Kat Knappers Cat Club (SW Regional), Irvine, CA, July 29-30, 2006 Saturday Sunday Bobbie Tullo AB Maureen Nottingham AB Karen McInchak AB Mary Arnold AB Linda Kay Ashley AB Pascale Portelas AB Laurie Schiff AB Anne Ritzinger AB Jeff Roberts SP Linda Kay Ashley SP Alex Chisholm SP Heather Roberts SP KITTENS BT KM LA LS JR AC MN MA PP AR LA HR Furrdreams Buffer Zone PS 8 6 3 2L 3L 1 8 3 6 1L 1L Woodpile Tumbleweed SG 2 1 2 6 4S 7 4 2 1S 2S Ahuras Make Your Point SR 5 3 1S 7S 3 10 7S 3S Coonpanion Chile Pepper MC 7 10 2 1 4 2L 5L Sunstone Heat Wave OC 1 1S 1 1 4S 1S Channelaire Creme Brulee TO 8 4 9 10 3 5S 6S Millwood Mystic Law of Asahi BG 6 4 5 2S 9 2S Riterags Myblueheaven of Rockcreek RD 4 4L 2L 4 2 Quinsigamond Henrik Fisker NF 10 4L 7 8 10 5L Wildgold Nanuk BG 9 7 6 5 5S Allpurrnofur Isis of Anubus SX 6 4S 8 7 3S Coonpanion Champagne of Cozycoons MC 3 1 1L 1L Shimiji's Kizmet of Spiritcat AB 5S 3S 3 7 6S LAPD Arrest Me Red MC 1 9 5 4L Degoonacoons Zakari MC 5 5 8 2L Attitudeacres E Ticketride BB 8 9 5L 3L Lunarkatz Star 69 TO 3 10 3S Furreal Bella Rosa RD 4 3L 4L Sweetheaven Blueberry Pie RD 7 2 Snowangels Lady Quinnevere SN 9 7S 10 Echoglen Sophia of Finerpointrags RD 2 3L Etherealexotics Pyropellis of Alize BG 5S 2 Mainstreet Steely Dan BG 2S 6 Goldenmagi Nur BG 8 9 Truecolours Chicken Little SG 7 7S Kokopellies Rattler BB 10 5L Attitudeacres Mighty Mouse BH 6S 4S Riterags Milagro of Furreal RD 4 Coonyham Prada of Whatatrill MC 5 Furreal Celinas Geena RD 5 Dreamland Scout BG 6 Dazzeldots Special Effects BG 9 Starbengal Sring of Pearls BG 6S Allbreed/Longhair Count 41 41 41 41 19 19 39 40 40 40 18 18 Shorthair Count 22 22 22 22 CATS BT KM LA LS JR AC MN MA PP AR LA HR HMS Prescott of Chaucer BS 1 3 3 3 1S 3S 2 2 2 5 2S 1S Dreamharts Miss Chiff of Ahura PS 6 1 2 2 1L 1 1 9 3 1L 2L Windwalker Wonder MC 2 4 8 1 3L 2L 6 1 1 3L 3L Jamen Tiana La Prise of Angeltree SG 10 7 8 5 7 8S10S Summermist Command Purrrformance BG 6S 1S 8 4 2 6S Specialagent Covert Operative PB 9 5S 5S 6 8 9S 5S Wildwestbengals Jacksons Reaction BG 1 10S 3 4 1S Kalanikats Winter BG 4 2 9 2S 3S Sehnsational Sonata BA 8 10 5L 3 5L 4L Taiyo's Pachinko JB 9S 9S 5 9 8 10 Desentrechats Apple of Winteridge AB 7 6 4 3S 8S Kokopellies Bear Claw BH 6 4S 10 4S 7S Iamcats Jayjay of Hillstblues AB 5 2S 7 2S Cedarwood Punkin Pie of Hillstblues AB 4 7 6 6S Featherland Decatur NF 6 3L 10 9 Celticragdolls Jake of Kitnsmitn RD 5 4L 4L 1L Ritz-O-Cats Maskaraid ES 7 410S 6S Echoglen Murphy of Kitnsmitn RD 8 2L 2L 5L Elvessa's Lucy Ricardo TO 8 6 5S 9S Katsnjazz Harry Connick Jr BU 7S 4S 10 7S Calimaines Teddy MC 9 5 5L Elceez Pride Miranda of van Win TO 9 7 8S Ragbenchers Gizmo of Amourusangels RD 1L 5 Celticragdolls Thomas O Mally RD 4L 9 Chisholmtrail Tierney OC 10S 4S Millwood Megabyte BG 3 Echoglens Anika of Ragdollangels RD 3 Belairbengals Nobu BG 4 Bridlewood Ink On Mink BG 