Cattica, Spennymoor, England, July 8, 2006

        Bobbie Tullo        AB
        Geneviève Basquine  AB
        Yvonne Patrick      SP
        Thomas Andersen     SP

KITTENS                                  BT GB YP TA   
Salatana Sisco Kid                   OC   1  2 1S 1S   
Melkelter Missalisima                RB   4  4 3S 5S   
Solargem Emerald Delight             BG   5  5 4S 3S   
Kaleido Show Me Another Way          MC   3  3 2L 2L   
Woodycoon Kitterymaine Attraction    MC      1 1L 1L   
Solargem Cocojade                    BG   2    5S   
Cloudborn Chivers No Peel            LS        2S 2S   
Kaleido My Kind Ofgirl               OS           4S   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       8  8  2  2   
                    Shorthair Count             6  6   

CATS                                     BT GB YP TA   
Kaleido Tina's Special D Liv-eary    SS   1  5 1L 1L   
Shakirah Dreamcatcher                PS   4  1 5L 3L   
Trueblu Daringpositively             SR   5  7 5S 4S   
Thickthorn Molly Molasses            OC   3  3 3S   
Lelaurier Abstractart                SL  10  8 2L 5L   
Kassaro Chariotafire of Bramblewood  MC      4 3L 2L   
Nudedudes Picos Blue                 SX      9 2S 2S   
Shakirah Windchimes                  HI      6 4L 4L   
Wildsidebengals Jadis of Junglefire  BG   6  2      
Nocoaton Moveover Darling            SX   2       3S   
Sodachicats Blazus Amadeus           BS        1S 1S   
Adtresh Golden Dreamer               BG        4S 5S   
Nudedudes Divine Retribution         SX   7         
Trappistini Imogen                   MC   8         
Solargem Supersonic Samuel           BG   9         
Sodachicats Blithe                   BS     10      
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      29 29 11 11   
                    Shorthair Count            17 18   

ALTERS                                   BT GB YP TA   
Corcats Hello Dolly                  RD   5  1 1L 1L   
Nordiquestar Mr. Brightside          BG   1  5 4S 3S   
Kastinet Midnight                    BS      2 3S 2S   
Alnakeed Eidelweiss                  SX      3 5S 1S   
Trappistini Taxine                   MC   4    4L 3L   
Piena Sydneynotaspot                 OS      4 1S   
Nils Alexi of Trappistini            NF        2L 2L   
Kastinet Moonlight                   BS        2S 4S   
Norshelian Axel                      NF        3L 4L   
Bastian Talvji of Trappistini        NF   2         
Junglefire Ice Breaker               BG   3         
Nocoaton Moonshadow                  SX           5S   
Staroyale Arrazona                   MC        5L   
Kofi Keano of Trappistini            MC           5L   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count      17 17  8  8   
                    Shorthair Count             9  9   

HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS                    BT GB YP TA   
Rosie Shelton                             1  1 1L 1L   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1   
                    Shorthair Count                 

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           BT GB YP TA   
Ben                                       2  3 1S 3S   
Jordan                                    1  1 1L 1L   
By George                                 3  2 2S 4S   
Jemima                                    4  4 3S 2S   
Sparky Ferguson                                4S 1S   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       4  4  1  1   
                    Shorthair Count             4  4   

NEW TRAITS                               BT GB YP TA   
Indycats Sarikakings Lola            BG   1  1  1  1   
            Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  0  0   
                    Shorthair Count             1  1   
This report was prepared by Kurt Vlach (