Susquehannock Cat Club (MA Regional), York, PA, July 23-24, 2006

               Saturday                        Sunday
        Frances Yow          AB        Marilyne Dombroskie  AB
        Paul Lahey           AB        Barbara Ray          AB
        Connie Webb          AB        Elektra Hammond      AB
        Kay DeVilbiss        AB        Aline Noel           SP
        Bill Lee             AB        Mike Hammond         SP
        Chris Unangst        AB        Francine Hicks       SP

KITTENS                                  FY PL CW KD BL CU MD BR EH AN MH FH
Gimsin Yum Yum                       SI   7  5  4  6  3  2        1 9S 2S 1S
Megacoon Walkin Tall of MTNCats      MC   4  3  7  4     8             1L 3L
Felichaun Derek Jeter of Glor-ee     OS         3        5  6  3    4S10S 2S
Arietta Zafir Asad of Turkhaven      EM            2        4  9  4 8S 4S   
Mainette Philosophers Stone          MC      6        2           3 6L    1L
Snopride HalfAChance                 BG                     2  1    5S 5S 6S
Toriland Zelda                       BO   5  7                      6S 1S 5S
Berryhille Bohemian Rhapsody         PS         5  7     7          7L    6L
Kittamer VauxHall                    OS      4       10     1       2S      
Mainette Double Dating Dylan         MC            1     1             5L 7L
Pidepipurr Sabastian of Vunderland   RD            3  7             4L    2L
Tazkatz Keeping the Faith            AB         8  5           7       6S   
Ridgecreek Lady Diana                RD         9              4    2L 4L   
Champetz Bernardo Bertolucci         CX      8 10  8       10               
Hooters Allstar of Bengaland         BG      1                10    1S      
Broadsway Trinity of Williamina      MC   8                    2    3L      
Tremethick Frodo                     MC                     7  6    1L      
Vanderpawz Omi                       JB   1        9                      7S
Bridlewood True Romance              BG                 10     5    3S      
Pidepipurr Duchesse De Schomberg     RD      9           9        8         
Crystalfjord Michael Collins         NF                     9       5L 9L 4L
LNCats Tacos Damon                   SX         1 10               10S      
Vindouro Albee                       BU                     3          3S 9S
MCJax Joonie Moon                    PS   2                         8L 3L   
Radzacatz Chloe                      PS               6     8             9L
Medoz Ms Molly                       BG         2     5                     
Bengaland Priceless Stardust         BG   6                            8S 8S
LNCats Tacos Tiger Lilly             SX                           7       3S
Magicbobtails NV of Deercreek        BB                          10    8L 8L
Desertjewel Dardanelles              TV               8                2L   
Arietta Samawi Miad                  EM               4                7S   
Southernsibs Katrina of Tazkatz      SB                  3            10L   
Potomac Lalapalooza Lizzy            PL                           6      10L
Champetz Bernadette                  CX                             7S    4S
Bengaland Odyssey Stargate           BG               1                     
Simply Double The Thrills            BG                           2         
Potomac Lord Logan                   PB      2                              
Pentaclecats Reach for the Skye      AB   3                                 
Pirateslair Rum Runner               MC                  4                  
Glor-ee Treasures Kitten             OS                           5         
Hooters First Edition of Bengaland   BG                     5               
Alescris Have You Seen My Mother     ES         6                           
Blueyed Sheldon Williams             SN                  6                  
Happy Perfection of Snocats          SN                        8            
Potomac Samanthas In The House       PB                                9S10S
Natureworks Blackfoot Destiny        PB                           9         
WFB Boomerang                        BG   9                                 
Vanderpawz Phantom Of The Opera      JB               9                     
Abbysangels Lucky 4 You              OC     10                              
Arietta Alaq Mumzal                  EM  10                                 
Medieval Lady Narnya                 RD                                   5L
Palacedolls Elektra of Dollinska     RD                                6L   
Springcreek One Hot Mama             PL                                7L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     67 68 69 67 67 67 68 69 69 23 26 26
                     Shorthair Count                                43 32 40

