Hiroshima Cat Club, Hiroshima, Japan, December 3-4, 2005 

              Saturday                     Sunday       
        Alberto A Leal    AB        Alberto A Leal    SP
        Richard Bailey    AB        Richard Bailey    SP
        Chieko Ohira      AB        Nahoko Kaizuka    SP
        Yukimasa Hattori  SP        Yukimasa Hattori  AB
        Nobuo Hosoe       AB        Hisae Tasaki      SP

KITTENS                                  AL RB CO YH NH AL RB NK YH HT
Williamina Silver Bullet             MC   4  1  2 1L    3L 1L 2L  1 2L
Almaz Gandalf II of Galadriel        SB   3  5    3L  4 1L 2L 3L  3 1L
Lapisamber Beatrice                  AS   1  2  4     3 1S 1S 1S    1S
Onocoon Don Juan                     MC   2  3        1 2L 3L 5L    5L
Madamu Hosoe Aice                    PS         1 5L    5L 4L 1L    3L
Medusa Kamui                         BG   5  4    1S          3S  2 3S
Jasmintea Smile Liefer               SS           4L  2    5L 4L  4   
Singlike La La La                    BS           2S    5S 5S 2S  5 2S
Bijohime Leda Albireo                AB         5 3S    3S 3S 5S    4S
Playard Email                        NF           2L  5               
Santamary Hello Broadway             NF                 4L          4L
Yukiusagi Honoka                     JB                 2S 4S 4S      
Klavierspiel Wuchting                RB                 4S 2S       5S
House of Fujiya Florrie              HI         3                     
Vert Tanya                           RB           4S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     14 14 14 10 15 10 10 10 16 10
                     Shorthair Count               4     5  5  6     6

CATS                                     AL RB CO YH NH AL RB NK YH HT
Grandfuji Bokuchan of Sappyclasse    MC   8  1  2 2L  1 3L 1L 1L  5 1L
Shonancats Michelangelo              MC   1  7  5 1L  4 1L 3L     4 7L
Noblu Xii Leonard                    SI   2  4    3S 10 1S 1S 3S  7 3S
Nocco Nyunita Kawai                  BS   6  8  8     9 2S 3S     3 1S
Eastcoud Pleats                      PS   7     3 6L    4L 6L 5L    3L
Medusa Foss                          BG  10  5  7          2S     1   
Vert Premiere Neige                  RB   4       1S    3S    2S  2   
Dolce Madre QOO                      RD     10    4L  8    5L 4L  9   
Laves Fairy Poached Egg              PS      3        3 6L 2L       5L
Lescale Romeo                        RD               2 7L    3L    4L
Oreno Gin                            AS   5  2  9                     
Bijohime Key Click                   AB   9  9 10          4S         
Tenpoint Flaming Beauty              RB      6    4S       5S 4S      
Jasmintea Smile Kabuki               SS   3             2L 4L         
Mainelyhill Black Lion of Fairy Paw  MC           3L  7           8   
Nocco Sunrina Kawai                  BS           2S              6 4S
Catsai's Boffo Bolide King           NF                 5L    2L 10   
Tyako Sally                          SX                 4S    5S    5S
House of Fujiya Zoe                  HI               5             2L
Bijohime Kurau                       AB         6             1S      
House of Fujiya Iris                 HI         1 8L                  
Eastcoud Tenten                      PS         4             7L      
House of Fujiya Clare                HI                    8L 6L    8L
Eastcoud Nubia                       PS               6               
Klavierspiel Quint-Lina              RB                             2S
Farandoll Chestnut Brownie           RD           5L                  
Spinnaker Diamond Princess           AB           5S                  
Jasmintea Smile Hattrick             SF                 5S            
Dinpleace Sunnystar                  PS                             6L
Duckling's Poteto                    PS           7L                  
Petitsamours Kaiser                  NF                    7L         
House of Fujiya Barrett              HI                 8L            
Avantgarde Fortaleza of Shiningmoon  NF           9L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     39 39 38 24 38 23 23 22 33 23
                     Shorthair Count              14    13 14 13    13

ALTERS                                   AL RB CO YH NH AL RB NK YH HT
Sasazukaboy Dance In The Dark        AB   2  2  1 1S  5 1S 1S 1S  2 1S
Tenpoint Golden Wings                RB   3  3    2S  3 2S 2S 2S  3 3S
New Field Sachet                     PS   5     3 2L    1L 3L 2L  5 1L
Cooncreole Oblieo                    SB   1  1  4     4           1   
Vert Racco Jadeite                   RB      4  5 3S    3S 3S 3S  4 2S
Storm Watch Kamikaze of Eternal      MC      5    3L  1 3L 2L 3L    3L
House of Elegance Emily              HI   4     2 4L  2               
House of Fujiya Valentine            HI                 2L 1L 1L    2L
Nicefellow Nico                      NF                 4L 4L 4L    4L
House of Fujiya Knoll                HI           1L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      8  8  8  4  8  4  4  4  8  4
                     Shorthair Count               3     3  3  3     3

Kuroo                                    1L 1L 1L  1 1L
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      1  1  1  1  1
                     Shorthair Count                   

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           AL RB CO YH NH AL RB NK YH HT
Friend's Dick                             1  1  1 2L  2 1L 1L 1L  3 1L
Gizumo                                    2  2  2 1L  1               
Mayu                                      3  3  3 1S  3               
Suzu                                                    1S 1S 1S  1 1S
Lou                                                     2S 2S 2S  2 2S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      3  3  3  2  3  1  1  1  3  1
                     Shorthair Count               1     2  2  2     2
This report was prepared by Noriko Haraguchi (plentylove@po3.across.or.jp).