5 Goldenheart Toby of Catsbeme ES 7 Faithful Honky Cat of Pawkavenue ES 3S Pawsitive Moon Walker PS 10 Riterags Pieceofcake of Rockcreek RD 10 Mainstreet Burning Desire BG 7S Sehnsational Sunbeam BG 8S Allbreed/Longhair Count 42 42 42 43 14 14 42 41 41 39 13 12 Shorthair Count 29 29 30 30 ALTERS BT KM LA LS JR AC MN MA PP AR LA HR Kazzakatz Carmen By Bizet BI 1 1 2 1 1L 1L 3 5 1 5 1L 1L LAPD Shooter MC 2 3 3L 2L 6 6 4 1 3L 5L Sableze Cameo BU 4 7 5 4S 4S 4 9 3 1S Kokopellies Polar Express BB 5 6 6 6 2L 4L 1 4L 2L HMS Fuzzy Licks of Gattobello BS 3 2 1S 4 9 3S 2S Coonquest Brave Heart MC 6 4 3 5 2 2L Tassam Lone Ranger of St Valentine BA 2 8 4L 5L 1 5L Exoticrose Lord Tobias of Royalbg BG 9 4 2 6 5S McInkats Calamity Jane of Dreamland OS 7 3S 3S 4S 5S Tassam Tuxedo Junction OS 4 2 7 4S Equistice Bruce Wayne AB 3 5S 5S 3 Chisholmtrail Ares of Spiritcat CR 8 8 8 4 Chamois Job of Marblerose SX 1 1S 1S Degoonacoons Keeyan Bay MC 5L 7 7 3L Sehnsational Lucky Luciano SI 7 5 2S Chisholmtrail Riordan OC 8 5 3S Wickedbrits Beau Brummel BS 2 7 Taiyo's Stuart Little JB 7 2S Bengalxpress Leon of Huntersexotic BG 8 2S Ragdollangels Sundance Sonny Delite RD 3L 4L Hensleek Khensu Hapi OS 3 Rocknrags Prince Samuel of San Juan RD 5 Ciara Winterfire SI 6 Allbreed/Longhair Count 23 22 24 23 9 9 23 24 24 22 8 9 Shorthair Count 14 15 15 15 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS BT KM LA LS JR AC MN MA PP AR LA HR Jumpin Jack Flash From Tucson 1 4 1 3 1S 1S 2 1 1 2 1S 1S Moxie of Sarsenstone 3 3 4 1 2S 2S 4 2 2 1 2S 2S Pixiemagic's Dewey 2 1 2 2 1L 1L 3 3 3 3 1L 1L Thin Lizzy of Tbear 4 2 3 4 3S 3S 1 4 4 4 3S 3S Allbreed/Longhair Count 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 Shorthair Count 3 3 3 3 HOUSEHOLD PETS BT KM LA LS JR AC MN MA PP AR LA HR M.A.D.G.I.K. Ratman 2 1 2 1S 1S 4 1 3S 1S Gabrielle With Clouds 1 2 1 2L 3L 3 3 1L 3L Sir Timothy of Camelottaspots 3 4 1 1L 1L 1 5 3L 1L Maverick 4 5 3 3L 2L 2 3 2L 2L Hiawatha Frosty Heels 2 2S 3S 4 2 2 2S 2S Uncle Albert of Tbear 5 4S 3 4 2 3S Lucy of Gatoamarosa 3 4 5S 5 4 1S Ms Mocha Topaz 5 1 4S 4S Sebastian 3 5L 5L 5L 4L Buster Cleveland 3S 5 1 Badger of Snowangels 4S 5 5S Penelope 5 2S Morgana 6 4L Blackjack N Spades 5S 5S Ob Cleveland 4L 4L Angie 4 Suki 6 Chelsea 5L Allbreed/Longhair Count 20 20 21 21 8 8 18 18 18 18 8 8 Shorthair Count 12 12 10 10 PRELIMINARY NEW BREEDS BT KM LA LS JR AC MN MA PP AR LA HR Camelottaspots Lady Bella Decho SV 1 1 1S 1 1S 1S Camelottaspots Lady Ruffian SV 1 1S 1 1 1 Kirembo Amonke Amadi SV 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Shorthair Count 7 7 7 7 ADVANCED NEW BREEDS BT KM LA LS JR AC MN MA PP AR LA HR Eeyaa Epic Viking TG 1 1 1 1 1S 1S Tasurt Takagin CU 1 1 1 1S 1S Tasurt Banguii CU 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 Shorthair Count 3 3 5 5 -- This report was prepared by Jeane Camarena (jeane@webekatz.com).