CATS                                     FY PL CW KD BL CU MD BR EH AN MH FH
Purrsession Frosty The Snowman       PS      2  2  2  1  1  1  3    2L 2L 5L
MTNest Rive Gauche                   MC   4     1  6  7  2  6  2       4L   
Longview Alexanders Ragtime Band     CX         8  7 10     5  6    1S 4S 3S
Jasperridge It Aint Me Babe          SB      9 10  8  3    10     2    3L 9L
Felichaun Nickelodeon                OS   7     3        4  2       6S 1S 2S
PSBengals Strike Force of Bengaland  BG      3     3     9  4  1    4S      
Arietta Countess Natasha             SG         7     4     8     3 8S   10S
Wizardgate Daddys Girl               SX         4        3  7       3S    1S
MCJax Bentley of Berryhille          ES      1  5  4           9            
Mythmakers Musetta of Classicalcats  SX   1           5        4    5S      
Cherryhill Victoria of Kasseldolls   RD            1  6        8    3L      
Timeheart's Treasure                 HB   2       10  8                   5S
PSBengals Taliesin of Junglemist     BG      6  6                   2S    4S
MTNest Nevermore                     MC                  5     5    1L    7L
Synergy Ladakh                       OL   3        9                6L 1L   
Snocats Dream Catcher                SN     10                    9 9S 2S   
Bengaland Pegs Kaleidoscope          BG   9           2 10                  
Bejuled World According to Schmoo    BG   5              6             3S   
Mistyblue Jazmine                    KT      7        9           6         
Mainelyclassic Night Stalker         MC      4                         6L 2L
Khamsin Chasin Dreams                AB            5     8                8S
Pidepipurr Von Ritter                RD                  7          4L 7L   
Kurisumasu Ko Kenju of Vanderpawz    JL  10                   10          6L
Lee Sir Lancelot                     HB                     3       7S10S   
Diamond Dust II                      DR                           8    6S 7S
Koppiekatz Orion of Cuttingedgecats  BG                        7  4         
Rags2Riches Barbotage                RD   6     9                           
McKimmey Firestorm                   MC                           5 5L      
Norja Beatrix Potter                 NF                     9          5L   
Aradia Witches Blue Brew             AB   8                            7S   
Brightstone Baron Markee Delamer     RD                             8L    1L
Ciara Avant Garde of Bleujeanne      CX                           1         
Buttonball Zuni of DesertJewel       BI                             9L    3L
Vindouro Purrcee of Toriland         BO      5                              
Dalpat Graffiti Urban Smudge         SX                           7         
Crystalfjord Ben Franklin            NF                            10L    8L
Purrfectdolls Molly of Vunderland    RD      8                              
Maullenium Cheops of Arietta         EM                            10S 9S   
Natureworks Belvedere                PL                          10         
MTNest Eliza                         MC                                   4L
Nudiebooty Isis Rose                 SX                                5S   
Kittkats Knights in White Satin      PD                                   6S
Purfurred Short Stop Duffy           ML                             7L      
Metastar Acoushla                    BG                                8S   
Koshechkarus French Connection       SL                                8L   
Springcreek Leia of Potomac          PB                                   9S
Dreako Boris                         SB                                9L   
Touchgold Pocono Honeymoon           SO                                  10L
Palacedolls MonteCarlo of Dollinska  RD                               10L   
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     71 71 69 71 71 71 72 71 70 39 33 34
                     Shorthair Count                                38 37 37

