC LA LJ JR HR AN AR EC JS FH BL
Ciara Vol Au Vent of Samphire        CX   3  2  5  1 2S 1S  2  7  1  1  9  1
Kabelkim Seamus Ruidh of Dramatails  MX   1  7     4 1S 4S  3     4  7     2
Whozz Johnny B Good of Tinytales     PS      9  4  3 2L 3L     4     4  5  9
Truecolours Chicken Little           SG  10     1           7 10  8  5 10  5
Dollhouse Pandemonium                RD         6    3L 5L  6        3  7  8
Berrycurl Paddington                 SL   5          4L 4L  9  9        8  6
Claggetts Amit Rajat Chatura         BG   4  6                 5     9  6  7
Ahwannacoon Magic Bullet             MC   2    10              2  7  2      
Shammicats Penelope                  SX         2 10 5S     8  8 10         
Woodpile In Cahoots                  MC   6          1L 2L              4  4
Nativeson's El Gato de Oro           PB     10     6           1  6  8      
Excalibur Remington Steele           BS   7        8    3S     6        2   
Coondalay Ragtime Cowboy Joe         MC      8       5L     5     3 10      
Myrlyn FancyBluWrapper of Samphire   SI         3              3  9     1   
SwanFalls Tavi                       BU         9    4S 5S  4             10
Zeedaz Trakker Boy                   SI   8  4          2S           6      
ExpresivePixie Dunn of Purfur        PB                     1     5        3
Mymains Nimrodel                     MC      1     2    1L                  
Marisa's Bittersweet Symphony        RD      3     7              2         
Excalibur Tomisina Boo Boo           BS         7    3S                 3   
Seawillow White Shadow               BG         8  9       10               
SmokeyCoons Chaparral                MC      5     5                        
RagettyJoy Little Boy Blue           RD   9                                 
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     32 32 32 32 16 16 32 33 33 31 33 32
                     Shorthair Count                 16 16                  

Jumpin Jack Flash From Tucson             1  1  1  3 1S 1S  1  2  2  3  2  1
Miss Mewsette of Alleykatz                3  6  4  1 3S 6S  5  4  1  4  3  4
Bambino                                   5  2  5 10 2S 2S  4  7  4  1  4   
Texas Tom                                 6  5  3  8 5S 5S  8  6  9  2  5  3
Mojo                                      8  3  7    1L 2L  9  1  3  5  1  2
Haru No Kuro Toshiya                      4  7 10  9 4S 4S  2 10  5  6  8  7
Juliett of Shoalwater                     9  8  2  4 3L 3L 10  3  7  9  9  5
Romeo of Shoalwater                       7 10  9  7 7S 7S  3  5  6  7  6  8
Sir Paul McCatney                         2  4  6  2 2L 1L  6  8  8 10 10   
Flyer                                    10  9  8  5 6S 3S  7  9 10  8  7  6
Lewis                                              6                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     10 10 10 11  3  3 10 10 10 10 10  8
                     Shorthair Count                  7  7                  

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           NP LC LA LJ JR HR AN AR EC JS FH BL
Gabrielle With Clouds                        3  1  1 1L 1L  1  1  4  5  2   
Ransom                                    2     4  5 1S 2S  5  2  3  2  3   
Bonny BlueBelle of Alleykatz              3  1     3 2S 1S  2  3  2     1   
Riptides Purfect Princess                 1  2     4 4L 2L  4  4  1     5   
Percephone Superstar                      4     2  2 2L 4L  3        4  4   
Yudachi Storm                                   3    3S 3S        5  1     3
Penelope                                                4S     5     3     1
Sir Marks A Lot                           5     5       5S                 2
Talisan                                              5L 5L                 4
Victorian Tabasco                            5       3L                     
Git-R-Dun Dallas                             4       5S                     
Berrycurl's Keria Queen of Hearts                                          5
Mr Whiskers                                             3L                  
Majestic Merlin                                      4S                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     17 17 17 17  9  9 16 16 16 16 15 16
                     Shorthair Count                  9  8                  
This report was prepared by Arthur Still (