Jazzy Cats, Sacramento, CA, June 30, July 1-2, 2006 Friday Saturday Sunday Bobbie Tullo AB Edith-Mary Smith AB Karen McInchak AB Linda Kay Ashley AB Fate Mays AB Mary Arnold AB Al Walbrun AB Connie Webb AB Fate Mays AB Heather Roberts SP Al Walbrun AB Pascale Portelas AB Jeff Roberts SP Laurie Schiff AB Anne Ritzinger AB KITTENS BT LA AW HR JR ES FM CW AW LS KM MA FM PP AR Furrdreams Buffer Zone PS 2 5 4 3L 1L 2 1 9 5 3 1 9 6 Bewitched Red Heat SB 3 9 3L 4 4 2 5 4 8 6 4 5 Truecolours Chicken Little SG 4 10 5 4S 3S 7 8 4 8 7 Asparashouse Teeny Dakini OS 9 10 2S 1 10 8 4 2 Coonyham Prada of Whatatrill MC 8 4L 9 1 4 6 2 Echoglen Sophia of Finerpointrags RD 3 7 1L 9 3 5 8 Riterags Milagro of Furreal RD 6 5L 1 6 10 3 10 Chisholmtrail Spitfire OC 8 3S 2S 5 7 7 8 Degoonacoons Indy MC 6 2L 3 7 5 1 Ahura Mr Belvadere SR 8 7 10 2 3 7 Expresivepixie Dunn of Purfur PB 5 8 4 10 5 6 Coonpanion Champagne of Cozycoons MC 2 5L 2L 3 10 3 Arpeggio Amid The Falling Snow AB 7 6 4S 6 2 9 Dbcats Lucy Inthesky Wdiamonds AC 1 2 3 9 4 Tbycatacres Frayed Denim AW 10 10 9 2 8 10 Snopride Special Vision BG 2 1 2 1 Claggetts Amit Rajat Chatura BG 5 3 2 10 Rainforest Seventh Generation BG 1S 1S 3 Wildforest Johnny B Good of Jujukat BG 4 8 9 Riterags Wyatt of Adorabledolls RD 1 1 Junglekatz Mirage BG 9 7 9 Mistyridge Its Kismet PS 5 6 Snopride Wild Vision of Alshar BG 7 6 Tabbypatch Buckwheat MC 6 8 Asparashouse Guan Yin OS 7 6 Cedarwood Garignane of Zinfelmax AB 9 7 Attitudeacres E Ticketride BB 10 4L Attitudeacres Mighty Mouse BH 5S 5S Tabbypatch Bellatrix MC 1 Furreal Bella Rosa RD 1 Tabbypatch Spanky MC 3 Millwood Yottabyte of Purrbodies BG 4 Tabbypatch Imagine MC 5 Allbreed/Longhair Count 29 30 30 12 12 40 40 40 40 40 37 37 37 37 37 Shorthair Count 17 18 CATS BT LA AW HR JR ES FM CW AW LS KM MA FM PP AR HMS Prescott of Chaucer BS 3 2 1 3S 1S 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 6 Dreamharts Miss Chiff of Ahura PS 1 1 4 2L 1L 2 5 3 1 2 7 5 Windwalker Wonder MC 5 5 2 3L 4L 3 2 4 2 3 2 3 Desentrechats Apple of Winteridge AB 2 8 3 5 6 6 2 3 3 4 9 10 Starberian Braveheart of Bewitched SB 9 3 8 4L 5L 7 2 8 5 5 8 10 2 Kalanikats Winter BG 4 5 2S 9 4 6 7 9 3 Purrdocz Cookezncrem of Zzpaws BI 8 6 1L 3L 7 5 10 10 5 Adobe Desert Skye SI 6 4 9 2S 3S 4 9 6 Hims N Purrs Real Gem HI 7 1 3 9 8 1 Calimaine's Teddy MC 7 5L 7 4 7 Dbcats Minnie Pearl AL 2L 5 9 9 9 Adobe Honeygirl OS 10 1S 5S 10 3 Mistyridge Rocky of Angelnsierra PS 3 5 7 4 Snopride Wurthy Vision of Alshar BG 7 6 8 6 Chisholmtrail Tierney OC 10 8 10 8 Taiyo's Pachinko JB 10 5S 10 6 Snugglebug Beetlebomb PS 9 7 8 Taiyo's Sobakasu JL 9 6 10 Dbcats Mary Rose AL 6 10 9 Holdermaines Jadyn of Trelawney&co MC 