ALTERS                                   FY PL CW KD BL CU MD BR EH AN MH FH
Candirand High Falutin of Kabobkats  PS         4  3  3  2  1  1  3 3L 3L 1L
Procurlharem Reba McEncurl           AL   4  1     2     7  4  4  2 1L 4L 6L
Tassam Moody Blues                   BA   6        8  7  6  8    10 6L 5L 5L
Barmont Sinatra of Radzacatz         CR   1  2              2     7 1S 1S 3S
Summersky Marigold Chartwell         BU   5     7     2  3  3       2S      
Mistyblue's Celestial Blue           KT   8  6  5     1           1 4S      
Plushbrits Bluebelle                 BS        10  1 10        3  8    5S   
Pairodocs Tijeras                    TV   2  8    10              9 4L 2L   
Indigoblu A TwistOfFate              SI         8  6     9          3S 3S 1S
Felival Sun Kissed Leo               HI      9     7     4     7       6L   
Coonpulsive Houston of MtKittery     MC            4           6  4    1L   
Pirateslair Thanksgiving Tradition   MC  10     1        1          5L      
Yofranlins He'sMyBuddy of Timeheart  HB               9 10 10  8          4S
Cipukan Veikko Savolainen            NF      4  3                      7L 2L
Elegance Lil Diamond Luster          DR         9                 5    2S 5S
Felitan Dolce Vita                   OS      5        6  5                  
LNCats Tommy Sockeater CalicoGirl    SX                       10    5S 4S 2S
Aradia TemptressOfTheTalisman        AB            5        9  5            
Villaroyal Jas Purr                  RD      7        4                   4L
Ransdells ColbyJak of Brightstone    RD         2  9                7L      
HMS Purple Haze                      BS   3                       6         
Olde Chelseas Harlem Nite            MC      3                            3L
Catalpa Oliver                       AS   7                 6               
Synergy Zanskar of Blueblaze         OL               8  8                  
Joedean Vanity Fair                  HI                        9          7L
Mainelyclassic Madison of Broadsway  MC                        2            
Dracoonfly Red Baron                 MC               5                     
Pease's Black Jack of Dolce          PS                     5               
Berryhille's Ops Samuel of Dolce     ES         6                           
Mysticoon Daniel Lionheart           MC                     7               
Purfurred Short Stop Duffy           ML                             2L      
Lloyal Bailly                        BI   9                                 
WeeLittleCats Bingo                  BG     10                              
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     44 40 44 45 42 45 40 39 40 22 22 22
                     Shorthair Count                                18 19 19

Playdat FunkyMewsik TabbyNWhite Boy       2  1  2  1  2  1  2  1  2 1S 1S 1S
Madonna                                   1  3  1  2  1  4  4  4  1 2L 2L 2L
Joe                                       4  2  3  6  3  2  1  3  4 4S 2S 3S
Furby                                     3  4  4  3  5  3  3  2  3 1L 1L 1L
Gandalf The Wizard                        5  6  6  4  4  5  5  6  5 2S 3S 4S
Pixel Perfect of Alvdansen                6  5  5  5  6  6  6  5  6 3S 4S 2S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  2  2  2
                     Shorthair Count                                 4  4  4

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           FY PL CW KD BL CU MD BR EH AN MH FH
Teddy Bear Hampster Dance                 3     2  5  1     3     1 3L 1L 2L
Toby of Rags2Riches                       7  3  8  2  4     9     2    2L   
Trevor                                    6  1  4  1  2  2        6         
Silvester of Cristalcats                 10  2     4     6  1     4 1L    4L
Sexie Sadie of Mysticpurrz                1     6  3     1  4  3    1S      
Norman                                       6  3  7  8     2  2    2S      
Benny Boo Boo                                        10  4  8  8 10    4L 1L
Michael                                     10        5     5  7    2L 5L 5L
Wyomissing Part O Your Tail                  9 10        8  6  5       2S   
Raphael                                   2     5             10  3    3S   
Nessa Gaetana of Anateag                        1  8       10     5 5L      
Phoebe                                    5  7  9              4    5S      
Reeses of Marbleglen                         4     6  7                4S 4S
Cpt Benjamin Sisko                           5     9                3S 1S 3S
Shakia Latasha                            4              3     6  7         
One Eyed Callie of Marbleglen                   7 10  6             4L      
Superdolls Gerry Berry                                   7     9       3L 3L
Stabler                                   8           3  5                  
Barron                                                      7       4S    1S
Miss Chleo Mio                            9             10                2S
Cocoa Marbles of Marbleglen                  8        9                     
Roberta                                                  9        8         
Shorty                                                            9    5S   
Natalie                                                        1            
Dusty                                                                     5S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     28 29 27 28 29 30 28 28 26 11 12 11
                     Shorthair Count                                16 16 16

WildFX Lazer Flash                   TG   1                    1  1    1S   
WildFX Kanha                         TG      1  1  1                      1S
WildFX Jungle Art                                     1  1  1       1S      
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4         
                     Shorthair Count                                 4  4  4
This report was prepared by Kathy Keeley (