4 4 Chisholmtrail Willow O Wisp CR 7 1 Attitudeacres Murony of Monstercat BH 4S 1 Kattitude Talisman of Nitewindes BG 7 8 Fairydust Krogan of Sarsenstone SI 4 Simplysimes Katshaleen BG 6 Bridlewood X Factor of Kalanikats BG 8 Windwalker Acadia MC 8 Saris Tasha of Junglejem BG 4S Furreal Versachi of Adorabledolls RD 10 Allbreed/Longhair Count 28 28 28 13 13 29 28 29 28 28 28 29 27 27 28 Shorthair Count 15 15 ALTERS BT LA AW HR JR ES FM CW AW LS KM MA FM PP AR Kazzakatz Carmen By Bizet BI 3 1 1 1L 1L 2 2 5 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 LAPD Shooter MC 2 3 2 2L 2L 1 1 3 2 4 4 1 3 1 Chisholmtrail Riordin OC 4 2 5 1S 3S 1 5 1 5 1 4 3 Tassam Lone Ranger of St Valentine BA 4 4L 3L 5 3 4 2 3 Whozz Johnny B Good of Tinytales PS 4 3L 4L 2 4 5 5 4 Kabelkim Seamus Ruidh of Dramatails MX 1 4S 1S 3 3 5 5 Nativeson's El Gato de Oro PB 5 5S 4 7 Winteridge Tulip of Bewitched NF 5L 2 4 Katsnjazz Eartha Kitty BU 3S 4S 1 Ciara Winterfire SI 5 4 Tassam Pillywiggins of Aurabobz OS 5S 4 Taiyo's Stuart Little JB 2S 2S Winteridge Sherwood Forest NF 5L 6 Wickedbrits Beau Brummel BS 1 Dbcats Dammy Davis Curl AC 2 Kitti Kat's Mimi BS 3 Felitan Urizen OS 5 HMS Fuzzy Licks of Gattobello BS 5 Allbreed/Longhair Count 19 19 19 8 8 20 20 22 20 19 20 20 19 20 20 Shorthair Count 11 11 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS BT LA AW HR JR ES FM CW AW LS KM MA FM PP AR Jumping Jack Flash From Tucson 1 2 2 1S 1S 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Tangy 2 1 1 2S 2S 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Shorthair Count 2 2 HOUSEHOLD PETS BT LA AW HR JR ES FM CW AW LS KM MA FM PP AR Sir Timothy of Camelottaspots 4 1 4L 4L 4 1 4 2 5 3 Lulu Belle 3 5 1S 1S 1 3 4 1 2 Swirl 5 2S 2S 3 4 2 3 1 Teddy Bear Hampster Dance 3L 1L 2 2 3 3 2 4 Maverick 5 4 2 2L 2L 1 2 2 Patsy 1 3 3S 5 4 5 1 Gabrielle With Clouds 2 4 1L 3L 3 1 1 Nicolette 2 4 2 5 5 Penelope 5S 5S 3 3 Shirley 1 2 4 Call Me Al of Chaparral 3 5 5 Sebastian 5L 5L 4 4 Charlie Brown of Alleykatz 1 5 Gypsy Blue 5 5 Bonny Bluebelle of Alleykatz 4S 3S KC 1 Dixie 3 Paddy Cake of Alleykatz 4S Allbreed/Longhair Count 18 18 18 7 7 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 18 17 Shorthair Count 11 11 PRELIMINARY NEW BREEDS BT LA AW HR JR ES FM CW AW LS KM MA FM PP AR Camelottaspots Lady Bella Decho SV 1 1 1 1L 1L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Camelottaspots Lady Ruffian SV 1 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 Shorthair Count ADVANCED NEW BREEDS KM MA FM PP AR Eeyaa Akeelah of Lakemountain TG 1 1 1 1 1 Allbreed/Longhair Count 1 1 1 1 1 Shorthair Count -- This report was prepared by Arthur Still (stvalcat@pacbell.net).